Tuesday, June 19, 2007 

How NHL and NHLPA Raise Money For Cancer Reserach

There's a difference between a fight and a fight, both in hockey and in real life.

The NHL and the NHLPA have joined forces and founded the Hockey Fights Cancer organization and they have been able to raise more than $6.5 millions to cancer research organizations.

Cancer develops when cells begin to grow out of control and although there are many kinds of cancer, they all have in common that they start because of the growth of abnormal cells.

Even though the numbers of cancer cases expect to double in next 50 years, the cancer death rates are declining thanks to fundraising and research.

Hopefully the Hockey Fights Cancer organization can contribute to the even more to the declining.

In the National Hockey League all team captains join the fight against cancer during games played between January 9-11 2004.

Every captain wear a special team jersey featuring a Hockey Fights Cancer patch to underscore their pledge to fight cancer.

After the games, each captain signs his autograph on the game-worn jersey and it is donated to the Hockey Fights Cancer On-Line Charity Auction, as a force for good.

The auction have many different items you can bid on and at the same time you support the cancer research.

Without research even more people would have lost their life to this common disease.

Hockey Fights Cancer is a force for good.

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Shibari - Body, Mind, Spirit

Shibari (.a.k.a. "Japanese bondage" is an ancient, Japanese, integrated concept of body, mind and spirit.

The objective is to unlock erotic energy through trance or trance-like experiences.

Trance (a different level of awareness) is being achieved through a refined mix of atmosphere, ritual, meditation, love, techniques and intensity of the situation.

Most forms of oriental lovemaking are hardly ever straightforward sexuality, but an intriquing game of exploration and challenges and a delicate combination of subtlety and expliciteness.

Shibari is no different.

What is trance?

Trance is a situation where one is so dedicated to and concentrated on one specific goal or situation, that - through blocking out everything else - the spiritual capacities of the mind are eniterly dedicated to that specific activity. This opens the mind to be able to experience - and use - things it never could under "normal" circumstances, since the brain will be too distracted and too busy.

Certain hormones - endorphins especially - play an important role in trance. Endorphins (morfine-like amino acids produced by the body) are the key factor here. Endorphins are known as the "mood chemicals" in your body. They create your moods, all of them. They come in complex cocktails and also serve other purposes. For example, they are a natural painkiller. Experiencing high doses of endorphins release is called an endorphins rush. This is known as the "runners' high" in athletics and as "subspace" in power exchange activities.

A combination of endorphins, dopamine (known as "the lover's feel good hormone"), enkapheline and adrenaline releases creates "super awareness" and this is the key factor in creating trance. Since experiences such as fear, anxiety, stress and physical impulses such as pain all cause the release of high doses of adrenaline and subsequently endorphins - these impulses are being used to allow you to climb the first steps of the trance ladder. Endorphins have a "sister-hormone" called enkephaline, which works on the spinal cord in the same way enderphines work on the brain.

Since mood is important atmosphere is important, which is why - in Shibari body mind spirit terms - a lot of emphasys is being placed on preparation and the physical area. For this, such things as candle light, aroma therapy (incense or evaporating essential oils), bathing and other rituals and techniques are used to create "makama" - the "circle" (area), the physical area where both partners will experience their intens lovemaking. Meditation helps to focus the mind and eventually Ki energy exchange is being used to further enhance the bonding between partners and the forces of gravity and sensory deprivation techniques are being used to create full trance.

Erogenous zones

There is a widespread misunderstanding: "erogenous zones are directly connected to the genital area and other primary sex-identifying features (such as the breasts)". Fact of the matter is that some 25 percent of the body surface (slightly more on the male body) can be identified as an erogenous zone. And the brain no doubt is the largest sex-organ. Erogenous zones are usually best stimulated through gentle massage, but they are also very receptive to other forms of stimuation, for example pain (if you are into that), or bondage.

The seven patterns of passionate lovemaking

By gently - or more strongly, in order to introduce the element of mild pain - pressing your finger nails into the fleshy parts of your partners' body you can not only leave temporary marks but doing this can also be an erotic game by itself. To do so, even and symmetric patterns are your best choice. This will not only indulge her lust, but it will also leave something to remember for a few hours a maybe a day or two, an effect that - more intensly - usually is also the result of whipping and caning.

Ropemarks are often an essential part of bondage. In a Shibari body mind spirit context they play a role, similar to other ways of leaving lovemarks.

