Thursday, December 20, 2007 

How Does God Guide You in Making Hard Decisions? (Part 2 of 3)

One of the decisions was what kind of ice cream I wanted, strawberry or vanilla, says Christen, 11. That is a hard decision for me. I really dont know how God showed me the sign, but I picked strawberry.

Christen, are you writing from Earth? This sounds like a decision from heaven. If all of life were filled with these kinds of decisions, we would all be happy . . . or look like 300-pound blimps.

God lets the answer come to me, and I got something for it like an A+, says Lauren, 7.

Some of my most fervent praying occurred before big tests during the course of two difficult graduate programs. Amazingly, I found that the answers to those prayers were closely associated with the amount of study I had done. We shouldnt expect God to save us from the consequences of our own laziness.

God helps me make hard decisions by talking to me through prayer, says Sarah, 11. He talks to me through actions and consequences. He helps me through my parents, my friends and my teachers. He helps me every day in hard and easy decisions. I know I can go to him whenever I need help.

I like Sarahs answer because it shows that God leads in a variety of ways. Sensitive Christians look for clues along lifes journey. God is always at work around us. We should pray that our eyes will be open to what he is doing.

Sarah says God talks to her in prayer. At one level of prayer, we speak to God. At another, God speaks to us. The Bible contains many examples of Gods audible voice breaking into conversations, but my experience is that this is the exception rather than the rule. God usually speaks through a quiet mind informed by the Word of God and a spirit filled with the Holy Spirit.

The deepest level of prayer is communion with God. Jesus always knew what to do and say because he stayed in constant communion with his Father. Many times, he retired from the demands of ministry to pray in remote places.

Jesus said: I can of myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is righteous because I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father who sent me (John 5:30).

When we do something, even if we know it wont get us into any trouble, we should always ask God about it, says Jessica, 10.

Yes, this is the idea of living in fellowship with God. Do you talk to a friend only when youre in trouble? God wants to be your friend. Toward the end of his ministry, Jesus told his disciples he would no longer call them servants, but friends. Friends have things in common. Friendship with God depends on our obedience to him (John 15:14-15).

When you ask God for help, he helps you with your tough times, and he helps your conscience tell you whats right or wrong, says Taylor, 11. God loves us, and he is willing to do anything for his children. He loves us so much that he sent his only Son to die on a cross to save us from our sins.

Jesus made the hardest decision of all when he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane: Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what you will (Mark 14:36).

The figurative cup Jesus drank contained our sins. He didnt want this cup, but he drank it in submission to his Father so that we could live.

Is there a distasteful cup before you today? Submit to the Father in hard decisions, and he will lift you up.

Carey Kinsolving is a syndicated columnist, producer, author, speaker and website developer. To see more material like this, visit The Kids Talk About God website contains free, online content for children and families. See Careys Kid TV Interviews. Hear a book talk. Print free lessons from the "Kids Color Me Bible" and make your own book. Let an 11-year-old girl take you on a trip around the world in the Mission Explorers Streaming Video. Print Scripture verses illustrated by child artists. Receive a complimentary, weekly e-mail subscription to our Devotional Bible Lessons.

Bible quotations in this Bible lesson are from the New King James Version.

Copyright 2007 Carey Kinsolving

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The Fortune Is In the Follow Up

So, you've just got your first website up and running. Good for you!

Time to sit back and relax? You can. But only for awhile. Then it's time to prepare for the next stage of having your own site.

The answer to your getting repeat visitors -- who will turn into repeat customers -- is to regularly enter new content into your site, plus have a plan to notify your mailing list.

Your site is like a storefront window, and you want to make sure you have new, fresh content and products there all the time. Getting new photos uploaded, adding new content and periodically culling out the old, are great ways to entice visitors to come back often.

You are making sure that visitors to your site can consistently look forward to seeing new and different material. You are showing everyone your up-to-date work and that you continually have fresh photos to offer.

Remember, because your website and your specialized content areas match the focus interest areas of the targeted photobuyers on your mailing list, you are guaranteeing return visitors. If you published only generic (generalized--all across the board) photos on your site, you would create no burning desire for the photobuyers on your mailing list to return.

