Friday, January 25, 2008 

Wake Up, Mankind! Part Two

Wake up ,mankind! Part Two.

In part one of this series readers were challenged to examine their mindset in regard to their values and capacity to reason as well as understand that the current socio environmental problems are the result of our passive endorsement of the industrial culture.

A brief synopsis of the industrial culture:

What defines a culture is the ways in which human needs are satisfied and whether we can allow for more adequate satisfaction of the entire system of needs depends on how we organise our economic system. There is basically one culture remaining on this planet, the Industrial Culture. All others seem doomed to disappear. One of the most important tenets of the industrial culture is the belief in the eternally growing economy. However the spirit of industrialism is rapidly losing its' grip. The doctrine of material growth has signally failed to provide people with any lasting ideals or values. The social order is expending all of its' creative energy on just maintaining the status quo. When personal alienation feeds on ecological breakdown then all we have to look forward to is a veritable technocracy of ruins. We are now an overpopulated and over consuming society that is pressing the carrying capacity of the global ecosystem.

Political parties invariably, if understandably, have difficulty in adapting themselves to conditions other than those which gave them birth. By clinging with growing desperation to the industrial paradigm, by supposing that the politics of plenty is still the only way to achieve progress, they condemn both themselves and us. To them will fall the increasingly thankless task of dividing up an ever diminishing economic pie that they have promised should be getting larger; to us will fall the sordid consequences of so profound a failure collectively to get a grip on reality. The longer we resist the inevitability of change, the less chance is there that we will achieve it peacefully; the sooner we commit ourselves to change the easier such a process will be. We know that continued economic growth in developed countries will be at the expense of those who really need an increase in material well-being, the underprivileged in the Third World. There is no connection between increased living standards (beyond sufficiency) and happiness/contentment. There can be now doubt that material living standards in Australia have increased since 1960. However consider the rate of murder and other violent crime, the increase in drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. It would appear that we live in a less happy society in the third millennium than in 1960. It is difficult to draw a line between sufficiency and extravagance, however it is certain that in Australia we are dying of the stresses of abundance rather than the stresses of scarcity.

Again I state the theme of this series, if you want to change your world you must first change your thinking. Your primary resource is your life, your primary responsibilities are your actions and those of your children. What do you want out of life?

Make a list and then compare it to these: beauty, truth, love, freedom and peace.

I suggest that if you dont know what you want, you will end up with something else. Therefore the first step must be to identify what you want, then to quantify it. These values mean different but similar things to everyone. I dont expect you to dismantle to global political and financial systems in order to achieve a more satisfying life, I only suggest you realise what is really important to you and concentrate on obtaining those things and not suffer distractions.

Think about how you spend your average day and therefore most of your life?

The majority of people in industrial cultures spend their days mindlessly occupied performing unimportant tasks in the pursuit of increased wealth with which to purchase more consumer goods to make up for the fact that their lives lack meaning and value. It is not only possible to live in a luxurious house with a wealth of consumer goods and feel impoverished, it is in fact very common. Imagine you are at the end of your life, then do a rough calculation as to the percentage of it that really means anything, that was really worthwhile.

You like your contemporaries live the life that your society expects of you if you seek to live otherwise you are branded anti social and outcast. This has always been the case, people have rarely if ever been able to escape the confines of their times. Ants, sheep, people, not a lot of difference in the mind set really. The first step to escaping such a prison is understanding, the second is reason. The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man, for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities. Realise that your day to day existence is not in your best interests nor is it the way to achieve your potential in this life. Once you have done that, the rest is easy. Your values and attitudes will change accordingly, you may appear to continue your boring existence, but your thoughts and motivation will be altered. Your goals will be of a higher order. Ultimately you will work yourself out of the rut that you live in rather than to mire yourself deeper. Ie If you have got yourself into a hole, stop digging.

Realise that the day-to-day life in the industrial culture has no higher purpose.

Basically, WAKE UP! Live consciously; dont merely exist in a dream state moving from one situation to another as they present themselves.

