Sunday, December 2, 2007 

Pubic Hair Removal - Tips When Waxing

Pubic hair removal is now a matter of concern for both men and women. For hygiene reasons alone many individuals choose to remove unwanted body hair in the pubic area, hence, the search for the best pubic hair removal method.

Waxing is one very popular method. It is inexpensive, it can be done from home, and the results last for some weeks in many cases.

Use these tips to get the best results if you choose to use waxing as your pubic hair removal method of choice:

  • Avoid showering and making the hair wet prior to waxing. Hair absorbs the water making it soft and less likely to adhere well to the wax. Tough hair is easier to pull off.
  • Be sure to test a small area of skin first to make sure there is no acute sensitivity or allergic reaction to pubic hair removal using waxing.
  • Hair should be at least 1/8 inch long. If it isn't wait until it reaches this length.
  • Be sure to wash the skin thoroughly and dry it well beforehand to remove any lotions or oils which may prevent the wax from adhering closely to the skin.
  • Heat the wax carefully so as not to overheat and thus burn the skin when applying. Test on a small area first.
  • The consistency should be soft rather than runny.
  • If pain and discomfort is a main concern use a pain reducing gel or cream available from pharmacists. These solutions should be applied 30 to 60 minutes before waxing so the skin is numbed beforehand.
  • Apply a thin layer of wax in the direction of the hair growth and peel back with a rapid movement close to the skin.
  • Do not pull up or out, rather pull back.
  • Clean the skin with a warm moist towel afterwards to remove excess wax.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing over freshly waxed areas to minimize the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs. 24-48 hours after pubic hair removal waxing, exfoliate the skin (with a Loofa sponge for example) to prevent the dead skin from accumulating and causing hair to become ingrown.

Best Positions When Performing A Waxing Pubic Hair Removal Session:

  • Option 1: Sit in a chair with your feet up above your waist and legs spread apart.
  • Option 2. Sit with one leg propped above your waist and the other leg resting on the floor.
  • Option 3. Lie on your back with legs wide apart and raised in the air so that all the waxable areas are spread taut.
  • Option 4. Lie on your side with the bottom leg straight out and the top leg bent at the knee and tucked behind the straight leg.
  • Option 5. Bend the knees and keep the legs wide apart so the genital areas are easy to work on. Put a mirror on the ground if necessary for better control.

Many persons prefer to have the waxing pubic hair removal procedure carried out at a salon by a professional. See the resource box for a helpful article on what to expect from what is called Brazilian Waxing.

Kalo Hair Growth Inhibitor works particularly well with waxing hair removal. Click here:

An alternative: Personal shavers have made pubic hair removal so much easier. Check them out here:

Brazilian Waxing Is It For You?

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Kid Birthday Party Games - Pre-Teens

Pre-teens are no longer wanting to play kiddie games but are not yet teenagers. They will not want to play running games yet are not really ready to just hang out. Here are some ideas for your pre-teen party.

Untie the Knot
Place the guests in two separate circles. Ask them to raise a hand and take hold of someone's hand on the opposite side of their circle. Then, using their free hand, grab the hand of a different person close by. Without letting go they must try unravel themselves. The first team to do so is the winner.

Matching Characters
Identify couples from real life or fiction like Lady Di and Charles, Peter Pan and Wendy or Willie Wonka and Charlie. Place a piece of paper on each persons' back identifying them. Each person then asks 1 question from every other person till they discover who they are. They may only ask questions such as am I male or female, a fictional character or real person, dead or alive, etc. Once they identify themself, they can start looking for their partners. The winners are the first matching couple.

Toilet Paper Game
This is a wonderful ice breaker - especially if the guests don't know each other well. As each guest arrives ask them to take a strip of toilet paper off a roll. When everyone is there get the guests to sit in a circle. Starting with the birthday person, each person must reveal something about themselves equal to the number of squares they tore off. You could also pass a bowl of sweets around. Tell each guest to take a hand full. They must tell a secret for each sweet they took.

Balloon Defense
Tie a balloon to each persons' ankle. The idea is to try stamp on each other's balloons to pop them without having yours burst. Here are tons more wonderful balloon games.

Note for Note
Have a selection of popular CD's (preferably of mixed artists) and a CD player which allows you to fast forward to the middle of a song. Press play anywhere in the middle of a song and play for 2 seconds. Whoever identifies the song first gets a toothpick. The one with the most toothpicks in the end wins. You could have them identify the song or artist.

