Saturday, August 18, 2007 

Divorce and Credit

Whassup? What does it mean?

I cannot remember how many single moms came to us after the divorce and were totally devastated because they didnt know what was ahead. Lets put ourselves in a courtroom during a divorce hearing. We have basically (2) or (3) potential blooming idiots getting ready to prove their stupidity. You guess who these stars of the show are. Well, lets quit the smokescreen and I will tell you.

Sometimes it is (1) attorney, sometimes it is (2) attorneys and sometimes it involves the Judge. In this particular case, here is poor little Linda getting a divorce from Outdoor Bob. Prior to their marriage, Linda had perfect credit and Outdoor Bob, being a rascal, had ziltch for credit. Linda was told by Mom and Dad, dont marry that bum. Well, love prevailed and they got married.

Outdoor Bob, needed a truck to go to work. Linda went with Bob to the local Ford dealer and bought a new Ford pickup. Linda had the credit so the loan was in her name. About six months later, Bob started to stop off on Friday at the local saloon to cash his paycheck. Sure enough, there was a dart board there and a few of the guys started tossing darts for beers. Bob was pretty good and they invited him to be on the local dart team.

This meant practice on Tuesday and Thursday night with tournaments on Fridays. Well, Linda got fed up with this malarkey and arguments started. Soon a divorce was the only solution. Lindas parents were the old fashioned I told you so type of folks. They did not get into the middle of the squabble.

When they went to court, the lawyers agreed that Linda would get the kids and Bob needed the truck to get to work so he could pay Linda. Sounds logical, but dangerous. The Judge NEVER instructed anyone to find out who was on the loan but simply awarded the truck to Outdoor Bob. As long as he kept his carpenters job, he could make the payments. Everyone was satisfied.

Linda moved to Florida and got a job as a, school teacher, here in the area. She wanted to buy a house so that the kids could have a home. Lo and behold! She gets a notice that Ford Motor Credit is suing her for the deficiency balance on the Ford truck that they repossessed from Outdoor Bob. The deficiency was over $5,500.00 Even though the Judge instructed Bob to make the payments, he didnt. The judge never thought to check with Ford Motor Credit to see if they would accept Outdoor Bob as the new guarantor on the loan. They of course wouldnt have done it anyway. After all, Bobs credit was terrible.

The end of the story is we were able to get the lawyer for Ford Motor Credit to accept a much lesser amount because he was trying to get a default judgment on his fees. That was illegal here in Florida, so with his hands in the cookie jar, he just wanted to get it over rather than have his name placed in front of the Florida Bar Assn.

Thats the importance of knowing what to do in a divorce situation. This could have been averted IF the Judge had stipulated that Outdoor Bob would get the truck IF he qualified under the credit requirements of the lender.

Divorced folks really do not have any place to go for guidance. Sure a good friend offers a shoulder to cry on, but the tragedy of having personal credit destroyed from a broken marriage is serious. In another article we deal with authorized users of a credit card. This is important after a divorce also.


Regis Sauger - Licensed Florida Mortgage Broker, Author of "What everyone should know about credit"National Seminar Speaker. Has assisted hundreds of families obtain home ownership after they understood their credit profiles. Regis is president of Gold Coast Investments Group in Fort Myers, Florida.

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How To Move House

Moving house is one of the most stressful life events. When I first came to London I had about twenty addresses in three years. After the first few moves I got pretty good at it. I had to! Here's what I did:

1. Pack well in advance

It used to drive me wild how some people in our house left it until the last minute. The result was they'd still be going back and forth from the old place, to the new, days later, for the last pot plant or bit of cutlery.

Make up your mind that you are quitting this house for good, then don't stay a minute longer than you have to. Otherwise you'll be wasting time that could be more profitably spent doing something else.

2. Put small things into a large container.

This saves multiple trips. Sturdy medium-size boxes are a life saver, as they can be stacked easily.

3. Containers should be light enough for one person to lift.

Some people try to fill up a big box with books, for example. The result: no one can lift it, or worse, it's just light enough for someone to try lifting it, and put their back out.

4. First to go in, last out.

You'll be putting the carpets down first, presumably, so they should be last into the van. If you're super organised you can decorate the new house 'on the fly'. Otherwise, put all your stuff in the smallest room in the new place, and then move it about from there, when it's all moved in. This stops the need to move stuff between rooms later.

5. Leave behind what you don't need.

If you've always hated the sofa, leave it behind. Some people have a curious pack-rat mentality; they love to hoard. If what you're hoarding is not gold or jewels, but jam-jars and newspapers, leave them behind.

