Tuesday, December 4, 2007 

Second Mortgage Home Equity Loan - More than Words

Words can be fun. English words are particularly interesting as they are born from a variety of sources. Although it is a Germanic language, about 50 percent of English is based on Greek and Latin. Have you ever thought about the origins of certain words? Take the word "phony," for example. British crooks once used different secret code words. On of those was "fawney," which alluded to a gift ring. The thieves would sell these rings, claiming that they were made of actual gold. So, the word "phony" began to refer to anything that was unreal. Another interesting word origin is connected to the word "hazard." This is derived from the Arabic term, "al zahr." What does it mean? The dice. The term became related to several games that used dice, in Western Europe. They learned these games during the Crusades, which took place in the Holy Land. Later, the word became associated with danger, because some people cheated with adjusted dice, and gambling was always a risk. Similar to the examples given previously given, a second mortgage home equity loan may also seem complicated. But it is actually fairly easy to learn when it is broken down.

Mortgage Meaning

How about the word "mortgage"? "Mort," meaning "dead," is from the Latin "mortuus." The word "mortgage" itself is from the Anglo-French word with the same spelling. But why would death be related to a mortgage? Sir Edward Coke, who was born in the 16th century, believed that it was based on whether or not the mortgager would pay his debt. If the person could not pay his debt, then the land was taken from him, and became dead to him. But if the person paid off the mortgage, then the mortgage owed became dead to him. That helps to explain how a second mortgage home equity loan works.

One Debt, Two Loans

So what's the meaning of a second mortgage home equity loan? This type of loan is useful in restructuring your debt. Applying for this loan is much simpler than applying for the original loan. To secure a second mortgage home equity loan, you must have good credit and be capable of documenting your income. And while zero or no-equity loans let you borrow a maximum of 125 percent of your home's value, be cautious. Those loans have interest rates that are higher, and have stricter standards for qualifying. Two types of home equity loans exist. A home equity loan is a lump-sum loan that, like the majority of first mortgage loans, requires regular payments. However, the closing costs of a second are lower than those for a first mortgage loan. The fixed rates for home equity loans are a little higher than the rates on first mortgages.

Hello, HELOC

The home equity lines of credit, or HELOC, are another type of potential second mortgage home equity loan. The differences include:

* The account can be used as long as funds are available. Think of it like a credit card, with a balance and an available credit line.

* The interest rate can change each month. So this type of second mortgage home equity loan is ideal when low interest rates are available, but are hazardous after interest rates increase.

* After a future time, such as 5 to 20 years, you cannot draw against the account any longer. You will then have to make monthly payments on the loan's principal and interest.

Words can be fun when we know what they mean and where they come from. Likewise, the second mortgage home equity loan can provide several options after you have mastered what it is.

Looking for a second mortgage home equity loan? Learn more about it as well as current home loan mortgage rates when you visit our site now!

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Finding Alcohol Abuse Information

The popularity of alcohol in society has led to many problems with its over consumption and abuse. People of all ages drink alcoholic drinks for a variety of reasons including enjoyment, peer pressure, curiosity and to get drunk and escape from the reality of their life. When people begin to consume too much alcohol it is important for the person and their friends and family to recognize this problem. Finding alcohol abuse information can help people understand and identify when drinking alcohol has become or is becoming a serious issue for an individual. Having the information readily available can lead to early and quick intervention.

Resources For Alcohol Abuse Information A lot of information can be easily found in ones own community. Hospitals, clinics and schools will usually have some handouts with information and many will have a counselor or other professional that can assist with information. Simple phone calls or visits can assist a person with finding a lot of great information and local resources. Local chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous and Alanon can also be great local resources for information and can also help in addressing any problems with alcohol.

Good resources can be found at several government web sites. Sites such as the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (www.niaaa.nih.gov) offer information related to various aspects of alcohol abuse and even have printable resources. The recent increase in young people abusing alcohol has caused the government to increase the amount of resources available for both underage and college age alcohol drinking. These sites also offer reliable data and statistics for use in a large group setting or for anyone needing good research materials.

For quick information on alcohol abuse and other alcohol issues there is some good information atalcoholism.about.com. This site offers a definition of alcohol abuse, a list of symptoms, and diagnosis and treatment information. The site also has current news articles and events related to alcohol abuse information. This site even offers a quick twenty question quiz to help determine if alcohol is a problem. The Alcoholism Screening Quiz is a list of question with yes or no answers that are easy for anyone to answer and can quickly identify a potential problem.

There are several ways for a person to get information on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Any person who has alcohol included in their life should become familiar with the information so that they can quickly identify their own problem or a problem a family member or friend may be developing. Early intervention will prevent a snowball effect from this disease.

Christopher Jay provides more free and extremely helpful information in his content rich Alcohol Abuse Information site For more alcohol abuse causes, explore- Alcohol Abuse Information Sitemap

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Comparing Contact Lens Cleaner Solution

This article will be a contact lens cleaner comparison. The article will feature contact lens cleaner comparison information about how the cleaners work and their prices.