In its original form these patterns should follow specific designs and all serve specific purposes. The idea is to leave physical marks that will function as a "tell tale", which - for example in ancient India - forced the "marked woman" to hide these marks since they indicated lustful, wild love. The more intens the temporary mark, the more intens the lovemaking had been. Complicated, repeated combinations of the seven patterns would indicate that the woman had really suffered during the lovemaking and the complicated patterns make it clear that she had to remain still during a long foreplay, while pain-impulses and excitement increased her lust.

The bite of love

Teeth tenderly or not, sinking into the tender female flesh, is not just a scene taken from a Dracula movie. Many novels and poems tell stories about lovebites. And in fact, like whip marks, bruises and others, bite marks serve as something to remember, to be proud of, to relive the passionate night before - the pain, the extacy, the lust, the love and the intimacy.

The Kama Sutra again is one of the very few sources that describes the combination of marking and pain impulses during lovemaking. Unfortunately, although various other patterns are mentioned, they are not described in sufficient detail to reconstruct them. Various different flower patterns are mentioned for example. These must be combinations of teeth and nail imprints.

The magic of knots

The magical power of the knot is as old as mankind. You will find references to the magical power of the knot in almost any ancient culture, be it Babylonic, Celtic, Oriental, Hermetic, Wicca, Voodoo or other.

Love magic - and there are many forms of that - almost always involves the use of knots and, of course, rope. Actually, we still have some of that left in modern times. Tie a knot in your handkerchief so you will remember something really important

How does it work?

Magic is all about manipulating the energy of life. This energy is called Ki in Japanese, Chi in Chinese or Prana in Sanskrit (the ancient language of India, still used in yoga for example). Conciously tieing one or more knots in a rope is a way to bundle this energy and store it there. Of course this energy will not make your car run. Neither will it make the lights go on. But it will be more than enough to have its influence on the subtle network of Ki energy exchange, that is everywhere.

In Shibari these "energy loaded" knots and ropes will replace the heart and hands of the giver and as such will contribute to the entire physical and spiritual experience. They enable the giver to "still be close to the recipient", even when physically not around. The interaction between the giver's energy - temporarily stored in the knots - and the pressure points on the Ki meridians in the recipients' body is what will release very powerful sexual and spiritual experiences.

Sexual energy is one of the most powerful manifestations of Ki energy. This is the reason why we still refer to whatever happens between love partners as "the magic", "the spark" or "the energy".

Universal love magic

The use of rope and knots, when working with sexual energy, is universal. In ancient Babylon (in the Middle East) seven knots were tied in a rope to invoke love. Wicca has a similar tradition of making three knots in a rope for the same purpose (sometimes with an almond - the "love nut" - inside each knot). African Voodoo works with either seven knots in a rope or with dolls, tied to each other, to invoke love, the Kama Sutra speaks of female love partners, suspended in rope to enhance their sexual energy. These are just a few of many examples.

Is all this strange? Actually not. There are over 50 erotic pressure points (Tsubo) on the human body, each as powerful as the clitoris or the nipples. And there are another 60 hormone-releasing pressure points along the spine, many of which have an erotic/sexual function. Ropes and knots will stimulate all these directly and energy, bundled in a knot, will only enhance their effect.

Dutch former journalist and government spokesman Hans Meijer is the author of the groundbreaking "Shibari Fumo Ryu" series of e-books, the first ever books outside Japan and written in English about Shibari techniques.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_Meijer

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Meditation and Memory

Meditation is a wonderful method of helping the entire body to relax. Through a system of breathing exercises the body naturally feels the stress being released and for many people it allows them to be much more open and receptive.

Meditation can also aid in helping with memory. When a person feels relaxed the memory seems to function much better. Through the use of breathing and concentration the memory feels alive and vibrant once again.

Remember the last time you forgot someone's name or their birthday? It was probably during a period where you had a great deal on your mind or you were feeling stress.

Upon realizing your forgetfulness this generally stirs up even more anxiety which again leads to more memory problems. It's a cycle that some people find themselves constantly in.

By employing some of the techniques of meditation that people have been using for years, you can help open up your mind and memory thus allowing it to function better.

It's wonderful to imagine having the ability to recall names, numbers and important dates without having to look for pieces of paper or check a calendar. Instead it would all be there within your memory.

Meditation does not need to be a complicated process. There are simple exercises that anyone can do for a few moments each day that will help boost the memory.

The key to using meditation as a memory booster is that it will help build concentration which works hand in hand with developing memory.