You accept that the way you live is not just right but the only way when in fact it is neither. Look at our past beliefs,

The earth is flat,

The earth is the centre of the solar system, galaxy and universe,

Man is separate from his environment and not a part of the web of life,

The laws of science are changed when a new theory comes along that fits with reality better than the previous theories.

So now we have the big bang theory that is being proven wrong by the discovery of new galaxies further away than would be possible under that theory. We are told that the universe is expanding out form a single point and that all of space is moving away from all else, and yet we see details of galaxies colliding which should not be possible. We have special and general theories of relativity because neither theory works under all conditions. All my life I was told there were nine planets in our solar system, astronomers discover some more and now there are only eight.

The studies of finance, economics and politics are not subject to the same scrutiny as science and yet remain largely unquestioned. A great part of our word starves whilst for economic reasons food is left to rot or is destroyed.

A few individuals have massed wealth greater than whole countries, and while these people have not necessarily done wrong in creating wealth and in many cases apply much of their wealth to the relief of poverty and hardship, the fact remains that wealth represents excess use of natural resources at some point. In order for us to create wealth we have had to produce more than our immediate need, this is stored as wealth.

What is needed is a new concept of wealth in order that it would be conceivable that every person on the planet could hope to attain it without destroying our delicate ecosystem.

I do not measure wealth in terms of what I have, but rather by what I am not lacking. I have my health, I have the love of my children who are also healthy, I have a (very) modest income and the ability to earn sufficient to meet my needs. I have more freedom than most, I have a roof over my head and sufficient healthy food, I can choose the hours I work around the local beach conditions, I can surf when I wish, lay on the beach when I wish and when I work, it is neither stressful nor boring. Nor is it well paid but that is the choice I made.

The result of my lifestyle choices is that I am free to live and think as I see fit on a daily basis, what I do and dont do each day are the result of conscious choices. In the absence of the biases that arise out of the need to conform to society I have been able to think through to a new reality with independent values, new concepts of right and wrong based on a clear understanding of good and evil. A belief in a higher purpose that is supported by more than blind faith and yet allows understanding of the faith of others.

This has resulted in a self-actualisation where the needs of being a means to and end and the effect of being an end in my own right are reconciled.

Thus concludes part 2 of this series, part 3 will expand on understanding of human needs proving how these needs are interdependent and how to develop an ethical set of values.

Lew Spratt an Australian Social Physicist with a background in banking and finance, community and industry development, social welfare and technology. Now seeking to engage modern Information and Communication Technology to support and assist older people and people with disabilities.

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Ten Promotional Products That Will Surely Draw Attention

You are on a website shopping for promotional products and you are faced with dozens of categories and thousand of choices to imprint your logo on. What are you to do? Do you have time to spend hours sifting through 150 mugs or 280 tote bags. Are you sure you even know what you want to give to your employees, staff members, customers or students?

The key to a successful promotional product is its impact and usefulness. You want to make a statement, but you also want to keep your name in front of them all year or let recipients know they are appreciated.

Here are ten great promotional product ideas that will surely make your sales promotion, recognition event or meeting a success!

Sweat Shirts - When the temperature drops, sweatshirts become walking billboards. Available in hot styles and colors, promotional sweat shirts no longer look like the kind you wore to gym class.

Drawstring Backpacks - If you are looking to reach students, teachers or younger adults in the workplace, then these lightweight bags are the perfect item to showcase your logo. Many promotional backpacks come with insulated for meal storage.

Pocket Planners - Individual custom planners make a great gift at the end of the year. Your message appears on the front cover and is seen almost daily. Here is a promotional item with a true value.

Watches - No longer for retirement parties, quality quartz watches are available with room for words of praise or your organization's logo. Your logo will be seen around the clock!

Computer Accessories - If you want to promote your services during the work day, then imprinted mouse pads, mouses and USB memory drives offer you the opportunity to give a high-end gift that won't bust your budget. Also great for employee recognition and motivation.

Umbrellas - Don't let bad weather rain on your promotion. Imprinted umbrellas will be seen in the parking lot, at the train station and in the street. When it rains, everyone needs an umbrella.

