Friday, November 23, 2007 

Alternative Gynecomastia Treatment: Natural Breast Reduction Treatment for Men

Gynecomastia is a male breast enlargement problem or commonly known as man boobs and it may affect one or both breasts. It originated from the Greek word ‘gyne’ meaning woman and ‘mastos’ meaning breast. This is not a new occurrence in men; if you suffer from man boobs you are not alone, one out of three men suffers from gynecomastia or male breast enlargement resulting to low self-esteem and embarrassment. Finding the best natural breast reduction treatment will help you bring back your self respect and confidence before this condition could totally rob your social and personal life.

Breast enlargement occurs during puberty and may disappear when manhood is reached but there are still a significant percentage of men suffering from gynecomastia after puberty. Men with enlarged breast often avoid swimming, exercise and other bare chest activities due to embarrassment and afraid that people will tease and laugh on their appearance. There are men who keep on hiding this problem not knowing that there is a natural breast reduction treatment available for them to conquer this problem.

Because gynecomastia affects almost 1/3 of men population, there are a lot of treatments available to help men overcome this problem. It is a positive attitude for men to seek help for this very annoying problem than avoid social contact with people to hide this problem.

There are a lot of treatments available to solve your gynecomastia problem ranging from natural breast reduction treatment to surgical procedures. While surgery to correct gynecomastia is being practiced by many surgeons, still surgery should be your last option. Aside from the costly procedure, it may result to permanent and unsightly scars on your chest.

Getting the best natural breast reduction treatment with less cost and no side effects is the best way to treat gynecomastia. Natural breast reduction herbal supplement is gaining popularity now and has been reported to show significant reduction of the fatty breast tissues in the mammary glands. Although it is recommended to consult your doctor before taking any herbal products; natural breast reduction herbal supplement is the best safe alternative to treat gynecomastia because it is made from 100% natural herbs so you will not experience any side effects.

If you are looking for an alternative to the drastic step of surgery, there is an all-natural herbal formula designed to naturally reduce male enlarged breast with no pain, no surgery, and no complications! It's called Gynexin Alpha Formula. To find out more about this natural breast reduction treatment visit Gynexin Alpha Formula

To know more all about men visit All About Men

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Alternative Gynecomastia Treatment: Natural Breast Reduction Treatment for Men. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that authors name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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How To Create An Indoor Herb Garden

The use of fresh herbs for cooking is becoming more popular now than it has been for along time. Our forbears knew both the medicinal and culinary powers of herbs but it is only recently that fresh herbs have regained their popularity with home chefs. That combined with the fact that many of us are now apartment dwellers with no gardens mean that an indoor herb garden can be both decorative and useful.

Herbs will grow better in a pot rather than a box and glazed pots are better than clay as the soil will not dry out so quickly. For the same reason a plastic pot can be just as effective but whether glazed or plastic there is one point to be careful of when using non-porous pots. On no account should you over water your herbs because they could become waterlogged and subsequently rot.

One option is to have an attractive container, which will hold a number of 5 inch porous pots. I have even seen someone make a herb garden using pots placed in a large antique fish steamer.

If you go to your local garden center they should be able to advise you on the best soil mix for your herbs. These days it is easier to use a commercial preparation rather than earth as you can be sure that it will be disease free.

When it comes to potting your herbs drainage is important. If you are using non porous containers place a few pieces of broken china or brick to aid the drainage. Partly fill you pot with your potting mixture, make a hole for the herbs root and gently place it in the pot. Then you can pack more of the mixture around the herb and top up to about 1/2inch from the top of the pot. Sprinkle some water on the pot and keep it in the shade until the herbs begin to appear.

So what type of herbs should you grow in your indoor herb garden? It really is down to personal taste but some of the ones I would consider growing are Chives, Lemon balm, Mint, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon and Thyme.

Once your herbs start appearing they only need light and water. Providing it is not in direct sun light a window shelf could be an ideal place for your herb garden or failing that anywhere that it is reasonably light. Herbs do not need a lot of watering and once a week should be adequate for most condition. If the soil feels dry then it is time to water. At other times you can use one of those water spray cans just to give the leaves a wetting if you wish.