6. Hire a big van with a big man.

This should really be the number one tip. The idea of a big van is that you'll make fewer trips, ideally only one. Some people try to save money by using their cars, or a friend with a mini van. The result: umpteen trips stretching over days. You get cheesed-off, and so does your friend. Instead of decorating your new place, you're still half-in the old one.

Moving house is very stressful. Get it done as quick as you can. Hire the biggest van you can find.

7. Many hands make light work.

After you've hired the big van, get as many friends as you can involved in the move. If you're really organised, you can move house in half a day. I did this once, to the great surprise and gratitude of the van driver we used. He'd been expecting a day-long slog.

8. Mark parking space for your van.

Cordon off enough parking space for your van driver, so he can park next to the house.

9. Cancel the utilities.

Bit of an obvious one, really. You don't want strangers running up bills in your name. Let the utilities know the date you're due to move out.

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Why Men Worship Lingerie, and The Qualms We Have With Lingerie Stores

I must first present the disclaimer: as only one man, I cannot, and will not, speak for the rest of my gender. I can only present my side of the story and the details and ideas I have personally acquired throughout my short yet informative and experienced mature life.

From a time I can barely recall, lingerie has been a dear part of my heart. At that certain point in a mans premature teenage years, he begins to take notice of the opposite gender. Much of this takes place in anything he can get his hands on: department store catalogs, an uncles pornographic magazine collection, and most recently, I suppose the internet.

My memories take me back to a tree fort belonging to the boys of the neighborhood. We spent many long summers building and perfecting the gathering place where we would share the freshest contraband we could somehow acquire. Probably not too far a stretch from most ordinary boys and their neighborhood pals.

My college years were not too different. Living with male roommates, there was no shortage of adult magazines to flip through while watching another rerun of The Simpsons. These porno mags seemed central to all bathroom reading material belonging to most male inhabited apartments or houses I had the pleasure of stepping into.

My adoration of the porno mag was not just about the bare image of a lady. It had just as much to do with the glamorous lingerie she was in the middle of taking off. What is it about lingerie that starts a young lads engine? Men are much more visual than our counterparts, this I understand.

But why would I rather see a lady in fine lingerie than with nothing on at all? The only answer I can give is the imagination. Since we are such visual creatures, we rely on our perception. This scenario may be similar to the beer goggles one may experience late at night. We lean on our imagination and perception to trigger our sexual fantasies. We close our eyes and dream of the possibilities. Lingerie is the trigger of our minds endless pursuit of fantasy.

Then why do I freeze up in the lingerie store?

It may be for none other than lack of knowledge. We (men) are not here on Earth to predict the unpredictable. We go with the flow. There is no way to know what kind of lingerie she will like, and we will undoubtedly buy her a size that will leave her feeling insulted.

When we see a woman in an appealing ensemble of intimates, we always seem to know what we like, but we cannot possibly transfer this data to what she will like. We can satisfy ourselves in this situation, but never the other. Therefore, we both lose.

There will be a time when we hit the jackpot, though. Its a numbers game. If we buy her enough lingerie, we are bound to get it right at least once. This is no minor victory in the mans mind. The fireworks will be seen by all, and those who missed it will get the play-by-play.

Lingerie follows the golden rule of gift giving in general: it is the thought that counts. This is the rule we truly understand, and when we fail we have no excuses. To repair the damage, most of us resort to the action we shouldve taken in the first place.

Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for He has researched and written hundreds of articles and can simplify your online search by recommending merchants for the best value and selections in quality lingerie, stockings, panties, and bra intimates.

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The Nou Camp and the FC Barcelona Museum

The Nou Camp has been home to FC Barcelona since 1957, when construction was completed on the new stadium. While the land had been specifically purchased for a new stadium to be constructed several years before, building work did not start until 1954 after the decision to go ahead with the project was finally made.

Inaugurated on 24 September 1957 - a public holiday in Barcelona to celebrate La Merce, the city's patron saint - in front of a crowd of more than 90,000 spectators and with the terraces still incomplete, the stadium was blessed by the Archbishop of Barcelona, followed by an opening ceremony attended by athletes and politicians alike. When the ceremony was over came the real action Barcelona's first victory at the Nou Camp with a 4-2 win against a selection from Warsaw, and the first ever goal in the stadium being scored by Eulogio Martinez in the 11th minute.

Enlarged in 1982 for the Spanish World Cup, the Nou Camp is the largest all-seater stadium in Europe as well as being the third largest in the world. With seating for 98,700 spectators, it is more correctly known as Camp Nou, which simply means "new field" in Catalan. Despite the vast number of spectators it can hold, the stadium empties remarkably quickly and official club figures state that it can be evacuated in 5 minutes in an emergency.