Flashlights - More than a novelty, imprinted lights come in a wide choice of price ranges. Choose from simple key tag lights to powerful lanterns and safety flashlights. Another useful item that is appreciated by recipients of all ages and lends itself to some great slogan ideas.

Packaged Candy - They may not last long, but wrapped candies make your recognition or holiday event more festive and they will help attract more people to your exhibit at trade shows and conventions.

Lip Balm - Chapped lips are a common annoyance throughout the year, and lip balm is always a welcome relief. Add your logo to the container and it will always be close at hand.

Coffee Mugs - Often overlooked for their promotional impact, ceramic mugs are items that never far from their owner's site. While there are still the basic C handle models fit most budgets, stylish mugs are now available in a wide choice of colors and sizes to display your logo.

Michael Lerner is a recognized expert in the field of promotional products and logo marketing.

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Chung Shi - Sizing-up to MBT?

Chung Shi Shoes or MBT shoes? MBT is particularly proud of its PU mid-sole with a pivot underneath the metatarsus, helping to activate the stabilising muscles. This means that with every step, the mid-sole will activate a large number of stabilising muscles. Certainly the fixed MBT mid-sole stretches the fascia and helps reform an arch for those of us with flat feet, making the MBT particularly recommended for fasciitis.

The Chung Shi has a mid-sole air-bag, which acts as an active arch-support. The air bag activates reflexology zones and its massaging affect stimulates circulation. Certainly you will be amazed by the surge in circulation and the Chung Shi is particularly recommended for varicose veins. Although less supportive than the MBT, the Chung feels like it works your muscles harder, and you will be particularly impressed when you stand still, and feel those saggy tummy muscles being pulled back in!

In terms of product care, Chung Shi is better, as they can be placed in the washing machine without destroying them. MBT are more delicate and can only be wiped clean. However, despite their higher maintenance, MBTs can be re-soled and the UK Head Office offers an efficient repair service.

MBT uppers are made of thicker material than the Chung Shi and your feet do become quite hot. This absorption of heat is especially true of the best selling MBT Low Sport Black. The MBT insoles are perforated to improve breath ability and treated with an anti-bacterial agent. Yet, the Chung Shi Grey and Promos uppers have tiny air pockets that are airy and cooling for the toes.

Aesthetically speaking, Chung Shi is slightly more stylish than MBT, which look larger and clumpy in comparison. That said, the new range of MBT, such as the Boost, has a more sculpted sole and dare I say it, look more normal. The pick of the Chung Shi range for style, is the vegan friendly grey training shoe and the funky red Promo.

To conclude, the Chung Shi is an average shoe for strollers to power walkers, in addition to everyday. With a more natural feel to them, they are safer for driving, virtually indestructible for cycling (I have destroyed a pair of MBT), more corrective than MBTs, and you will really feel the muscles working! To counter this, MBT are great for jogging, which is little publicised, more springy and more forgiving of a John Cleese style funny walk.

For further information Steve Brookson suggests that you read an interesting review & comparison of Chung Shi Shoes here, and also an interesting article on the current war between Chung Shi Footwear.

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The Month of Sagittarius, 2006

Our Sun moves into the ever-questing sign of Sagittarius at 6:02am EST on November 22, and now the fall season prepares to change over to winter. Jupiter, our largest planet, rules this Mutable Fire Sign. Sagittarians seek expansion and are well-known do things throughout their lives in a big way.

No stranger to generosity, these communicators are limitless to where their spirited natures can take them. Sagittarians are known to be concerned with the sense of body, mind and spirit. Capable of being diffused in many directions, their ultimate goal is to be illuminated as they consciously aim for wisdom, characterized by their symbol the Archer.

Driven by aspiration and optimism, Jupiters influence allows the typical Sagittarius to remain the curious constant student- always willing to learn, absorb, while possessing a strong sense of perspective. Our Archers are keen in the ability to explore, propagate, react quickly, and establish connections. They can engage intriguing conversations, always eager to explain their ever-questing philosophies.