Finding a quiet spot is very helpful when you want to meditate. Some people also feel that having essential oils or candles burning adds to the necessary ambiance.

If that does help you relax than it's going to beneficial to the entire process including helping you to reenergize your mind. There are also certain scents of oils and candles that are said to be beneficial for memory function.

Meditation can be taught in a class and there are usually classes offered at natural health care facilities and often even at regular gyms.

Some of the classes are geared towards helping the memory to function. For a person who feels as though their mind isn't as sharp as it once was, taking one of these classes will benefit them for years to come.

Building up a regular routine of meditation to aid in boosting the memory will also build self-esteem. Feeling as though you are on top of your game mentally is a wonderful self-image booster.

For someone who feels less comfortable within a class of people learning meditation, there are many books and manuals that offer substantial information on mediation as a method of empowering the memory.

Some offer illustrations of body position and along with descriptions for the breathing exercises. Following the methods outlined daily will open the person up to the benefits of meditation.

By using the techniques described they will not only be relaxing their bodies but fueling their memory as well. Having a relaxed and clear mind is one of the most important aspects to having a strong memory.

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Foreplay 10 Tips To Drive Your Partner Wild with Passion

Foreplay is an essential ingredient of a satisfying sexual relationship.

Women in particular like lots of foreplay to help them achieve orgasm and of course men love it to.

Here are ten tips to help you get more from foreplay and drive your partner wild with passion.

1. Dont Forget To Kiss

90% of women in a recent poll said they liked to kiss more, so make sure that you kiss your partner and do it with passion.

The basics of kissing your partner are explained fully in our other articles, but the trick is:

To relax, use variety follow your partner, use your body and do it with passion.

Kissing is one of the best ways to show love and desire and is deeply personal, so make sure you do it correctly.

2. Target The Neck

If you want to target one erogenous zone to make your partner moan with ecstasy, its the neck.

Its guaranteed to make any women melt and feel hot and sexy.

Make sure you lick, kiss and nibble it.

3. Target ALL The Erogenous Zones

We all know the obvious erogenous zones, but make sure you target them all.

Great erogenous zones include:

The back, and pay particular attention to the buttocks.

Most women have reservations about their bottom so show her how much you love it. Stroke it, kiss it and tell her how beautiful it is.

Other great erogenous zones include:

The ears An incredible amount of nerve endings are situated here.

The feet Reflexology targets the feet due to the connection they have to the rest of the body. Make sure you take time to massage and kiss them, its a great way to relax your and turn your partner on.

The backs of the knees - Not really thought of as an erogenous zone, but an incredible amount of nerve endings are situated here.

The Inner thighs Are highly sensitive and a great tease as your partner will wonder where your hands and lips will wander to next.

4. Oral Sex

There is not enough room here to cover all the ways to turn your women on with oral sex (see our other articles) but one thing is a must:

Communication Many women complain that their partners do not do oral sex correctly.

So communication is a must, ask her exactly how she likes it and follow here lead.

Many women become very self conscious and think their partners are simply doing it to please them.

Show them you are enjoying it and they will relax and enjoy the experience even more.

5. Use Massage

Many women need to be relaxed to enjoy sex and get ready for full intercourse so add some sensuous oils into foreplay and pay attention to the back shoulders and the feet.

6. Set The Mood

Relax before hand and show you have made an effort.

Take her to dinner or make sure you have champagne on ice show your partner you care love and desire them.

For women sex is not purely a physical act, its a mental experience so show your partner how much you care.

7. Tease

Foreplay should be fun and not finish too soon.

Practice bringing your partners desire up and then moving away from the area targeted, tease her until she can take no more.

This will heighten the expectation and make full sex much more fulfilling when it comes.

8. Communicate

You need to explore your partners inner desires and try and please them. Many couples are reluctant to talk about sex but your both adults and you need to do so.

Dont rely on trial and error, make sure you talk frankly and openly.

9. Try Something New

Dont go through the same routine every time!

Sex will get boring add some different aspects and experiment.

This may mean introducing toys, food or whatever else you can think of.

Nothing kills a relationship more than predictability and boredom.

10. After Sex Dont just walk out take time to tell your partner how much you enjoyed the experience.

Kiss cuddle and tell her how wonderful it was Make your partner feel wanted.

