What is Authentic Tantra?
The term "tantra" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "weave", or "continuity". It is derived from ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts, and has even evolved into a New Age interest. There are many different forms of tantra, and some are authentic and some are not. Tantra does not require adherence to any particular religious beliefs, dogma, or rituals and rejects all forms of prejudice. Authentic tantra is a deep, subtle, spiritual practice in which adherents learn to use sensuality and breathing exercises to become completely present to reality, with an open heart, in order to simultaneously experience a greatly expanded state of love-based consciousness. Tantric practices are not performed in a quest for some future gratification, but rather, the benefits of the practices are imbedded within the practices themselves. Authentic tantra is not based on a hedonistic quest for worldly pleasure. Its principles teach us to slow down and re-sensitize ourselves to expand awareness to subtle pleasures and energy vibrations in ordinary things.
Love-based consciousness is the ability to sense and focus on the tiniest energy vibrations around us. In order to do this we must maintain a unified body, mind, and spirit, which means that we honor all three, without exclusion of our senses, desires, passions, emotions, or sexuality. In this state, we realize true happiness is not dependent upon the acquisition of wealth, possessions, or power, but a balanced integration of the body, mind, and spirit.
When we balance the body and spirit, we are able to dispassionately observe our (mindful) emotions, sensations, and thoughts from a neutral perspective--a perspective that allows us to see clearly without becoming caught up in or own sense of ego and personal agenda. As we shut down the autopilot of our lives and give focus to our senses, the senses become greatly enhanced. It takes much less effort to experience heightened levels of pleasure, or some even call it ecstasy. The result is liberation from fear, and self-doubt that is necessary for fresh creativity, true happiness, and sharper intuition. When we are no longer attached to self images and self concepts there is an experience of freeing expansion of consciousness similar to awakening energized from a long and incredibly restful sleep.
Tantra and Sexuality
Unfortunately, almost all exposure to tantra by westerners derives from misrepresentations and misunderstandings of the practice through some well-meaning so-called healers and some not so well meaning profiteers. Most often they make easy money by claiming that tantra is limited to sacred sex and a neurotic quest to live out bodily passions. This hyperbolic emphasis on sex positions, prolonged orgasms, sexual healing, controlling ejaculation, etc. simply preys upon the western puritanical aversion to sexuality, the unhealthy western fascination with sex and everything sexy, or both and has very little to do with authentic tantra. Sexual energy play is a small part of tantric practice, however, it holds no greater nor lesser significance in the tantric practices of say, smelling the essence of a fragrant flower or savoring a decadent chocolate.
It just so happens that sex is indeed a sensorial smorgasbord, and the most accessible internal energy source to most humans. For this reason, in some tantric paths because it is considered the most powerful energy available and therefore the most direct path to awakening to love-consciousness.
Tantra and Sensuality
Our senses are the way we perceive the world around us, including energetic fields. Science and spirituality meet where quantum physics and string theory are now proving the concepts of oneness and universal connectedness, envisioned by the ancient masters of tantra thousands of years ago. Essentially, the study of the properties of atomic and subatomic particles verifies that we all share a connection with the greater energy field of the universe. The universe is an energy force matrix that includes everything--us, animals, the planets and stars, and most importantly, God.
Energy is made up of tiny vibrations of the atomic and subatomic particles, and all matter is differentiated by the speed in which these particles move. In authentic tantra, the term sensuality refers the the practice of giving full awareness to all sensorial stimuli, i.e., input from sight, hearing, smell feeling/touch, taste and intuition.
In conclusion, this is but a tip of the iceberg presentation of authentic tantra. It by no means covers all of what authentic tantra is about. When looking for an authentic tantra workshop, guide, or book keep an open heart and mind but be wary of the following:
- Close ties to religious beliefs, dogmas, or other rigid ideas
- Sensuality euphemized as genital gratification
- Sales spiels promising primarily sex life enhancements
- Overemphasis on sacred sex with underemphasis on the sacredness of the ordinary
- Self-proclaimed gurus or sex therapists
- Offers of tantric massage, escorts, or release
Individual methodologies and exercises may differ within the realm of authentic tantra, due to its fluid and liberal application within diverse cultures, as long as the primary ideas are to enhance mindfulness, attention to the senses, and the mind/body/spirit balance as a way of life.
Lisa Branscomb, J.D. is the founder of LifeBliss Solutions, Life Coaching from a Tantric Perspective. She is dedicated to teaching how to incorporate simple tantric practices and sensuality into everyday life. For more information see: www.lifeblisssolutions.com
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