The Sagittarian nature is honest, impulsive, speculative, jovial, versatile and alert. At worst they can exhibit behavior that is blunt, transparent, flighty, wasteful, careless, over-confident, boisterous, dabbling and superficial. By cultivating restraint, sincerity, fixity of purpose, and thought for others, they reap success while spreading their needed wisdom to others.

Here in the United States, as we take time to be thankful for the blessings and goodness in our lives, we collectively follow another Sagittarian trait of eating BIG! It is no coincidence we celebrate our nations day of gratitude under the sign that loves to indulge, while expanding the waistlines just a tad. The zaniest shopping day of the year also lands under this sign, and our Jupiter natives (including the numerical 3 vibrations) make up the majority of the worlds shoppers, loving the extras that life has to offer.

Jupiters current transit movement this month blesses our Sun sign Sagittarians for the first time in 12 years. Typically, Jupiter takes approximately one year to pass through the degrees of each of the 12 zodiac signs. Considered the planet of luck and good fortune, the house Sagittarian energy rules in any individuals chart is the area of life they will see an extra boost this upcoming year. Those with Jupiter natively in Sagittarius in the birth chart also will be in a Jupiter Return which is a time full of optimism and expansion in the life.

Our planet of karmic justice and discipline Saturn goes into Retrograde on December 5th, and during this 2nd retrograde period in Leo, the collective is asked to further reflect upon the understanding of self. On an individual level, the house where Leo rules in any birth chart is the area of life asking for renewal, likewise for those experiencing a Saturn Return or whose Sun is natively in Leo. Naturally, like hibernation, our winter months are best spent in a restful regenerative mode until Saturn goes Direct when well find our selves already amidst Spring under an Aries Sun upon April 20th.

Remembering the motto, Tis better to give than to receive, may the diversity, generosity and optimism of the holiday season bless you and yours.

Since the young age of 7, Sharita has been a student of the planets above and all of the mysteries of our Universe. All levels of astrological, numerical and lexigram analysis through readings and party services are available through her extensive website, Sharita resides in New York City and currently is working on her first book.

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Take Action (And Let Your Husband Take A Break)

Ive heard it time and time again.

I dont know how my husband would react if I made more money than him. This just becomes another excuse for playing small. The reality, based on my own experience, is that YOUR HUSBAND WOULD BE THRILLED! Why in the world wouldnt he be?

Many women create a ceiling on their own success based upon the success levels of their husbands. There are women that honestly think that they would be taking something away from their spouse if they outdid him in regards to income. Millions of women actually BELIEVE this.

I used to be one of these women. Well, not exactly. I just liked to believe that my husband was SUPPOSED to be the breadwinner in the family. Then one day he lost his high-paying job. Yup! Just like that! Our first reaction was to run directly into scarcity mode and start having conversations like, I guess its time for you to find another job in corporate America or Maybe if we both get corporate jobs we can make even a little more than what you were making on your own. And then it dawned on me.

Im passionate about what I do. And I know there are no limits in regards to how successful I can be and how much money I can make, other than the self-imposed limits that I create for myself. I love what I do and Im good at it. And there are lots of other things that I love to do that Im good at that I can develop into a business or another income stream. THERE ARE NO LIMITS.

In this moment I decided that I was going to be the breadwinner. I was not only determined to replace my husbands income, but I was going to make us RICH. Extremely wealthy. What a concept!

I immediately stepped it up a notch w/ my current business and started to see tremendous results. I created another business, from scratch, and have been flying by the seat of my pants, learning as I go along, and loving every minute of it. Im writing books on subjects Im passionate about. Im creating wealth and time freedom and, even better, teaching others how to do the same. I love my life and IM EMPOWERED.

Im empowered in a way Ive never experienced before. I certainly never experienced this while my husband was bringing home the bacon and I was using the fact that Im a mother as an excuse to piddle around and make a little bit of money here and there. Not only was I far from empowered, I was a victim. I actually felt sorry for myself a lot of the time. And my husband resented me. I mean, he never came right out and said that, but he was working way too many hours at a job that he wasnt crazy about and bringing home just enough money for us to scrape by every month. And he never got to spend any time w/ his family (or anyone else outside of his job for that matter). How could he NOT resent me?