So there you have 10 tips that will increase the pleasure of foreplay more and make sex far more enjoyable, for both you and your partner.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with sexuality visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sacha_Tarkovsky

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Your Secret Guide To Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse has been occurring on the planet ever since the first non-protozoon animal has evolved. Even after various ages of evolution, sexual intercourse is still the only means to reproduce for higher organisms. There are several sophistications where sexual intercourse is concerned, and in the human, the highly evolved of all the animal species, sexual intercourse takes a different meaning altogether.

It can be rightfully said that the human being is the only organism that derives the full pleasure of sex, and makes deliberate efforts to make the process much more fulfilling. Most importantly, the sexual intercourse is a very necessary device to strengthen the emotional ties between married partners and make them actually believe that they are like two bodies with a single soul. In the human being, the sexual intercourse is an act that involves all the five senses sight, sound, smell, taste and touch and is a very elaborate process of mutual stimulation.

In the most basic sense, sexual intercourse is the penetration of the male penis into the female vagina for sexual satisfaction. However, this definition is grossly incomplete, as the total intercourse act is a much more intricate process, working at various levels. The process begins with physical attraction, which develops naturally in both males and females in their early puberty. This is when the changes in their own bodies intrigue them, and they are intrigued also by the differences in the bodies of the opposite sex. Up until this stage, both boys and girls do not have much of shame about their bodies, but after the pubertal realization, they would keep their bodies and the changes occurring in them as a personal secret.

From this attraction, develops infatuation for a particular person. Both boys and girls are infatuated with several members of the opposite sex in their early days. This is a period of much awkwardness, when the child is unable to give vent to feelings, and at the same time not understand fully well what is happening. The first sexual experience may happen early or late, depending on the level of sexual attraction between the partners and the opportunity, among other factors. This is when the first sexual intercourse may occur. This may actually be more of a harrowing experience than satisfying for both the boy and the girl. But still there is an unexplained yearning to have more of the same. As time passes by, both partners gain in experience and this is when sexual intercourse begins to become fun.

Talking about the mechanics of sexual intercourse, it all begins with the titillation. The changes are seen quite easily in the male, with the erection of the penis. Even the nipples might become erect to a small extent. The stiffening of the nipples is seen much more prominently in women. In women, there is also lubrication of the vagina, which indicates that it is receptive to the penis.

Foreplay follows, which can take several forms depending on the preference of the partners. The usual foreplay is done by fondling and caressing the bodies. Oral sex may be performed by both partners on each other (if a man stimulates the womans genitals, it is called cunnilingus; if a woman stimulates the mans genitals, it is called fellatio). Oral sex is a precursor to the actual penetrative sexual intercourse.

When the man is fully aroused, he would penetrate his penis within the vagina. The penis is then moved back and forth, with the impetus for the movement provided by either the male or the female. Sexual climax for the male is reached when he ejaculates his seminal discharge. The woman finds her climax when she is fully aroused. This is felt by a characteristic quivering of her body; however this may not always be observed.

Sexual intercourse is the device by which reproduction takes place. The male ejaculate contains the sperm, which is the male gamete. It unites with the egg cell of the female to form the embryo. However, every sexual intercourse does not lead to a pregnancy. A female can become pregnant only on specific days of her menstrual period.

Another big issue with sexual intercourse is of STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. A host of dangerously contagious diseases are transmitted only through sexual contact. The most prominent among these diseases are syphilis and gonorrhea. There are hundreds of thousands of cases of syphilis and gonorrhea recorded every year, even in the developed countries. One bigger scare than these diseases is that of an AIDS infection. Sexual intercourse is the leading cause of the transmission of AIDS, even leading it to become an epidemic in certain populations of sexually active people.

Unsafe sex is the main reason for the transmission of these diseases. The risk of these can be reduced to a great extent by the correct use of condoms.

However, the greatest advice would be to avoid any kind of illegal sexual contact. All branches of medicine advocate monogamy strongly, i.e. to remain sexually faithful to only one partner. Not only is it healthy, but your sex is the best gift you can give to someone you love. One must not squander it away recklessly.

Read more about the Sexual Intercourse and other Secret Sexual Issues at http://www.mysecrethealth.com

Also Know more on Premature Ejaculation Cure through natural and herbal treatments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_John_Anne

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How Airsoft Guns Work

Like any advanced device (anything beyond the six simple machines or the advanced machines that come from simply combining a few of the six simple ones), airsoft guns are uniquely designed and, in some instances, are quite complex. There are three types of airsoft guns; spring, electric, and gas. The types refer to the mechanism used for firing airsoft ammunition, which happen to be 6mm or 8mm small, spherical pellets. In most cases, the pellets are plastic, but 6mm paintballs can be used as well.