An indoor herb garden can be both decorative and functional. They also have the added advantage that many herbs give off a delightful aroma so there will be no need for potpourri or air fresheners.

Dave Bromley is a full time Internet writer who covers a wide range of subjects including food and drink. To learn more about Indoor Herb Garden visit his web site.

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Is Chlorine In Our Drinking Water Making Us Sick?

The introduction of chlorine to our water supply has been hailed as one of the most important achievements of our modern civilisation. There is no doubt that chlorinated water saves lives.

There is, however, much concern about the harmful effects of chlorine. New evidence suggests that the addition of chlorine to our municipal drinking water may affect our health, especially in the long-term.

Approximately 15,000 chlorine-based chemicals exist for use in our society today and all of these chemicals are toxic. This includes elemental chlorine, the chemical used to disinfect our water.

Chlorine in tap water poses a real danger. Elemental chlorine is extremely reactive and it combines with other natural compounds to form toxic by-products such as THMs (Trihalomethanes) and chlorinated hydrocarbons. TTHMs (Total Trihalomethanes) are a by-product of drinking water disinfection. These chlorine by-products trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic.

Chlorinated hydrocarbons include dioxin, which is known to be extremely toxic. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared dioxin a human carcinogen. The full article about dioxin can be read by going to the EPA website:

In the short-term, dioxin can cause liver damage, weight loss, wasting of glands important to the body's immune system. In the long-term, exposure to dioxin has the potential to cause a variety of reproductive effects, from reduced fertility to birth defects and cancer.

"Although concentrations of carcinogenic chlorine by-products are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States". The Environmental Defense Fund.

It isn't uncommon to find more chlorine in drinking water than is recommended safe for your swimming pool. Eye and nose irritation as well as stomach discomfort can result if your water contains chlorine levels well in excess of the EPA's standard.

Showering in chlorinated water strips the natural protective barrier from your hair and skin, because chlorine bonds with the proteins in the hair, skin and scalp. This causes your hair to become rough and brittle and and possibly lose color. Your skin can dry out resulting in an itchy, flaky scalp. Chlorine is also the biggest trigger of Eczema.

Other Harmful Effects Of Chlorine:

  • Chlorine gas is a potent irritant to the eyes, the upper respiratory tract, and the lungs.

  • Chlorine is also suspected to contribute to hardening of the arteries, the primary cause of heart disease.

  • Low levels of chlorine cause tickling and itching of the nose and throat, coughing, respiratory irritation, and headaches.

  • Moderate levels of chlorine exposure cause mucous membrane irritation, skin irritation and severe burns.

  • Acute chlorine poisoning causes chest pain, vomiting, dypsnea, cough, toxic pneumonitis, pulmonary edema and death.

Methods of water disinfection other than chlorine do exist, including ozone and UV radiation. At present, these methods are still considered to be too costly to implement on a large scale for municipal water supplies. For the moment, therefore, chlorine is considered to be the best option to disinfect our drinking water.

Although chlorine is present in the water that reaches your tap, this does not mean you actually have to drink chlorinated water. A high quality, yet easily affordable home water filter will allow you to drink chlorine and contaminant free water for a few cents per gallon.

Copyright 2005 Andie Klein

Article courtesy of, where you can get the answers you need about comparing home water filter systems and filtration methods, drinking water contamination, the health benefits of drinking water and more.

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Easy Fundraising Ideas

Stay at home moms, school children or just about anyone who wants to raise some funds for either a good cause or for some personal reasons need not worry about which fundraising idea they would use and considering that there are actually a of fundraising ideas out there. Its actually up to you to pick the one that it suitable for you target market.