In any case, our marriage was questionable at best a lot of the time, and neither of us was truly happy. We werent doing what we were inspired to do. We believed that we just didnt have the money or the time.

Heres our current reality: I do what I love and make great money doing it (not to mention Im consistently finding new things I love and finding new ways to make money doing them!). My husband spends the majority of his time w/ Livvie (our daughter) and loves every minute of it. When hes not w/ her, hes attending some type of meeting or activity that interests him, or creating a product based on what hes passionate about. Im the breadwinner in our family. Im a better mother and a better role model for my daughter and hes a better father. Our daughter will not grow up learning anything about traditional roles or the way its supposed to be. In fact, shell grow up traveling the world due to our unlimited time and financial freedom. And OUR RELATIONSHIP IS INCREDIBLE. Im empowered and happy and my husband gets to see me through different eyes. He has a respect for me that wasnt there before. Hes so happy and peaceful I hardly recognize him. And I get to live each day knowing I played a part in giving him that.

Many people say, Doesnt Isaac have a job yet? When is he going to get it together? I quickly come to his defense by letting them know that its BECAUSE of Isaac that I get to do what I love. Its because of Isaac that were on the road to extreme wealth. Its because of Isaac that I dont have to feel guilty about running around a lot and doing all of the things Im passionate about. Its because of Isaac that I rest easy knowing that Livvies not only safe, but loving every minute of being with her daddy. Its because of Isaac that Im empowered. Its all because of Isaac.

He supports me, and I support the family. He cheers me on and gives me my strength and I go out and make a difference for others. And now, together, well be able to make much more of a difference than we ever could have in our traditional roles.

So heres what I suggest. GO GET WHAT YOU WANT. Do what you love to do and the money will follow. No kidding. I didnt believe it either until I actually tried it. Its true. And give your husband the opportunity to support you while you go after what you want. Its not only an opportunity, its an honor. And give him huge credit for playing this supportive role. Its equally as important as what youll be doing.

Here are some suggestions as far as ways to get the ball rolling:
Join Toastmasters
Join the Chamber of Commerce
Join a network marketing company
Write a book
Build a website
Tell your husband he can hang out with the kids or do what it is hes passionate about because you are going to create enormous wealth.
Most of all, have fun (just experiencing the emotions you will experience while having fun is enough to start attracting everything you want)!

You dont have to get it right, you just have to get it going. So take action today and Ill look for you along the road to success!

Amy Starr Allen is a home-based business entrepreneur, author, and founder of Moms Empowering Moms an organization designed to empower women and develop leaders within their communities and businesses.

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Do We Have Sex Too Often Or Not Often Enough? 5 Questions To Improve Your Sex Life

Do you ever wonder how often couples have sex, and how often you should be having sex with your partner? If this question has been on your mind, you are one of many. This is one of the most asked questions I get as a sexologist and relationship coach. The quick answer is, it depends!

On average married couples in the US have what they consider to be sexual activity 1-2 x per week. Yesterday I heard in one study that while most people will spend two weeks of their life kissing,and nine years watching television. If you ask me, we would have a better time if we reversed that trend.

For some, the US national average would be nowhere near enough for them. Here are five questions to ask yourself to think about your sex life:

1. How often would you have sex with your partner if you could have your way? Try to get clear on a frequency that works for you

2. How satisfying is the sex for you and your partner? If the answer is somewhat, then what can you do differently to enhance your sex life? Try whispering sweet nothings in your partners ear tonight, and make some plans to make time together right away!

3. How often is your partner in the mood for intimacy? If your frequencies are much different, which is very common in couples I see at my office or coach on the phone, then there may be some work to do together. Ask your partner what they would enjoy or what gets them in the mood, and then follow through with this!