At full capacity the stadium can be deafening, which is always the case when FC Barcelona play arch-rivals Real Madrid, but sometimes against lesser teams it can be eerily quiet too. Other domestic rivals include Barcelona's second football team, Espanyol, Atletico Madrid, Valencia, Mallorca and Zaragoza.

As well as being FC Barcelona's stadium, the Nou Camp also houses the FC Barcelona museum, the most visited museum in Barcelona. The museum includes a historical archive of photos, documents and trophies as well as an exhibition of works by Catalan artists Dali, Miro and Tapies.

Visitors can also take the stadium tour, which includes a tour of the changing rooms, a walk through the tunnel onto the pitch as well as the substitutes' bench and many other areas.

For more information on obtaining FC Barcelona tickets for matches at the Nou Camp visit

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Lack of Communication in a Relationship

One of the most important aspects of a successful relationship is effective communication between both parties. Lack of communication in a relationship can result in hasty decisions that can even lead to separation. We need to understand the reasons behind communication breakdown and how they can be avoided to ensure a fulfilling relationship.

Sometimes stress of work makes a person withdrawn, reserved and easily irritated. They dont like to discuss anything with their partners. Financial problems can also be the cause of communication breakdown between two people. When they try to resolve issues, their arguments result in more problems and eventually they stop discussing things. Many couples start hiding their personal problems from each other. They are afraid that if they opened up they will irritate their partner even more and therefore they choose to keep quiet. Remember that lack of communication is the first step towards a failed marriage.

Sometimes mistrust and doubts about your partners loyalty result in communication breakdown. You silently start observing their actions and dont make any effort of discussing your doubts with them. Sometimes when some third party gets involved in two peoples personal matters they make it a point to open up only in front of that third person instead of discussing things between themselves. Always try to resolve your problems yourself.

When you dont live together for a long time it also results in lack of communication and eventually total breakdown. If your partner has to live somewhere else, make sure you two talk on a regular basis and never let distance come in the way of your love. Its true that these kinds of relationships are hard to manage but once you have a made a decision you have to stick with it no matter what happens or how physically distant you are.

Birth of the first baby is also sometimes a cause of communication lapse between the partners. The mother has to give more and ore time to the baby and the father has to spend more and more time in the office. As a result they get a chance to talk after a long pause and when that happens there are complaints and disagreements over trivial issues. Sometimes they argue over what the baby needs and how it should be handled and cared for. When things get out of control they stop their communication altogether and become withdrawn.

Reasons behind lack of communication vary from couple to couple, but the important thing is you shouldnt let these problems come in the way of your relationship. Always talk things out between yourselves before they get worse and never let lack of communication lead to misunderstandings and distrust in any relationship. is 100% free dating site and matchmaking service for singles. Plus provides free dating forum with dating tips and relationship advice.

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The Friend Crush: Is This Love Or Friendship

He's your good friend. She's your best confidant. You have known each other for a few years and have shared meals, movies, hobbies and vacations. You have confided to each other about your latest love interest and turned to one another for support when the relationship(s) failed. You can't imagine life without your good friend.

But for a while....

You've felt jealous of his dates. You've been overprotective of her since she has been seeing the jerk. You've been having very strong feelings of attraction and a desire for something more than friendship. Could it be that your feelings for him/her have grown into something more? If so, your relationship may have developed into a "friend crush".

You don't know what to do. You know you want to continue spending time together- more time. But it's getting hard. You fantasize about having more with this person and are beginning to feel like a jealous would-be partner. Do you pretend everything is the same? Do you start distancing yourself- hoping your feelings will go back to the way they were? Do you actually TALK directly and honestly with your friend about how you feel?

What will happen to the relationship if you make the WRONG choice?

Just as all people are unique, so are the characteristics of their relationships with others. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this increasingly common dilemma. So, let's take a look at your options. You can:

* ignore your feelings, keep your boundaries in check and pretend everything is status quo

In order to choose this option, you must be able to deny your feelings so well that even you don't know what they are. You will also have to continue being comfortable on the sidelines while someone else has the relationship with this person that you desire. You will most likely be asked what you think of this or that person and be expected to be happy and supportive of your friend when they meet the right someone for them. In return for all this, you will still have your friend.

* begin to spend less time with your friend (crush) while seeking out new friendships to pursue and strengthen

This option will most likely cause confusion and hurt on the part of your friend who will wonder what happened. They may be understanding and accepting of your need to spread your wings and support you in doing what you need to do. Either way, you will see less of them and your relationship can weaken and perhaps disappear altogether as they move on with new people. If you can distance yourself for a while and no longer feel the romantic butterflies, you can always give them a call and may be able to pick up somewhere near where you left off.