Questions and Answers
Get each person to write a way-out question on a piece of paper. Fold and place in a bowl. Ask them to write a line from their favorite song on another piece of paper. These are the answers. Pass the questions around and let every one take one. Each person gets a turn to read their question, then take an "answer" from the second bowl and sing it if they know the song. Some really hilarious answers to questions come out! And strange versions to songs too.

Stork the lantern
This game is played best outside at night. One child is "it" and sits with a flashlight or lantern. They must look at the light. The other children move out into the dark. They try get as close to the lantern as possible. The person with the light tries to listen for noises or spot movement. Then they can look up and say something like "I see you with the red shirt". That person then sits down. The child that gets the closest to the lantern wins.

Bubble blowing
No not just any bubbles but big odd shaped bubbles. You will need a good bubble solution and shaped wire to create these huge bubbles.

Use these ideas, they are sure to be a hit.

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How To Stop Premature Ejaculation

In today's world premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems that will plague a man especially as he gets older. So one of the biggest problems that a man faces who suffers from premature ejaculation is that neither him or his partner will enjoy the act of love making in the right way and can affect their relationship. In this article I will look at ways of stopping premature ejaculation.

Because this problem is so widely rampant among men today there are many suggestions available which can help to stop or rectify the situation. Certainly just take a look on the web and key in "stopping premature ejaculation" and you will soon discover what I mean. Below are some techniques you may find useful to help you stop ejaculating prematurely.

1. Squeeze Technique. What needs to happen is that as soon as the man feels that ejaculation (climax) is about to occur then they should squeeze the head of the penis (glans) using the thumb and forefinger. What this method does it stops the semen from being ejaculated. After a minute or so the man will find that his penis has become aroused again and this technique can then be used to prevent them from ejaculating prematurely. By carrying out this technique a couple of times a man will find that his arousal will increase and when he does finally ejaculate the amount of semen produced is copious.

2. Foreplay. It is important that time should be taken over this part of love making and especially time taken over arousing non-genital organs such as the nipples, earlobes, nape of the neck, thighs and any other contact that you make with a person's skin.

These are just a couple of ways that a man can use in order to help stopping premature ejaculation. By using these methods not only will they decrease the chances of premature ejaculation but both you and your partner will have more fulfilling sexual lives.

Discover the best solution for stopping premature ejaculation recommend by Ricky. Click here to find out more.

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Business Cards

Business cards are often exchanged when business people meet each other. It is a great marketing tool that can be used to advertise your business. In most cases, the company logo, name, phone number, and address will be present on the card, with a list of services that the company offers. With the advent of the internet, many businesses are now adding their email address on the card as well. While business cards used designs that were rather simple in the past, they are now more intricate.

Business cards are often presented by sales people when they make visits to potential clients. Even if the potential clients are not interested in the product or service at the moment, giving them a business card will plant the seed that may cause them to use the service at a later time. It can also help a company build word or mouth advertising for their business. The use of business cards has evolved over time. Their use goes back hundreds of years, and they were common in China during the 1500s. Business cards were frequently used by European aristocrats. These cards would eventually become an important form of etiquette, and a number of rules were used for their presentation.

The use of business cards by ordinary people is a relatively recent phenomenon. For most of their history, they were commonly used by the upper classes. The use of trade cards became well known in England during the 1700s. It was during this time that companies begin placing an emphasis on design. High quality designs become widespread, and color printing was also available. A large number of entrepreneurs begin using trade cars as a way to market their businesses to others. A number of companies sprung up which would mass produce business cards for an affordable prices.

Today, the exchange of business cards among business people has become common. Many people have a habit of carrying around their business cards to be given to others when the need arises. While the use of business cards is commonly connected to entrepreneurs, there are a number of people who collect business cards like works of art. The dimensions of a business card should be the same as a credit card, and will generally be 85.60 x 53.98. They should easily be able to fit in a wallet or purse. A number of business cards are now being designed which have high quality photographs. Many large companies will use a trademark color for their cards, while others will make sure their cards are engraved.

CMYK is commonly used for modern business cards. These colors are magenta, cyan, black, and yellow. The screens of these colors will be combined to create a wider variety of colors. The only disadvantage to this technique is that small dots may be seen if you stare closely at the card. In addition to this, a number of card designers have begin adding coats which are glossy to the card. This will protect the card and give it an impressive shine.

Michael Colucci is a writer for Business Cards which is part of the Knowledge Search network

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