Saturday, June 30, 2007 

4 Steps to Control Anger

Many of us at times have been upset. Being upset is a part of life. Not all things will go the way you want them to go. When this upset turns to anger we must be careful how we handle ourselves.

Here are 4 steps to control your anger and have it vent in proper ways.

1. Count to 10 when you are getting upset. This is a normal way that we have all heard. We have heard it because it works if you practice it. Count to 10 and you may solve many of your outbursts before they happen.

2. Do something that is physically exerting. Instead of punching a wall or a person, go run around the house, or mow the yard. Go for a walk, swim, bikeride, or shoot some hoops. This can provide a physical outlet for your emotions.

3. Find something that is calming. Try deep breathing from your diaphragm. Take 10 deep calming breaths. This can be very soothing for most people. Combine this with step 1 and count to 10 slowly while breathing.

4. Use I statements instead of you statements. I am frustrated because you didnt help with the housework, instead of You didnt help me with the housework. This helps in multiple ways one is your way of thinking is a bit better and you also do not upset the other person so that both parties are angry. Which of course is not a good outcome for anyone.

You can combine multiple steps above to help alleviate anger. Dont hold it in, but dont blow up. Calm yourself down and talk about it by using step number 4 above. Go for a swim or a nice shower, and you can alleviate the stresses that cause unhealthy anger.

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Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps

We all want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so we can live our very best life. Here are some ways to gain confidence and raise self-esteem:

1. Do something that requires a decision and a follow-through.

Have you been putting off writing that letter to aunt Martha? Is there a friend youve been meaning to call? Wash the car, tidy the garden or clean the house. Youll gain confidence by setting goals (even small ones) and following through on them.

2. Enjoy something you do well.

Do you have any hobbies or sports that you enjoy playing? Some things like going swimming, painting or writing can hold your attention and get you into a state of flow. While you are in the flow you forget about everything else.

Afterwards, youll feel competent and capable. Its a great way to boost your self-esteem. If you dont have any particular hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy make an effort to try something youve always wanted to try.

Picture yourself doing it, and then give it a try! It doesnt have to be something big - it can be as simple as joining a walking club.

Youll find that you are more centered and happier if you do something that puts you in that flow at least once a week.

3. Shift the focus.

Its been shown that low self-esteem develops hand-in-hand with individuals who put too much focus on themselves. You can gain confidence by doing something that focuses on someone else or even something else.

Youll find that when you are in a situation where you are meeting new people, you immediately become less nervous when you focus on the person you are meeting.

At the end of the day, youve interacted with others and will notice that you feel much lighter.

4. Relax, already!

Learning to become more relaxed is a great life enhancer. People who are more relaxed have fewer problems with their memories and are more likely to take the bumps in the road of life in stride.

The practice of meditation has gained popularity for this reason. You might want to look into Tai Chi, which involves physical relaxation techniques.

Whatever method you decide on, take relaxation seriously. The benefits are just too great to ignore. If youve never considered relaxation important, think of it this way: if you can attend to something that results in feeling good, how can you not gain confidence in your personal abilities?

5. Make a list of everything youve ever accomplished.

Think small. An accomplishment is an accomplishment! Some things you could put on your list: passed my drivers test and got my license, scored a goal when I played hockey, managed to save enough money to go on a trip and so on.

These are just a few ideas you can use to gain confidence and boost your self-esteem. Use these ideas as a base point and add these things permanently in your life.

Keep in mind, people are not born with good self-esteem, most of us have to work at it. It develops from your thinking and the things you do daily to make yourself feel good.

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Wedding Vows

The vows you take to become husband and wife are very special. Over the years many people decided to make up their own versions and today there are many different ways to make this special commitment to each other.

Most tend to follow the traditional vows of love, cherish, sickness, health, better or worse but many woman are understandably uncomfortable with the traditional obey part! That stems from a different time when that was expected.

Writing your own vows can be very emotional and are therefore words to cherish. Writing them into your order of service allows everyone to enjoy these special words with you and provides an excellent keepsake of the day.

