Thursday, January 17, 2008 

Green Activists Get Tough On 4x4 Users

German activists operating under the banner of the green lobby have taken to slashing tires on high performance vehicles in Berlin in order to 'educate' the drivers of such vehicles. Each owner of the 80-plus vehicles that were subject to an attack in the last week of July found a hand-written note under the windscreen wiper detailing the dangers of carbon emissions, in particular from their type of preferred vehicle.

Police investigating the incidents believe that they are the work of organised groups allied to international activists in France and Belgium who prefer to smear the vehicles with manure, rather than slash the tires. In what effectively amounts to war being declared on sports and utility vehicle drivers by self-styled environmentalists, the 4 x 4 wheel vandalism highlights the frustration felt by the activists in the difference in the speed of progress on green issues between the majority of German society and the German motor industry. While the population has readily adopted renewable policies, the car industry appears to be dragging its heels. Porsche recently came under attack from Greenpeace, being labeled a climate pig by the environmentalists for concentrating on power and performance over green issues in its product range.

However, despite recently introducing a hybrid engine which promises to cut carbon emissions by 20%, the German auto giant's own research shows that demand for the green cars will be limited. Their V6 sports utility vehicle is highly sought after by consumers, who obviously still remain to be convinced of the benefits of buying a green hybrid car. So, despite targeting the manufacturer, it looks like they are not to blame as they are only responding to consumer demand, and the market in Germany is currently demanding high performance, high carbon emitting vehicles.

And it's not only Porsche who are the targets of the car terrorists; Daimler and BMW are also accused of putting performance ahead of green issues. The fact that a lobby of all three German manufacturers have been successful in getting the EU to change their minds on carbon emission targets for vehicles doesn't help their cause in the eyes of the green lobby. In a co-ordinated drive, the trio have managed to effect a change in the EU draft legislation resulting in carbon emissions being categorised by vehicle size as opposed to the original absolute target for all vehicles. This means that the future for high performance vehicles in Germany and the rest of the EU looks bright, despite the best efforts of the green lobby to effect change.

However, whether wholesale slashing of 4x4 tyres will really persuade car-loving Germans to abandon their prized performance assets, or make them even more determined to not be brow-beaten by a minority of vandals remains to be seen.

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Get a Cash Advance to Buy Personalized Gifts this Valentines

What is the best Valentines Day gift you can give to your loved one? Have you ever thought about that? Well you can go shop for the usual Valentines Day gift items, or you can make them yourself. What if you do not have money for this sweet project? Well, worry no more! You can always get a cash advance for your personalized gifts this Valentines.

Here are few of great personalized gift ideas you may want to consider giving your loved one:

Video greeting. Trash greeting card as an idea. Although personally made greeting card is sweet, it is clich. Greet your love one uniquely. Make a video presentation, documentary or a music video and give a copy to him or her first thing in the morning. That will surely melt her heart. If you have a video camera, it would be much better. If not, you can rent or buy one. A video camera can document important and memorable events. So it wouldnt be a waste buy. If you are low in cash, you can avail of a cash advance for personalized gift. You can use part of your savings and a cash advance to buy a video cam that you can use on occasions such as Valentines Day.

Paintings. Why are paintings good Valentines gift? Well, people are visual. Things and people register more to a persons mind if there is an association with a thing seen everyday. So if you will give a big painting, chance is that it will be placed where it will be seen. Why is self-made painting a better gift? Its the thought and effort put into it.

If you are not at all an artist and would prefer buying a painting, that would still be ok. You can still make it personalized by framing the painting your self. Paintings are expensive though. You may be able to apply for a cash advance for personalized gift.

You can avail of $100 to $1500 as cash advance for personalized gifts such as this.

Lots of flowers. Flowers will melt anybodys hearteven a guys heart for that matter. You might be thinking that a bouquet of flowers is too clich as gift for Valentines Day. Well, it is, but not when you personally arrange them and enough to fill at least quarter of your loved ones room. Be romantic this Valentines Day, it only comes once a year.

During Valentines Day, flowers will be quite expensive. So expect a hard hit on your wallet. Not to worry much though because you can avail of a cash advance for personalized gifts. You do not even have to worry thinking whether you will receive your cash advance in time for your preparation. As a matter of fact, your cash advance for personalized gift will be delivered or wired to you a day after your application. That is even the latest time you should expect.

Be romantic. Give a gift you personally made. Dont worry about not having enough cash. Remember, you can get a cash advance for your personalized gifts this Valentines.

Paul Selibio -

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Bedouin Marriage

Arabian Desert, 600 AD: A man walks towards the tent of his wife. Long plaited hair swings around his shoulder, and kohl has been smeared on his eyes to protect them from the sun. The sun is harsh, and he is looking forward to the shade of his tent and the company of his wife. But when he reaches the tent, he stops and stares in consternation. The tent has been turned round, so that the entrance faces away from his a clear sign that his wife wants to divorce him. He stares briefly, then turns around and walks away.

Nowadays Bedouin marriage follows Islamic tradition. Marriage is usually arranged, although according to Islam the women should always have the right of refusal. It is considered acceptable for men to have more than one wife, but a woman can only have one husband. A man can divorce his wife by saying I divorce you three time. While a women can divorce her husband, the process is usually a lot longer and more difficult. Before the time of Mohammed, though, things were very different.

Bedouin tribes were often polygamous and not just for men. Women could also take several husbands, but would remain living in her family tent. When a women tired of a husband, she would turn the tent round so that the entrance faced away from her husband. As the parentage of the father was uncertain, wealth was often held and passed down by women.

This habit was contrary to the beliefs and values of Islam, and as the Bedouin converted to Islam the tradition was lost. Nowadays, virtually all Bedouin are Muslims, and the right to multiple spouses belongs to men alone.

Read more about the Bedouin Nomads.

This article was provided by Qatar Visitor. Qatar Visitor is a tourist and resident's website providing extensive information about jobs, travel, flights, culture and the history of Qatar, and includes images, sounds and videos.

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