4. How well do you know yourself sexually? Are you able to communicate what you like sexually to your partner? Many people have difficulty talking about sex openly because of social stigma and taboo. If you can learn to be more open, you may be more motivated to be sexual with your partner.

5. How are you at "getting in the mood" for love even when youre not initially? Try wearing something sexy for your partner, or plan sexy activities that get you in the mood for lovemaking! Whether you enjoy a walk on the beach, or a night on the town, get into yourself and your partner!

Frequency in sex is much more a matter of your personal choice and your choice as a couple. Use the law of attraction in your favor. If you want more intimacy, feel, think, and take action in that direction. Decide on the frequency you want and go for that.

If you would like to receive our free special report on sizzling sex tips, just send me an e-mail at to get your free short report today! You can also sign up for our free quarterly e-newsletter called the Sexuality Times. Simply send along an e-mail and let me know that you would like the short report, the Sexuality Times, or both.

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Man Smart, Woman Smarter

Robert Palmer sang a cover of an old calypso song about 30 years ago entitled, "Man Smart, Woman Smarter." It's hokey and fun, but there's a refrain in the song that stabs my heart like a knife:

Little boy sat down and cry

Old man passin' ask him why

He say, "I can't do wha' the big boys do."

Ole man sat down, he cry too.

Ten years later, Joan Armitrading, in the song, "Love and Affection" sang:

"I am not in love,

but I'm open to persuasion."

and in the same song,

"If I can feel the sun in my eyes and the rain on my face,

Why can't I feel love?"

I don't know about you, but ouch to all of these quotes. I pray for God's love; My wife's love; my kids love...but I'm so ripped. I'm so mad. I'm only 47 years old. I want to hit fly balls to my son, or teach him to break-off a curve ball.

I want my daughters to know that with dad, it's all okay. I respect their privacy and know that they are no different than I or their mother was. I hope I'll always respect my kid's choices; they're all now reaching the age of decisions. Lord God, please keep me on the path of not holding my kids to a standard I never met. Help me to always love them no matter what their life choices will be. And God, more than anything else, please give me the strength to fight had to be the husband my wife deserves.

Many kind women, starting with my wife, tell me over and over that physical love isn't the only expression of love. Ladies, thanks. But, you can't imagine the deep embarrassment and shame we guys, and I don't speak for all males, just me I guess, feel when we can't love in the perfect way that we were once able to do. Well, I just want things to be the way they were. That's it .

I hate to snivel. I hate to speak publicly about private stuff. I post because I know you understand that if I don't open my mouth, these thoughts will pitch a tent in my head, living rent free.

Please share what you will, if anything at all. I don't seek your private hopes, experiences or fears, though you can share whatever you want on this site. Please let me know if your comments are not for public disclosure. Also, I will respect everyone's anonymity unless told otherwise. I don't want to put something up on a comment board that doesn't belong there.

I know I'm not alone. Many, many people have written to me privately about sexuality and pain. Many say it's worth the pain. Straight, Gay, Unmarried, Married together or alone: it's all the same for many of us. It's the small steps that that you take that may help others the most.

Many other people object to this type of public comment. It's not my intent to shock or disturb anyone. But, I'll say it again, if you brave the pain of sitting to write something that's bothering you, I'll publish it. I will however quash the mean-spirited, nasty or vicious attack type note that is intended to "correct us all" or deliberately hurt someone.

Just knowing that someone else cares is probably the biggest help of all.

I became disabled at age 46 after 2 failed spinal surgeries. I married my college sweetheart. We have four kids. I'm rebuilding my life after having been diagnosed with Arachnoiditis, an incurable, progressive syndrome causing loss of many ordinary bodily functions and characterized by grinding, incessant nerve pain, like a toothache but a lot more severe. I walk with a cane and choke down a host of pills, many of them narcotic.

I built a web-site, Chronic Pain Lifestyle that I write with 3 people who suffer the same condition. Our page is not a forum, nor is it a source of medical information. Our page is about how we're rebuilding our lives. Sometimes we're funny, other times sad. We mix nostalgia and disappointment with hope, experiences and fellowship.

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