Thursday, January 10, 2008 

Ladies-Get The Great Sex You Want

Many women are being left wanting in the bedroom. This does not have to be the case. Women can experience a more happy and joyful sex life. Too many focus on technology and technique. The true focus should be on finding a man to make the technology and technique worth using. Just keep reading for how.

1. Find the Right Man. This is where most women make their biggest mistakes. They expect some selfish jerk to care about their sexual happiness. Or they expect some good guy that only knows missionary to blow their mind. Then the become frustrated when these men continue to be who they are.

You need to find some guy that cares about you having a good time, but also knows what to do in bed. This is not as hard as it sounds. I will tell you how later.

2. Give a little-Get a LOT. Most women are giving. That is wonderful. This should not be that hard so I wont spend a lot of time here. They key to this giving is asking the guy what turns him on. To the extent that you can do it, do it.

Do not just assume every man likes this or every man likes that. Ask him and give him what he needs and he will be much more likely to make sure to give you what you want and need.

3. Be Honest. Many women are frustrated because the want a committed relationship and great sex. Then they use the one to try and get the other. There is nothing wrong with wanting both, but the chances are not great.

Be honest with yourself and know yourself. If you can not have sex without your emotions getting involved then hold out for the relationship. But if you want to enjoy the mind blowing sex, accept it for what it is and then look for the relationship some where else.

4. Tell. You have to tell the man what you want. You have to tell him what you like and do not like. Too many women expect guys to be mind readers and they are not. Too many guys think they know how to please a woman and they are wrong. It would be better to avoid both of these situations and tell the guy what you want and how to do it.

5. Know yourself. This is very important. You have to know what you like and do not like. You have to know what you can handle and cannot handle. This knowledge does not just happen.

Explore your body to know what pleases you. Explore your past to see where you went wrong. And explore your heart to know what you can and cannot handle in a sexual relationship.

Like I said earlier the biggest mistake most women make is starting with the wrong guy. I do not care what toy you have or what technique you use, if you pick wrong it will turn out wrong. You can have the best oven in the world, but if you have the wrong or bad ingredients, your food will still be lousy.

Luckily the internet has made finding someone right for you much easier. This is the best place on the internet that I have found for finding the right man to please you. I wish you all the happiness and sex that your mind and body can handle. Frustrated by the lack of quality men that you are meeting? Disappointed in the lies you are being told? Don't worry, if you don't, the other women will!

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Symptoms, Causes, and the Diagnosis of the Ovarian Cyst

Usually, most of the cysts dont show any symptoms, they are small and benign. Problems can appear if you have larger cysts. Your periods may change, becoming irregular, lighter or heavier than usually, you may feel discomfort low down in your abdomen, or even pain. Sometimes, this pain becomes stronger after you have sex.

The cyst may put pressure on the bladder or bowels, determining you to go to the toilet more often, or sometimes it can cause the production of abnormal quantities of hormones to start. Of course, other symptoms can appear too, especially if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis.

Cysts can cause other problems too. A cyst may burst, having as a result the apparition of a great pain in the lower abdomen. The intensity of the pain depends on a few factors like whether the cyst is infected, or whether there is any bleeding, and it also depends on what the cyst contained. If this problem occurs, you will have to go immediately to the hospital for treatment. Another problem that may appear is when the cyst is growing on a stem from an ovary. In that case, the stem can become twisted, and that will cause a deep pain in the lower abdomen, because the blood supply to the cyst will be stopped.

A functional ovarian cyst appears more often. The follicular cyst appears when, after releasing the egg, the follicle doesnt shed its fluid, or, if the follicle does not release an egg. Continuing to fill with fluid, the follicle becomes a cyst. This is the most common cyst, it can reach five or six centimeters wide, and usually it disappears in a few weeks without any treatment.

Another type, that is not as common as the follicular cyst is the corpus luteum cyst. It appears when the corpus luteum fills with blood or fluid. This kind of cysts can grow up to six centimeters wide and usually disappear in a few months. Although, the cyst can split, and that will cause pain and internal bleeding.

Another type that can appear is the dermoid cyst. It develops from cells that produce eggs in the ovaries, and can contain tissues like skin, hair or teeth. This cyst usually appears in younger woman, and it might be necessary its surgical removal.

Cystadenomas are cysts that also need to be removed, although they are not usually cancerous. They can grow very large, and are often attached to an ovary. Some of them are filled with a mucous substance, and others with a watery liquid.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is provoking the apparition of small benign cysts, which will develop if the hormones produced by the ovaries are not proper balanced. Endometriosis can also determine the apparition of ovarian cysts.

Usually, an ovary cyst is found by chance, during a medical examination. That happens because a lot of ovarian cysts show no symptoms. If the doctor suspects that you have an ovarian cyst, he will send you to the gynaecologist. The gynaecologist will perform a vaginal examination, to see if there is any swelling, and usually you will have an ultrasound scan too. Another method the doctor might follow is to put a small rounded tube in your vagina, to scan the ovaries. After having the ultrasound scan, the doctor will know whether the cyst is functional or not, will have information about how dense it is, but it is possible that you will need to have additional CT or MRI scans also. A blood test is another method to see if there is a tumour. The doctor is looking after the CA-125 proteins level, because a high level can be the sign of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cysts are very common, and it rarely means they will turn into ovarian cancer. About 95% of the ovarian cysts are non cancerous.

