Men, Get Over It - Go To The Doctor
Many men dont like going to doctors unless theyve had their arm blown off in combat, or have been run over by a truck. Theyll go these rare times voluntarily, because they really want that arm sewn back on or those broken bones set.
What about those times when somethings just not right, and worse yet, its of a more personal and intimate nature?
What about when youre standing there peeing blood, or suddenly your bowels have gone all wonky? Do you run to the doctor? Nope. You ignore it and hope it goes away. The cramps will go away, the weird sensations will go away, and the problem will disappear. You may think you can work through this on your own.
Women are more accustomed to having their personal health issues widely publicized. Watch TV for five minutes and youll see more than your share of ads for feminine hygiene products of every nature. There are numerous reminders for women about breast cancer, cervical cancer and yeast infections. With the help of strong media campaigns, women seem to have gotten over their reluctance to address signs and symptoms that could indicate conditions that are far more serious.
Where are the reminders geared specifically towards men? Lets take prostate cancer, for example. Is it any less acceptable to talk about? Is it any less important or prevalent? Is testicular cancer, penile cancer or genital herpes any less important for a man?
Why do the only male-related health products we seem to see advertised on TV pertain to achieving and maintaining erections? These likely wont do you much good if you have underlying conditions that havent been addressed.
Going to the doctor is not always a pleasant experience, Ill admit. While women are told to relax and breathe, men are told to bend over and cough. Both sexes must bite the bullet and undergo these examinations, simply because it could save their lives.
Why must a man be half-dead before he sees a doctor? Sadder still, why must his cancer or other disorder progress to the point that by the time he does see a professional, theres not a whole lot they can do for him, except to keep him comfortable?
Listen up, men. Those days when the doctor drank a third of a bottle of whiskey, gave you a third, and then poured the rest over your wound after hacking at you with a rusty blade are long gone.
Its really not that bad anymore.
What is bad is when you ignore your signs and symptoms until its too late.
Here are some frequent excuses I hear from men about why they dont go to the doctor, even when they have disturbing symptoms:
Im too busy at work.
I cant afford the fees.
Ill get to it next month.
My symptoms arent that bad any more.
Doctors dont know anything. Ill be fine.
If Im meant to die, Ill die. (This must be the philosophical approach.)
While a man might think it's a good idea to go to the doctor if he has a bullet wound to the head, rarely does he think its a good idea when his urination is painful or hes bleeding from his rectum. Those are things that men dont seem to be comfortable talking about, let alone having checked out.
For the sake of yourself and your loved ones, when you have unusual symptoms, be a real man. Go to the doctor.
copyright 2006 Karen Braschuk