Common as well as tried and tested fundraising ideas that are sure to be able to earn you a lot of money are the following:

1. The Basics

- Use baked goods that look appetizing - There is no need to be extremely competitive with your peers - Presentation is as important as quality - Sell as much baked goods as you can - Offer a package deal where you lose money on one item but make it back on another

2. Offer Samples

A good fundraising trick when it comes to bake sales is to provide your customers free taste so that theyll be able to sample the goods before they actually commit into buying them. You may think of this as costly but you wouldnt really hand out actual sized muffins or cookies, just bits of it will do and if your baked goods are really good then your customers will probably end up buying more since bake sales are fundraising events that don't really occur very often thus customers may wish to stock up a bit.

Other popular baked goods that sell easily during bake sales are:

- Home made cookies - Cakes - Pastries - Cheesecakes - Soft pretzels - Pies

3. Cookie Dough

A new fundraising idea when it comes to bake sales is to actually start selling cookie dough that comes in all sorts of great tasting flavors! This item has a high selling factor because you can price it far lower than regular cookies (as it takes you less time and effort to make). Make it as unique as possible. There is actually no need to spend too much on eye catching packaging. You just have to be very creative and incredibly resourceful for this one.


- Chocolate chunkChunks of chocolate are fabulously laid out onto the cookie - Peanut butterNutritious yet an incredibly sweet delight - SugarBaked to golden and crisp perfection, this is already a household specialty - SnickerdoodleDeliciously sweet cinnamon that is mixed with your cookie dough - Oatmeal raisinChucked with delicious sun dried raisins with oatmeal that is reminiscent of what your grandmother used to make - CandyThere are rainbow embellished cookies that can easily catch your little tykes fancy usually made with M&M chocolate as toppings - Chocolate macadamia nutJust the sound of this luxuriously creamy cookie dough is enough to make your mouth water - Triple chocolateChocolate lovers rejoice at this incredibly sweet and delicious home made treatan - Chocolate walnut crunchAnother cookie dough favorite at fundraising events

4. Pizza Cards

Another popular fundraising idea nowadays is selling pizza cards and the community discount fundraising card. During these hard times, people would actually avoid a couple of bargains here and there but scrimping on food was never an option. That is why pizza cards are a great fundraising project. Not only is it very convenient to sell pizza cards (you can just phone up people, offering them the pizza cards or just knock on your neighbors doors and start offering your product), but there is actually no need for you to organize an event for this anymore. In addition, a lot of people are easily attracted to how cheap pizza cards actually cost.

Pizza companies actually love this fundraising idea as they tend to get more customers and would actually gain a lot of profit if youre able to sell 30 pizza cards. You in turn will also earn a lot since if you buy the pizza cards in bulk youll actually be able to buy them from the supporting pizza company for just $3.00 each! Its perfect for all sorts of fundraising events from school charity fundraising events to the neighborhood fundraising project.

5. Discount Community Cards

Discount community cards, however, are the most profitable and popular fundraising product ever. This actually proves to be a bigger bang for your customers buck as they can choose to avail of all sorts of products or services from the various neighborhood establishment area. Unlike the pizza card wherein you can only use it for getting pizza, the discount community card is far more flexible. Great for bargain hunters.

For more great fundraising related articles and resources check out

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What Can You Do With Your Old Digital Camera

So you just got a new digital camera. Congratulations! What are you planning to do with your old digital camera? Many people just forget about it burying it in a drawer or somewhere around the house. There are better things to do with it, here are a few.

Digital cameras evolve all the time. New cameras have more megapixels, they have better lenses, electronics and software. It is very common to get a new digital camera every few years and sometimes even more often than that. Every time you buy a new digital camera you need to make a decision as to your old one.

You have many options for what to do with your old digital camera. Here are a few:

Put is aside: the simplest thing to do is just to put the digital camera somewhere in the house and forget about it. Many of us do just that. This is not the best solution though as your are wasting a perfectly good product.

Use it as backup: you can use your old digital camera as a backup for your new one. If your new digital camera breaks you can revert to the old one. Another option is to keep the old digital camera in a place where you would not normally store your camera. For example you can keep the old digital camera in the car. You can safely do that since you are less sensitive to the old camera getting damaged or stolen. By doing that you can take pictures when opportunity strikes and you do not have your new camera with you.