Each time you add new photographs to your site, you can send a short email to the select number of the specialized photobuyers on your contact list, and alert them that you have recently made changes to your site. Because your photos match the photo needs of the names on your list of photobuyers, they will be genuinely interested in your site and your photography. Your marketing strategy of following up will eventually pay off in sales.


Personally, I have a list of some 50 photobuyers that I know are constantly looking for the kind of photos I make. These people get emails from me quite often with news about what I have to offer. I have another list of about 300 photobuyers that I know occasionally need my kind of images, and the people on this list get an email once every quarter or when I have made a major change on my site.

Be sure to mention your upcoming travel, both foreign and domestic!

My specialty is law enforcement. In the "New" section of my website, I put a few words about what images I will be producing in the near future. For instance, when I know I will be photographing traffic police, I let my photobuyers know this. That way the buyers who are planning something involving images of traffic police will make a note to contact me.

This tactic also can work to create new assignments, and here's how: by sharing what I plan to do, it sometimes will spur my regular buyers to consider producing articles or other works on those same subject areas.

Heres another way to follow-up with your buyers: Offer a feedback form and/or contact form to make it easy for buyers and people to get in touch with you. Again, if you email to your lists regularly, theyll remember you and your photo specialty. The fortune is in the follow-up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If yours is not a "generalized" website attempting to appeal to the universe of photobuyers, you can take advantage of your specialization (nursing, aviation, wildflowers, astronomy, architecture, etc.) by offering specialized information to your repeat visitors.

Magazine and book publishers gravitate to websites that are useful to them specifically. Provide "extras" for your visitors and you'll experience repeat visitors and customers. Here are typical features you can include on your site, depending on your specialization; they're all free for the asking:

CALCULATOR. Engineers, architecture, farming, etc.

WEATHER. Aviation, fishing industry, gardening.

MAP. Visitors can use special maps to find the geographic location of their photo need. ;

ASSOCIATIONS. Provide conference and convention dates of associations in fields your specialized clients would find of interest.

GRANTS. Your visitors will want to know about government and corporate grants that they might qualify for. ;

CURRENCY CONVERTER. Will your client be traveling to a foreign country? Here's a help feature for them.

HISTORY. Provide specialized historical info ranging from technology history to crime history. Law enforcement, education, corporate, etc.

FREE ITEMS. Several sites offer free items. In a major search engine, type in your specialization and the word FREE. Feature a useful free item each week.

DISCOUNTS. You'll find a range of discount websites ranging from travel to hotels, from senior citizen to dental discounts.

STATS. And don't forget to assemble all of your website traffic stats, hits, visitor profiles and tracking into a monthly statistical report that will help guide you in the direction you want your website to go.

SEARCH ENGINE. Visitors will want to search for specific subjects. You can offer a search engine.

BULLETIN BOARD. Establish a moderated chat group where clients and photographers can discuss their specialized interest areas.

GUESTBOOK. Keep a record of your visitors by offering a guest book where they can register and make comments. ;

And finally, for general information on how to add value to your website, check out

Photojournalist Mikael Karlsson has 20 years' experience of working for magazines and newspapers in more than 30 countries. He moved to the United States in 1998 from his native Sweden. He lives in Nebraska and is currently US correspondent for 11 Swedish magazines and a regular contributor to a wide variety of U.S. publications. Reach him at

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Men Need More Health Care

A recent survey revealed a sad reality; over 30 percent of American male population has not asked any kind of medical care last year. The same survey concluded that around nine million American men have not visited a doctor in the last five years.

Probably you think men do not need health care, but you're wrong. They just ignore their situation as it is well-known that men have less healthy lifestyle. They generally smoke and drink more than women and they love to enjoy fearless, dangerous, risky behaviors. As a consequence, they suffer more from certain diseases.

As I said before, men just ignore their situation. But the worst think is society itself ignores their situation. According to a men's health group, for every 1 spent on men's health, 8 is spent on women's health. How would that explain other way, the vast difference in the resources allocated to breast cancer and prostate cancer? It is a fact that breast cancer gets much more resources than men's cancers. Statistics show with no doubts that 10,000 men are killed by prostate cancer every year. That means four times the number of women killed by cervical cancer, but despite of this sad reality, cervical cancer is much more resourced.

This social attitudes that ignore the main problems of male population cause a lower life expectancy for men. Men's Health Forum concluded that the suicide rate and death rate from cancer are higher among men than women.