To begin the contact lens cleaner comparison we will look at several different kinds of cleaner. This part of the article will give you information about contact lens cleaner comparison in the area of function.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #1: Actual cleaning solution compared to disinfecting solution. The cleaning solution removes dirt and mucus and the disinfecting solution reduces microbial contamination.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #2: Cleaning solution compared to multi-purpose solution. The multipurpose solution rinses, and disinfects.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #3: Cleaning solution compared to peroxide solution. The peroxide solution disinfects for overnight storage and also acts as a neutralizer.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #4: Cleaning solution and enzyme cleaner. The enzyme cleaner is used to reduce build-up from the tears that cling to the lens.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #5: Cleaning solution and rinsing solution. The rinsing solution gets rid of debris and other solutions in preparation for usage.

Contact lens cleaner comparison #6: Cleaning solution and a solution that does it all. The solution that does it all cleans, rinses, disinfects, removes protein and can be used as a wetting agent.

When thinking about contact lens cleaner comparison you have a lot to think about. If you are doing a contact lens cleaner comparison you will need to look at the functions of all the cleaning solutions. You will also want to consider the cost when doing a contact lens cleaner comparison. The cost will vary greatly depending on how many solutions you may need.

For instance, when you are doing a contact lens cleaner comparison will you use four bottles to get everything done or just one? The one bottle may be less expensive than buying four separate bottles. If you are doing a contact lens cleaner comparison also consider looking at several different places. You may be surprised at how much the prices vary. This is a crucial part of the contact lens cleaner comparison.

When you are doing a contact lens cleaner comparison look for function and prices and then decide which cleaner is best for you.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor.com. He provides more contact lens tips and discount contact lens cleaning solutions that you can research and purchase in your pajamas on his website.

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Leasing -10 Things To Keep In Mind When Apartment Hunting

When you search for an apartment in large metro areas like Southern California, and especially near large cities such as Los Angeles, rest assured your apartment search will be competitive and very likely grueling. However finding your apartment can be less stressful and more productive, if you remember to

Be organized and professional. Approach the pursuit of your rental or apartment search like a job search. Be as polite, courteous and professional as you can be. Youll want to make sure you stand out as the best applicant. Youll likely be meeting with many people--property managers, realtors and/or landlords-- try to make the first impression a good one.

Know what you absolutely want. And what you dont want. Once you know what you definitely want, you can afford to be flexible with the rest of your criteria in your apartment search. When you know what you want but are flexible with the details that dont matter, youll make a decision more easily and quickly and most likely will be happy with the result.

Be prepared. You may decide on the spot that this is your ideal apartment - so have a deposit and/or credit check fee ready when you go on your apartment search. Be prepared with all the information you need to complete a rental application: your prior addresses, credit information, personal identification such as a drivers license, paycheck stubs or a bank statement. You may be asked for a list of references, make sure you have that information handy. Landlords will not respond well to incomplete applications and you may very likely lose the apartment you want to someone who is better prepared.

Be an early bird. Check apartment listings every morning, and call for information early. The best time to contact management companies is between 8:30 am-12:30 pm, and the best time to contact smaller apartment complexes and building managers is between 3:30-7:30 pm. When you get a call back from an apartment manager or landlord, return calls promptly.

Leave professional messages. If you get the message machine, and very often you will, speak slowly, clearly, and repeat your name and phone number. If you can, leave your mobile phone number, in order to make yourself more available. Also, if necessary, state your availability for receiving phone calls and when youll be available to view the apartment.

Know your credit standing. Review a copy of your credit report and correct any errors on it. There are many reputable online credit report companies which allow you to view your FICO score and credit report for a nominal fee, before your landlord runs your credit. When you fill out your rental application, be sure that its consistent with your actual credit report.

Review and check with your references. Contact your references that you will be listing in your apartment application and get their okay to use them as your reference. Also, make sure the contact information and job information you have for your apartment references is current.

Make sure you have all applicable information regarding your previous residences. Be sure that you have current information, i.e. landlords names, phone numbers, dates of occupancy and the reason for leaving that is applicable to the places you have lived at. It should make your application process much more efficient and productive.

Strive to make a good impression. It's worth mentioning again, strive to be professional and polite. Demonstrate with your considerate behavior that youll be a responsive tenant that will take care of the apartment and property. It may seem like common sense, but very few people (no doubt stressed about by the apartment search in general) follow this advice.

Map out your appointments. Make appointments to view apartments in the same area or neighborhood. Use online maps to map out your route so that you dont waste any time driving across the city unnecessarily.

Keeping these tips in mind will assist you in putting your best foot forward and standing out as the best candidate for your dream apartment.

Nef Cortez has been a licensed real estate broker and has held various positions in the real estate and mortgage industry for over 25 years. If you would like to read more of Nef's timely advice (with the latest FREE info on local foreclosures), visit his website at Chino Hills CA Real Estate or read his blog at A Slice of So Cal Real Estate

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