Airsoft guns differ from paintball guns mostly in their appearance. Airsoft guns are made to be replicas of real guns, so that the game has a more militaristic feel. Also, airsoft guns can be powered in numerous ways, while paintball is basically limited only to various gases (even airsoft guns can be powered with more gases than paintball).

As stated, there are three types of airsoft guns; each one will be gone over briefly (individual types will be gone over in-depth in their own article). The first is spring. Spring guns cannot be automatic nor semi-automatic, as you need to cock (achieved by pulling back the slide on pistols, or pulling the grip on a shotgun) the gun for each shot. As the name says, springs are used to propel the plastic pellet out through the muzzle. To recap, first the user must cock the gun, activating the spring, and then pull the trigger, which releases the spring and shoots out the pellet. The means of firing for this type of airsoft gun are relatively simple, as you can see.

Electric airsoft guns, also known as AEGs (for airsoft electric guns, or automatic electric guns), also use springs as the method of propulsion. However, a battery powers the spring, which enables AEGs to be automatic or semi-automatic. Another bonus is that AEGs are usually more powerful than spring, and although there are several spring guns available that shoot at a higher velocity (but those are expensive spring guns versus cheap AEGs), electric guns are widely believed to be superior.

Finally, there are gas airsoft guns. These kinds of airsoft guns use pressurized gas as the means of propulsion. There are several different kinds of gas used, the most popular being green gas, although carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and high-pressure air can be used. Like AEGs, gas guns are capable of both automatic and semi-automatic. When using a gas airsoft gun, the velocities can be adjusted, which can be very useful in some situations.

As a means of being fed ammunition, magazines are used most of the time. For some magazines (hi-cap magazines), it is necessary to cycle a mechanism on the bottom of the clip in order to help feed the airsoft gun with pellets. However, with the other types of magazines, it is not necessary to do this.

Justin Kander is a partner in the online business, http://www.mrairsoft.com. This growing business sells lots of high quality electric airsoft guns.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Justin_Kander

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Mind Your Own Damn Business Sexcess

You have certainly heard the expression mind your own damn business used in a multitude of contexts. The most typical being the dont kiss and tell type statements, often uttered by responsibly private individuals about their love life.

Then there are the polar opposite, blabbermouth, tell all people (you know who you are) that just cant keep their preverbal trap shut.

Many may believe that there are specific gender biases towards kissing and telling, yet this remains unproven scientifically.

So what the heck does this have to do with business and let alone success?

Consider what happens when you replace the love life portion of the kissing and telling story with your or your employers business!

All of a sudden it hits you. Your success in business can be inextricably affected by what comes out of your or your employees mouths.

Heres a short, but true, story for you about a salesman that was furious about something while he was out to lunch, at a small caf.

This built up anger was taken out on a waitress, who was one of four high school kids working there for the summer. He was loud, rude, and flat out disrespectful to the girl, and his overreaction to the situation brought tears to the waitresss eyes.

The three other kids watched and intently listened to the entire incident.

One of the two boys behind the counter said, I know that guy. Ive seen him in my fathers office.

Remarkably, each of the four high school kids had a parent who was a doctor. They found out from the boys father that the angry customer was a salesman for a pharmaceutical company.

Then and there, each kid planned to tell their parents not to do business with that salesman.

Everybody knows somebody, so remember being nice to someone might not get you a client, but being mean to someone could kill your business, even if its a kid.

So kissing and telling, good, bad or indifferent, stories can obviously have a dramatic impact on your bottom line.

Its a good reminder to keep your trap shut, or at least take some time think about how you treat people, and especially how you discuss potentially embarrassing or harmful information with those around you.

Its not enough to leave a name out these days, as in some industries people can figure out whom you are talking about pretty quickly.

So unless you want to be tied up in litigation, for the next ten years, please mind your own damn business sexcess!

by Lee Raito, CFP, FMA
Co-Author of Business Sexcess

Business and financial expert Lee Raito is a Certified Financial Planner and Financial Management Advisor from Canada. Lee has teamed up with US based Internet marketing expert Sam Heyer to provide you with information that will take your business success to a place it has never been before. Their recent book, Business Sexcess, is the much talked about book that will transform how you look at business. http://www.BusinessSexcess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Raito

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