Give it as a gift: give your old digital camera to someone who can use it. For example give it to your kids or to other family members. Usually you would want to choose someone who can use it and for whom using your old digital camera will be a step forward relative to what they are using now.

Sell your old digital camera: One obvious option is to sell your old digital camera. Depending on how old it is and its condition you can get a nice sum of money for it. Getting any money is better than just throwing it away. You can sell it online on auction sites like eBay or you can use local classifieds.

Donate your old camera: you can donate your old digital camera to charity, to a local community center, to your kids school and more. With some donations you will be able to get a tax receipt so you can also get some money back as tax deduction.

Continue using your old digital camera: This option is not obvious. Why would you keep using the old digital camera when you just paid for a brand new one? There are many reasons. For example in some scenarios your old digital camera might be more appropriate. If for example your old digital camera is a small pocket one while your new digital camera is a big digital SLR there are times when you would not like to carry the big SLR around but you would still want to capture experiences on digital film. In such cases using the old camera is a good solution.

The way of thinking is that you did not replace your old digital camera but got a new digital camera that complements It. This is not relevant of course if you bought the same type of camera but with better features. For example this does not make sense if you bought a brand new digital pocket camera that looks the same as your old one but has more megapixels.

The most important thing is not to forget about your old digital camera just to find it uselessly thrown in a closet somewhere after a few years. Digital cameras like other consumer electronics devices age fast. Their value drops significantly after a few years. Be conscious about your old camera. You can use it for a while as a secondary camera, you can later on decide to sell it or donate it or to do something else with it.

Ziv Haparnas is a technology veteran and writes about practical technology and science issues. This article can be reprinted and used as long as the resource box including the backlink is included. You can find more information about photo album printing and photography in general on - a site dedicated to photo printing.

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123 Steps to Create a Website

In creating a website, there are primarily a few characteristics that a designer must possess. Aside from the technical know-how that he needs to have, he must also possess creativity in creating the site, as well as innovativeness and uniqueness in forming the site. These are major requirements because with the continuously evolving number of websites being created day to day, it is so hard to come up with one, single, unique website. However, there are a few basic rules that one can follow in creating a site that is not too much being governed by the aforesaid characteristics. These tips shall guide you in creating a site.

Create a well designed plan on how you are going to create the site. This works like a blueprint of the house being built because just like a house, you need to have a general and specific overview on how the site is going to be created. By having this, you can easily draft and outline the essential elements that need further attention and separate these from the least essential but not overlooking at them.

After carefully drafting the outline of the site, choose to create the most complicated portion. This is to give you more allowance to determine the ways on how you can perfect that area. Also, by doing this, you can easily have a good shot as to which among the components require greater amount of time and attention.

Study the contents and the design separately. Both are equally important but trying to resolve the two at one sitting will just create more chaos. Concentrate on determining what sort of contents are you planning to inject that will capture search engines nod to give better ranking. Follow this with a good graphical visualization to entice users to visit the site.

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Gall Stones

The gall bladder is a pear shaped, 3-4" organ located on right side of the body, directly under the liver. The liver has many functions, one of which, is the removal of toxins from the blood. All the poisons, toxins are combined into a digestive agent, bile, along with cholesterol, lecithin and other substances. One pint of bile per day, passes into the gall bladder. The gall bladder stores and releases bile into small intestine via cystic and bile ducts and eventually passes into feces.

Abnormal concentration of bile acids, cholesterol and phospholipids in the bile can cause formation of gall stones (cholelithiasis). If a stone is pushed into a duct it can cause nausea, vomiting and or pain in the upper right abdomen. These symptoms often occur after a fried or fatty meal. They can also cause cholecystitis, inflammation of the gall bladder causing pain in abdomen and or behind breast bone, nausea, fever, etc. The urine may become tea or coffee colored Gall bladder attacks mimic the pain of heart attack.