Some couples are religious and this will be reflected in the words they choose. If you are to be married in a religious ceremony then it would be wise to check with the officiant incase there are words that you may not deviate from.

Other couples favour a more light hearted approach and opt for non-traditional secular vows and some even prefer the humorous approach!! Believe it or not you can get vows from Dr Suess!!

Whatever you choose to do, and there is plenty of choice out there, make sure you pick words that have special meaning for you and your partner and ones that you are both comfortable with.

Enjoy your day!!!

Wedding Vows

Lorna Mclaren has an information website that can help advise you on most areas of your special day from the comfort of your armchair!

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Men's Health To Best Life

Mens Health To Best Life The best way to gain mens health to best life fitness is to exercise and get check ups on a regular basis. It is surprising to see the figures for men who dont make regular visits to the doctor.

Mens health issues will arise and if not looked at there is a definite chance that a serious problem can be overlooked. 1-5 men will get prostate cancer, yet few men actually get a regular check up and thus only know there is a problem once this mens health issue has gotten to a critical stage. This is not the way to mens health to best life secrets.

One of the best things a man can do for himself is to watch what he eats and get enough exercise. These two simple, yet hard to do, items are the corner stone to mens health and staying fit. Of course, there is the problem of work and being too tired to exercise, but do you need to have a wake up call with a serious mens health risk to get your butt moving?

Here are a few tips to mens health to best life practices that you can employ now.

1. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. This will help keep your metabolism high and will burn more fat, while keeping your energy up all day long.

2. By having a simple exercise routine to supplement your healthy lifestyle, you will lose weight faster, build more muscle, have more energy for more of the other activities you want to do in the day, and you will be gaining a cornerstone of mens health to best life practices.

3. Take one meal to cheat and have a beer and pizza, or whatever foods you love. Statistics have shown that those who allow themselves some of the foods they want will stick with a diet. Just make sure you have this cheat meal only once a week.

To learn more please visit The Healthy Blogger to find out more about how to improve your health.

Matt Ide lives and writes in northern Michigan. If you would like him to write for you email him at, In addition if you would like to receive five ebooks on healthy living, what foods to eat, and more click on this link or put it in your browser-

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Lose Weight, Feel Great and Eliminate Illness with a Body Cleansing Detox

Why do I need to do a body Cleanse?

Your body absorbs everything you drink, eat, and breathe. Therefore every cup of coffee, every breath of air, polluted or otherwise is pulled into your body and processed by your liver. Every cheeseburger, every bowl of ice cream, every breath you breathe of cleaning solvents your body must somehow categorize and process. Your liver is one of the most powerful and vital organs we have. It is important to keep it clean and free of toxins if we expect our bodies to perform at their optimal level. Likewise the need for a clean transport system as in the small and large intestines and colon are equally important. If your liver is clean and your colon is completely backed up anything that passes through the liver will get held up in the colon. What is a clogged colon like? Well picture a garbage can that never gets emptied, food is decomposing and rotting with nowhere to go and becoming a breeding ground for nasties like Parasites. Nobody wants to know about it but 85% of us have these critters inside feeding off of our food. How do they get there? Well they get there in many fashions, pets, kids, saliva as in kissing, semen, food, water, and the air.

Food is a huge component of this especially uncooked or food not properly cooked such as rare meat, raw fish etc. These parasites also feed upon all the refined sugar, fats and bleached flours in cookies, cakes, etc. Even if you eliminate most processed food it is on the fruits and veggies we eat to. Don't get squirmy and paranoid, it is okay we all have them but we need to send them packing. Why are parasites so bad for us? Well despite the gross enough thought that someone is feeding off of our food and leaving their waste products in our body, these little creatures are usually responsible for our illness. Another reason to keep your system clean is so that the overflow of toxic waste doesn't keep flow into your bloodstream. This is where things get ugly and we start feeling sick and not knowing why. As long as you have been alive your body has been accumulating all sorts of wonderful things, let's get them out!