For more info about ovarian cysts or even about ovarian cyst surgery please review this page

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Dumb Dating Mistakes Men Make with Women

Do you strike out with single women in the romance department no matter what you do? You can even be a drop-dead good-looking guy, but unless you know what is offensive to a woman's ears, you are likely to stick your foot in your mouth and make a fool of yourself and turn off women.

With today's single woman you need to know what she wants and then give to her without sounding phony. The following are some common mistakes men make when dating single women that turn women off:

1. When talking to or about single women, are you still living back in time and calling them babes, broads, chicks, or something even more repulsive? Always call a woman by her name! If you use these terms mentioned, you will insult and turn single women completely off.

2. When out on a date, do you spend all of your time eyeing other women in the bar, nightclub, or restaurant? Don't even think for a minute that she won't notice. She will not only notice, but may be so turned off by your behavior that she may never want to see you again. Always focus all of your undivided attention on the woman you're with. Treat her like a Princess and she will make you her Prince.

3. Another common mistake men make early in a relationship with a single woman is being too sexually aggressive. After just meeting a woman you don't want to come on all hot & horny and all you can focus on is jumping her bones and pawing at her body. This kind of behavior can scare women and turn them off. They usually don't like a complete stranger pawing at their bodies and making sexual overtones. Get to know her first to where she is comfortable with you and then make your physical moves.

4. When talking to a woman, do find yourself concentrating totally on her breasts? This is a real no no! Always look women in the eyes when talking to her. Believe me, if all you can do is stare at her breasts, she will catch on to it and will ditch you as soon as possible. Women don't like men who constantly stare at their breasts. In a topless club it's OK, but not when you just meet a woman or in the early stages of dating.

5. If a woman wants to be independent, let her. For instance, if she wants to change her own flat tire, let her. If she wants to open her own door, let her. If she wants to order her own food or wine, let her. Let her assert her independence. It will make a good impression on her. You're making a big mistake if you want to act Macho all the time and not let her act independent if this is what she desires.

6. Some misguided men think it's sexy and cool to brag about what a great lover they have been to their other girlfriends, about getting high on drugs, or how good they can hold their liquor. You are not impressing women with this. As a matter a fact, she will probably find that you are obnoxious and potentially dangerous.

In closing, if you are making any of these dating blunders and displaying these offensive habits, get them corrected immediately. I hate to keep pounding this into your head, but if you turn women off, you are stacking the odds against yourself in successfully meeting, dating, attracting, and seducing single women.

This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert). If you would like more free dating tips on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and become intimate with women, please visit his website at:

This article is copyright (c) 2005 by Don Diebel and may be reprinted in it's entirety as long as his website, byline, and copyright statement is included.

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Which Hair Loss Treatment Really Work

No matter how thick or healthy your hair is, there will probably come a day when you are standing in front of your mirror and realizing that it is not as thick as it used to be. This is something that happens to most people and it is important to realize that hair loss treatment is a very real possibility, and that your hair can indeed recover!

Hair loss treatment might sound like a field for a quack or a scam artist, but there are actually many things you can do to prevent hair loss and many professionals that can help you out. Many doctors can ease your worries about your health concerns, and if your hair loss turns out to be a symptom of something more serious, they can get you started on the road to recovery.

One main reason that hair loss occurs is stress. Think about what your life has been like lately. Have you been frustrated at work or with your family? Stress can take an enormous toll on your body in general, and your hair is one of the places you might notice it first. If your hair becomes thinner, or drier and more fragile, this could be a good sign that there is something affecting you mentally. If you take steps to start controlling your stress, you will notice the results immediately.

As far as stress goes, if this is the only thing that is affecting your hair loss, then eradicating or mitigating the stress will reverse the process. Try taking some time to relax. You may want to set aside some time to watch a movie, or exercise. Yoga as a hair loss treatment might sound a little strange, but it can really help!

Another thing to take a look at is what kind of medicine have you been taking. In women, a new birth control can lead to hair loss. Birth control medication will make the hormones fluctuate, and as hair is greatly affected by testosterone and estrogen, it can have some dramatic influences on your hair. Usually, once this medication is stopped or altered, the hair returns, as thick as it was before.

You can think of your hair as an early warning system in some ways. If there is something wrong with your body, your hair is usually one of the first places that it will show signs. As stated above, hair loss can be a symptom for other issues. Lupus is one example of a disease that can cause hair loss.

In any case, a trip to the doctor to have hair loss looked at is never a bad ideal A doctor can take a look and give you a much better idea of the cause of hair loss, and then he or she can prescribe a treatment. Whether the hair loss treatment has to do with hormones or yoga, it's a much better idea than deciding to go with a home remedy or miracle cure, which can have unexpected side effects or be totally ineffective. In any case, a trip to the doctor is the best response when it comes to a hair loss treatment.

For more information on hair loss visit Hair Loss Treatment site Visit for information of Stop Hair Loss

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