* continue the relationship with your own hidden agendas - a desire for romantic intimacy and the hope that the person will realize that they feel the same way

If they become involved with someone else in the meantime, you can work to sabotage their new relationship or you can leave them wondering where all your anger and hurt feelings are coming from. You can spend a lot of time and energy handling it this way, without anything to show for your efforts but the loss of a good friend.

* have an open and honest discussion with your friend regarding your new feelings for them

This is the choice that seems to be the hardest for folks to make. Often what I hear from people in this position is that they fear "ruining the friendship" if they discuss their feelings honestly. While this is a very understandable concern, it isn't well thought out. It is emotional, not rational. Look again at the other options. Every one will bring about a change in your current friendship.


Once your feelings have changed, so does the relationship. Ignoring them, hiding them or distancing yourself will lessen your closeness and the positive dynamics that flow between good friends. You can't go back. You need to decide how you want to move forward or if this is an option for you. . It is also possible in choosing this option that you will learn that they have similar feelings for you that they were afraid to reveal. Therefore choosing this option could result in romance and a love relationship based on true friendship.

Intimacy exists in all close relationships. It is the ability to be completely open and vulnerable to another without fear of harm or rejection. So, by definition, we cannot be intimate with another while hiding or denying our true feelings and needs to them.

The choice will always be yours. Choosing wisely is about really knowing the options, the consequences they bring and what will be best for you and your friend.

Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist, relationship coach and founder of As a recognized expert, Toni has been quoted in many local and national publications including: The Chicago Tribune, The Orlando Sentinel, New York Daily News, Indianapolis Star and Newsweek newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, Cosmo Style, Tango, Mens Health, Star (regularly quoted body language expert), and Nirvana magazines. She has been featured on;;;, and Toni offers dating help and relationship advice as the weekly love and dating coach on the KTRS Radio Morning Show (St. Louis, MO) and through her syndicated column, Dear Dating Coach. Her newsletter, The Art Of Intimacy, helps over fifty-five hundred subscribers with its dating and relationship advice. Toni is a member of The International Coach Federation, The International Association Of Coaches and The National Association of Social Workers.

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Diamonds Are Forever

They say they are forever and, other than the sentiment supposedly attached from the bearer, they are right in an elemental sense. Diamonds are the hardest substance known to man. On the Moh hardness scale (mineral quality scale used for identification and differentiation of minerals) it rates a perfect 10. The atoms of diamond are arranged tighter than in any other substance, giving the gem its hardness. A diamond can only be abraded by another diamond of higher hardness and diamonds are used to polish other diamonds.

The melting point of diamond is 3,820 degrees Kelvin, making it the highest melting point of any substance. Diamonds are tetrahedrally bonded pure Carbon atoms; they are terrific heat conductors and have a high dispersion of light making them ideal for industrial applications as well as jewelry. This fire and hardness are considered the ideal reasons why diamonds are so typically interpreted as wedding or engagement rings due to their durability for everyday wear.

Diamonds are not particularly rare, although advertising campaigns and big diamond companies would have the public believing otherwise. There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the mining, sale and market value of natural diamonds. Approximately 50% of the worlds diamonds come from central and southern Africa with much of the sales of the gem being handled by paramilitary groups and are sometimes dubbed conflict diamonds or blood diamonds because of the tragic deaths which occur through the mining, sales and transport of these diamonds. Other areas in the world where diamond mines are prevalent are Canada, India, Russia, Australia and Brazil.

Diamonds have been brought to the surface of the earth from deep within the earth where extreme pressure systems and extremely high temperatures caused their original formation. Volcanic eruptions from 1,100 million -20 million years ago carried the diamonds through Kimberlite pipes to the surface of the earth. These pipelines were formed as magma flowed through intense ruptures in the earth. When these explosions occurred, the magma thrust the diamonds through the pipes, bringing them and other minerals rapidly through the mantle and crust without disturbing their structure by pressure or heat. There are some diamonds found on the earth today that are dated as old as one billion years.

Natural, uncut diamond crystals are formed in isometric cubes and octahedrons (8-sided prisms). Diamonds are rated as having high value by color, high refraction, fire (high dispersion), rarity and extremely low reactivity to chemicals. Diamonds can come in many colors including, yellow, brown, blue, green, black, pink, orange, red, purple and violet. The closer the diamond comes to perfect translucence and no additional hues, the higher in value it becomes.

A diamond of a pink or blue hue is also rated as quite valuable due to the rarity of these gemstones and the more intense the color, the higher the diamond is valued. The Hope Diamond, one of the largest diamonds in the world at 45.52 carats, is now housed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum with an estimated value of $250 million dollars. Diamonds are judged by carat, clarity, color and cut- the four Cs of Diamondsand are valued and rated by these characteristics.

Eric Hartwell is involved in The World's Best Home Page (please visit to read and share opinions) and Jewels To Love

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