Symptoms that let you know it is time for a Cleanse:

Many people have just gotten used to the way they feel accepting it as normal. Generally you'll feel sluggish, tired but not sure why, irritable. Feeling bloated after a meal, large or small is common as well as gas, burps, flatulence and stomach cramps. Most just write it off as food allergies, eating too much or poor digestion. Some of these things may be true but they often stem from the body not removing waste and others are from parasites that need to come out. Other symptoms are brain fog, yeast infections, headaches, Psoriasis, Eczema, and Acne. Others experience weight they cannot lose or a pooch (puffy lower abdomen) and try as they might with diet and exercise, cannot lose it. When your body can't process new food because it is clogged with junk you will feel tired and unexcited about life. It's no fun to walk around with illnesses that nobody seems to be able to cure. Or the medications you do take create more illness and further discomfort because of the impact they again have on the body.

How do I start Cleansing?

The best cleanse to start with is a proper colon cleanse. This involves more than a little fiber and eating veggies. To do this properly will take more than a 1-week quickie cleanse. I am not a Representative for any company, I'll simply make recommendations on good products that I've researched or used. One great cleanse to get started is Colonix by Dr.Natura. It provides the all-important fiber but it is more than psyllium, it also includes a whole host of other important ingredients to get that sludge moving out. There is a cleansing tea to help move the food along and aid in better digestion too. It also includes a herbal supplement called Paranil to remove all different varieties of Parasites from you and their eggs. I know this sounds terrible but do you want to keep all this in you? This cleanse can be done for 1-3 months and you can keep taking the ongoing supplements to ensure your body stays clean.

Once this is done you have now cleared the path to do a liver flush. The liver cleanse is important as your liver is a powerhouse helping your burn fat by removing fats properly and filtering all the other stuff we take in daily. Liver cleanses are easy to do and you'll feel great after it is all done. You can purchase a specific liver cleanse but the purpose is to remove believe it or not, fat sludge and gall stones, they might be tiny like peas or a bit larger. They will pass through and you can remove them safely. The following homemade recipe can be used with simple ingredients to accomplish just that.

*Perform this on a weekend when you have time to rest and get to the bathroom quickly when necessary. Also, use a hot water bottle or heating pad and place it on your liver area while doing the lying down part.

Squeeze grapefruit, lemons or limes to make 300ml of juice. Dilute with 200ml of steam distilled water, or filtered water. Chop one or two cloves of fresh garlic and 1/2 a teaspoon of fresh ginger root. Then press both together in a garlic press to release the juices. You can use teaspoon of cayenne in place of ginger. Add the pressed garlic and ginger to the water and juice mixture. Pour 300 ml of extra virgin olive oil into a warm glass. The process is to swallow 3 tbsp. of the juice mix and 3 tbsp. of the olive oil every fifteen minutes, relaxing between doses by lying down with the hot water bottle on your liver area. This heat helps to dilate the bile ducts in the liver to release the small stones and sludge from your gallbladder. The whole process takes some hours, so turn off the phone and just be patient. You might feel a bit of cramping or slight discomfort which is normal, it means the process is working. You can drink fresh water in between if you feel a bit nauseas. Just remember it took years to build all of this toxic waste up, let it out in its time. The cholesterol and stones will soon come out. If you are the curious type, feel free to inspect what is happening or just go through the process and enjoy just relaxing for a weekend. The day after your flush you should stay on a diet of freshly pressed vegetable juice, raw fruit and veggies and steamed or baked vegetables. Introduce other items like meats, fishes and dairy back in to your diet slowly. Once this process is done, you can do it whenever you like, every month, every season change, or every year to keep in tip top shape.