Do not think I'm a man and I want a piece of women's pie. I just want equal opportunities for men and their health care. Besides my opinion, there is one major reason society must allocate more funds for men information and provide more health care for them: children need both parents to be happy.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in recent health news for men.

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Natural And Home Remedies For Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infection is nothing new. Almost 35 million people in the United States suffer from fungal nail infections. The main cause for this infection is the growth of several micro-organisms who feed on the keratin that nails are made of. And this in turn makes the nail pale and opaque. So, in case your nails show any of the symptoms of a fungal infection, it is better to seek immediate treatment to cure it as soon as possible.

There are various methods available in the market to treat this infection. People have been fighting nail infections for generations, and it is no wonder that we have some home remedies. These include the use of Vicks vaporub, hydrogen peroxide, and apple cider vinegar.

People who have suffered from fungal nail infections reveal some astonishing facts about the strength of these home remedies. Applying Vicks two times a day by properly rubbing it on the affected area can help in improving the condition of your infected nail in a few days. Hydrogen peroxide, when applied in a way that it penetrates the skin inside the nail, can also prove to be beneficial. The improvement can be seen within fifteen days. And apple cider vinegar helps to build an acidic environment around the infected area, reducing the infection.

However, be careful while using these home remedies as they are only effective if the fungal nail infection is a mild one. If it is severe, you might need pharmaceutical treatments. Depending upon the intensity of the the fungal infection, your doctor will advise you on which medication to take. In addition to this, you need to follow the instructions given by your doctor.

Natural treatments include Tea tree oil and Leucatin. Leucatin is a product of Selmedica Healthcare. Both these products are believed to be highly effective and they do not have any major side effects. However, medication depends upon the age of the patient and severity of the fungal nail infection.

In addition to this, you can also make the medication work for you in a better way by following some precautions. For example, do take care to keep your nails clean and trimmed. Wear cotton socks/gloves and use waterproof gloves for doing any wet work. Most importantly, do not use the same trimmer for your infected and healthy nails, or you might be spreading the infection in this way!

One vital thing to keep in mind is that it will take a few months to kill the infection and let a natural fresh nail grow in the place of the infected one. So, have patience for it. And the best way to choose the cure for your fungal nail infection is to ask your doctor.

Daniel D. Bernier owns and operates Nail Infection

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Relieve Depression Naturally

Depression is a mood disorder that ranges from mild to severe. All of us have experienced a form of depression at some time in our lives. It can accompany loss, stress, unresolved anger, fear, shame, disappointment and other emotional dynamics that are a part of our life situation. Depression is experienced by children, adults, and elderly regardless of economic status, gender, or culture. Depression affects physical health, relationships, awareness, weight, memory, decision making ability, energy level, interest, and sleep. In addition to emotional experience, depression can result from diet, nutrition, and other physical biochemical origins.

In severe, special cases of depression associated with extreme mental disorder, synthetic, chemical based drugs called antidepressants are required and necessary for relief of depression. However, most of us do not fall into this category and too often these synthetic antidepressants are prescribed for us who suffer from common daily disappointments in our lives. For most common experiences of depression, antidepressants are not often necessary. Synthetic Antidepressants have been known to have some harmful side effects, prompting the FDA to recommend that manufacturers add this warning label to their products: "Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in short-term studies in children and adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of {insert established name} or any other antidepressant in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical need. Patients who are started on therapy should be observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidalty, or unusual changes in behavior".

This is not to suggest that ignoring the feelings of depression will make the feelings go away. Since depression can have physical biochemical origin and depression from emotional stress can cause biochemical change in the body, it would follow that common, not severe, depression would respond to clinically proven all natural remedies as vitamins, herbs, supplements, minerals, amino acids, aromatherapy, and all natural formulas designed to relieve the pain of depression. Other treatments e.g. psychotherapy, exercise, acupuncture, yoga, meditation also aid in the natural relief of depression.

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can trigger depression as well as depression decreasing the availability of vitamins and minerals essential for the maintaining our body's health. These vitamins and minerals include vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium and trace minerals. Supplementing our bodies with these vitamins and minerals can relieve and perhaps prevent depression as well as greatly improving our health generally.