75% of gall stones are cholesterol stones. Cholesterol is generally a byproduct of protein and fat digestion. High protein and high fat diets (meat, eggs, chicken, cheese, pizza, lasagna, french fries, potato chips, oil, etc.) in excess tend to overwhelm the liver, bile, gall bladder often causing them, in addition to kidney stones, which is why a low protein and low fat (beans, nuts, seeds) diet is often advised, in addition to grains, cooked vegetables (3-5), fruit, herbs (bitter herbs) and spices (fennel, cumin and coriander) to aid fat (includes cholesterol) digestion and elimination.

There are also two dietary therapies that you can try to relieve the pain and or eliminate gall stones.

Research these two remedies before taking any further action as more information is required.

1. One tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice or water and honey.

2. Olive oil, lemon cure 3TB olive oil plus lemon before bedtime.

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Natural Ways To Induce Labor: What Works?

When your pregnancy goes well beyond the due date, your doctor could recommend chemical induction. The use of medication to artificially start or induce labor should be resorted to, only if the pregnancy jeopardizes the health of the mother or the baby. This is because, in up to half the cases, chemical induction leads to a Cesarean birth, or the use of the vacuum method. A Cesarean delivery keeps you doped, and confined to your bed in the first few days of your babys life, and you may also face difficulties in breast-feeding. A vacuum delivery may dislocate the babys shoulder.

There are some natural ways to induce labor, in order to avoid medical induction.

One of the most commonly used is nipple stimulation, which leads to the release of a hormone called oxytocin. The synthetic version of oxytocin is commonly used to chemically induce labor. A bumpy car ride works for at least some, and so does having sex. Exercise, such as walking, using a swing, belly dancing, using a hoola hoop, and squatting for a short while, helps your baby to descend better and your cervix to dilate. This in turn increases your own natural oxytocin release, which brings on labor.

Relaxing to reduce muscle tension is also very important, because tension and stress can get in the way of your labor. Meditation and visualization are excellent ways not only to relax, but also to get labor started. Your imagination and subconscious mind are powerful tools. Just by thinking of your favorite food you start to feel hungry or by imagining something scary you become terrified. Likewise, focusing your mind on labor helps to bring it on and progress with it.

Taking in herbs like blue or black cohosh should always be under the supervision of a doctor or a herbalist, because these herbs can be poisonous. Blue cohosh can be harmful for the babys heart, and black can lead to excess hemorrhaging during labor. Drinking cumin or red raspberry leaf tea, or applying evening primrose oil locally on the cervix can also be tried, although there is no evidence that these remedies actually help in starting up labor.

The only natural labor inducing remedy, which has been shown to work, is acupressure. This simple method of pressing specific spots on your skin has the ability to start labor in most mothers with overdue pregnancies.

Not only has labor acupressure been proven to be effective, it is also safe. There is no risk that acupressure done observing its basic rules, could harm the mother or the baby. What is great is that you can use some of these same labor acupressure methods to get relief from labor pains and certain other discomforts during labor.

To use acupressure, all you need to know is how to press certain points on your body. This is so simple, that it can be done by the father of the baby, or anyone else, who is helping you out with the delivery. Acupressure is a method that does not over-stimulate your body. You just cant administer too much of it, as your body takes in only what it needs to function optimally.

Labor acupressure not only gets the contractions going, but also ripens the cervix, and helps to descend the baby. It helps in reducing labor pain, and so you can say goodbye to an excess drug dosage, or an epidural. This means that you can be alert and loving and ready to hold your baby in your arms as soon as the delivery is over.

Before you use acupressure to induce labor at home, ensure that you have reached the 41st week of pregnancy. And, of course, have your bag packed and ready using acupressure really produces results!

Are you overdue and tired? You can encourage your labor to start naturally at home and avoid medical induction. Labor acupressure is a simple method that has proven to be effective and safe for the mother and the baby. The most effective acupressure points that naturally induce labor, give labor pain relief and help in any stage you might get stuck in during you labor, are revealed in a new labor acupressure guide "Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth" by Lena Leino. Visit for more information.

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