Household Ingredients to Prevent and Eliminate Parasites:

-cloves (I chew on them, although a bit spicy and swallow them with a glass of water. They kill only the eggs of parasites)

-pumpkin seeds (great for kids, these kill all sorts of parasite worms)

-garlic (eat cut up cloves of garlic as a natural anti-bacterial agent, also prevents some parasites)

-Fiber (start regularly taking a fiber mix or psyllium husks with lots of water to bulk it up and push junk out and prevent a breeding ground)

-grapefruit seeds (either chew on the seeds to open them up and eat them or buy the extract)

-Water with lemon (drink lots of it to help that liver detox and prevent a breeding ground)

Other Helpful Hints:

-eat smaller, more frequent meals for better digestion and ease on your liver

-try to use steam distilled water only, the chlorine in our water is atrocious

-use a digestive enzyme as it helps breakdown food for better assimilation

-eat 75% of your diet Raw as cooked foods lose most nutrients and digesting agents

-avoid refined sugars and breads, pastas, flour, rice to eliminate breeding grounds

When I first started learning about cleansing, toxic buildup, parasites and gall stones I thought I was going to be sick. I quickly realized I had many illnesses that truly all linked to my liver and organs not being clean. I started reading as much as I could in books and especially online. The picture galleries I saw were horrifying and gave me the creeps. I thought to myself what is worse, know that this is inside me and not doing anything about it, or cleansing to get it out and reap the rewards of good health and feel normal for once in 15 years? Even Naturopathic doctors I saw recommended cleansing but didn't stress it enough. They thought I might have allergies to wheat, gluten, dairy and refined sugar. Well guess what parasites feed off of?! It wasn't hard to figure out that I needed to attack this fast. So, I started my own journey with making my own salad dressings, non-sugar baked goods, homemade foods and cutting out dairy, sugar and refined grains. In addition I drank more water with lemon, had fiber daily and started cleansing with colon and liver cleanses. This may be the single most important thing you do for yourself and family.

Karla Davis is a Certified Personal Trainer who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Staging and Organizing homes and office spaces as a Professional Organizer and is also a Public Speaker. Karla has over 10 years of experience and success within inside/outside Sales and Marketing, and is the wife of Author, Paul Davis. Karla too is now writing her own books as her life mission is to positively transform the homes and lives of everyone she meets.

Please contact Karla for your Home Staging, Professional Organizing, Interior Re-design, or Nutritional needs at:

Karla Davis
Restoring Order
P.O. Box 684
Goldenrod, FL 32733
W: (407) 284-1705

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Karla Ruzycki-Davis - EzineArticles Expert Author
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Chess Strategies For A Winning Game

Chess is often thought of as a complex game, but can really be easily learned. The key to becoming a better player is to never get stuck on one level of play. Always be adding to your game by learning and trying new strategies. Heres a few tips to start you off.

Whats A Good First Move?

Want to get the most freedom of your pieces right off the bat? Move the pawn in front of your king forward. While this may seem like it is leaving the king in a vulnerable position, it is also freeing up the queen and bishop to wreak havoc on your opponent!

Get Them In Checkmate In Just 4 Moves

In this series of moves, the bishop and queen are used to get your opponent into checkmate in just 4 moves. For your first move, move the pawn in front of the queen forward by 2 spaces. Your opponents move is next. Then move the bishop diagonal 3 spaces. After the next turn of your opponent, move your queen to the diagonal 2 spaces and let it sit in front of the pawn. Now, depending on your opponents next move, you can zip the queen straight up to his pawn, capture it and get the king in checkmate! Then king cannot capture the queen as he will then be captured by your bishop, he cannot move away from the queen as he is blocked by his own pieces.

Sacrificing Pieces

While nobody likes to lose a key piece, there are times, however when it makes sense to sacrifice one of your pieces. If an opponents piece is taking up a spot that you need open, putting one of your pieces in a position to lure his piece out to capture you is one way to move your game forward. Since you will be losing a piece, be sure to check the board carefully to make sure this really will result in the move you wanted!

Put Your Pieces In Play

The pieces in your back row are key to winning the game so you must move them out at first chance. At first you may reluctant to use your more powerful pieces for fear that they will be captured. Put them into play! The sooner you get those pieces out the sooner you will be able to invoke a strategy that will result in checkmate!

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