Adding amino acids to our diets can go a long way in relieving depression and promoting general health. For example, SAMe (S-Adensoyl-L-Methionine) is an amino acid that can be found in all cells of our body. It is a natural antidepressant that has additional value of protecting the liver and cardiovascular system, synthesis of natural melatonin that assists sleeping well. Phenylalanine is another amino acid that makes the neurotransmitter, i.e. substance that conducts messages to and within the brain, norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is diminished in the brains of people who are depressed. The amino acid L-Theanine naturally reduces anxiety associated with depression and is not addictive or habit forming. Another amino acid that naturally relieves depression and stimulates alertness is L-Tyrosine.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophane) is a naturally occurs in our bodies and helps the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Adequate amounts of serotonin is vital for a feeling and sense of emotional well being. 5-HTP can cross the blood brain barrier which makes it unique in the facilitation of serotonin. 5-HTP has gained a great reputation in the natural treatment of insomnia, depression and obesity.

For many people who suffer common depression, a effectively created herbal formula is very beneficial for the natural relief of depression. St. John's wort (hypericum perforaturn), commonly referred to as "Nature's Prozac", helps naturally relieve mild or moderate depression, stress, anxiety, and tension. Gingo biloba is used as an alternative treatment for moderate depression in elderly people because depression is an early sign of cognitive decline or cerebrovascular deficiency. Valerian root has a natural calming effect for anxiety and depression. Passionflower is an efficient natural sedative for calming and sleeping well. Black Cohosh, used by early Native Americans, soothes the body and reduces spasm. These are just a few of the examples of herbs and herbal formula that treat moderate depression effectively and naturally.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to moderate depression. A common treatment is natural progesterone for women. Other natural substances help balance hormones e.g. flax oil, black cohosh, dimpro, promensil, essential fatty acids, red clover, virtex berry and many other naturally derived supplements.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils and other natural aromatic compounds from plants to effect emotional and physical health The oils are referred to as "essential" because they are the "essence" of the plant. Olfactory sense has a powerful effect on our emotional and physical health. Aromatherapy can be used to alter mood, inspire confidence, ease moderate depression, and increase energetic feeling. In some nations essential oils are used for their antiseptic qualities to treat infection. In France, many aromatherapy essential oils are perceived in a similar way as prescription drugs are in the United States. Aromatherapy comes in many forms, e.g. essential oil, mists, sticks, candles, infusions, massage creams and oils, mineral bath formulas, and absolutes.

One on the most popular aromatherapy aromas is lavender. Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and helps in treating migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. Its refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness and increases mental activity. Lavender essential oil induces sleep and hence it is often recommended for insomnia. Lavender essential oil is also an excellent remedy for various types of pains including those caused by sore muscles, tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago.

In summary, many of us suffer mild to moderate depression for a variety of reasons. Our experience of depression is not so severe or of long duration to justify the use of powerful synthetic prescription drugs or antidepressant drugs with their potential of hazardous, harmful physical and behavioral side effects. We have available to us, a vast variety of effective, efficient, all natural vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, aromatherapy, hormonal balancers, and other safe natural modalities for relieving mild to moderate depression.

Jennifer has over twenty years experience with all natural health care products. She provides the highest quality all natural health care products through

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Impotence Medication: Male Impotence Medication and the Side-Effects

You and your loved one had a stressful day and it is time to turn in. As you kiss and slowly become more intimate, the stress returns to the bedroom. You or a loved one suffers from male impotence! Did you know that you are not alone? Almost 30 million American men suffer from impotence or an erectile dysfunction. Of those 30 million men, millions choose to treat their impotence with medications, suppositories, implants, surgery, vacuum devices or natural remedies. There are numerous treatments available and it is important to educate yourself on the various methods of treatment. So what treatment is the best for you?

Impotence Medication and its Side-Effects

1. The Drugs

There are numerous drugs used to treat impotence. In general, most drugs given to treat erectile dysfunction are drugs which increase blood flow to the genital area. The increased blood flow will allow the sufferer to hold an erection. The most common oral drug is Sildenafil (is present in major erectile dysfunction providers) which will allow the man to hold an erection for 10-30 minutes while aroused. However, Sildenafil does have harsh side effects. Side effects from Sildenafil include: headaches, flushing, runny nose, upset stomachs, and vision problems. Along with Sildenafil, other impotence drugs used to treat erectile dysfunctions include: phentolamine and vohimbine. Some of the various side effects include: anxiety, shaking, rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure.

2. Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Beginning at about the age of 30, the production of testosterone in men usually decreases an average of 1% to 2% per year. Along with a decrease in testosterone levels, men will experience the following: decreased muscle mass, increased abdominal fat, thin bones, decreased energy and a low red blood cell count. Therefore, many men take testosterone in pills, patches, topical creams and injections to slow or reverse the development of these characteristics. However there are also side effects involved: worsening of prostate disease or cancer, liver dysfunction and increased risk of stroke.

3. Alprostadil, a suppository

Alprostadil, a suppository, is inserted into the member and may result in an erection. However, it is more effective when combined with another treatment, such as a binding device. Alprostadil's side effects include: light-headedness, a burning sensation on the genital, and sometimes a painful erection (priapism).

Could there be a safer method?

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Did you know that thousands of men are treating impotence naturally with no side effects? At Barton Publishing Inc., we are completely convinced that you can cure impotence naturally that we have a 100% risk-free guarantee on all our research-based reports.

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Skin Care Tips For Tired Puffy Looking Eyes

"What's the matter, didn't you get enough sleep last night?"

Everyone is likely to hear that question a few times during their lives. No one wants to hear it after getting a full night's rest though. If this happens to you, chances are it is due to bags or dark circles under your eyes.

When meeting someone for the first time people focus immediately on the face, and, what part of the face do they notice? The eyes. The most common problems that affect the area around the eyes are bags, circles, and crow's feet. Any of these skin problems can make you look older than you are or tired, neither of which make the best first impression.

Bags under the eyes are caused by fat deposits or fluid retention. Fluid retention is typically caused by a salty diet, smoking, fatigue and sleeping. Fatty deposits tend to be hereditary, but can be kept in check by following the same tips for fluid retention.

These tips will help minimize or eliminate bags under your eyes...

Avoid eye products and makeup that aggravate the problem
Avoid stress
Drink lots of water to flush excess salt from your system
Get plenty of sleep
Quit smoking
Reduce your salt intake to prevent fluid retention
Sleep with extra pillows and let gravity work its magic
Thoroughly remove all eye makeup

Even small traces of eye makeup can cause the skin to react negatively, leading to bags. You can tell when all of your eye makeup has been removed when your cleansing pad shows no trace of makeup after going over your face.

Dark circles under the eyes are primarily caused by excess fat under the eye. These can be caused by heredity, allergies, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, sunlight, and aging.

Reduce dark circles under your eyes with these tips...

Apply a non-shiny concealer to lighten the circles
Get plenty of sleep
Talk to your doctor about possible hormonal causes
Treat your allergies
Use sunscreen
Wear sunglasses

A few words about sunglasses. Choose sunglasses with full ultraviolet protection, both UVA and UVB, to shield against the damaging spectrum of the sun's rays. You cannot judge UV protection by the cost of the sunglasses. Look for a tag that certifies 100% UVA and UVB protection. Lenses that cover the entire eye will also help in preventing...

Crow's feet are tiny wrinkles around the eyes. They are caused by overexposure to the sun, the breakdown of collagen, or repetitive muscle movement (such as smiling or squinting). There are many products available that help reduce crow's feet. Before buying them try some of the following tips to battle crow's feet...

Avoid squinting
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
Keep hydrated
Wear sunglasses, (See above for tips on sunglasses)

Even though smiling repetitively can create fine lines around the eyes - don't stop doing it. There are too many other benefits to give it up. Besides, treating crow's feet with the other methods listed here will give you something to smile about.

In closing, here are a few more general thoughts and tips to help your eyes. Sleeping on your back with prevent pooling, and keep your face from being repeatedly contorted. Cool chamomile tea bags on the eyes are soothing and improve appearance. Over the counter eye gels work for some, but you may have to try a few to find the one that works best for you. After all, you deserve the best and taking the time to find it is worth it.

========= Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes. =========

Cindy Russell has studied and researched skin care and the aging process for over 17 years. Cindy is also the author of "The Secret Science Of Skin Care And Aging" a free ebook that she offers at her website for more great articles and beauty tips you can also visit her Squidoo lens here:

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