Saturday, January 19, 2008 

Cellulite and Liposuction: Does It Work?

Liposuction to remove cellulite, is it for you?

If you are a woman, chances are that you have at least some cellulite. It is a problem that plagues women of all ages and sizes. Slim as well as plus sized. Young as well as middle aged and elderly. Let's face it, for a woman, it is a natural occurrence. More than 90% of women have some degree of cellulite. It's just too bad that cellulite isn't looked upon as a beauty mark... wouldn't that be great.

Well, unfortunately it isn't. That is why we're going to talk about cellulite and liposuction. What are the possible benefits of cellulite and liposuction, as well as the inherent dangers in any type of serious surgery such as this.

There are mixed reviews on whether or not liposuction can help for cellulite reduction. On the one hand there are those that say that cellulite and liposuction go hand in hand. But that liposuction alone may not be completely effective for cellulite. In fact, liposuction alone may in fact worsen the appearance of cellulite. Liposuction can and may leave your skin loose after the layer of fat under the skin has been sucked out. Thus enhancing the appearance of cellulite.

Let's look at a few of the possible dangers of cellulite and liposuction:

  • Possibility of infection during the procedure as well as after the procedure
  • Possibility of loose fat clots can cause an embolism after entering your blood stream.
  • Possibility of puncture wounds to vital organs by the liposuction wand.
  • Possibility of swelling that may continue on for weeks and months
  • Possibility of skin die off around the liposuction site.
  • Possibility of altered sensation in the area of the liposuction.

These are just a few of the potential risks involved with cellulite and liposuction surgery. Always remember, this is a surgery, not a couple of stitches. The risks can be high with this approach to cellulite reduction. Is the risk in proportion to the reward. Not in my book it's not. Good results seem to be a tossup. The older you are, the less chance of a good outcome in lessening the appearance of cellulite due to the lessening of your skins elasticity

There are other, much less drastic cellulite reduction products on the market. Some of the cellulite reduction creams on the market are very good. Cellulite wraps are another avenue to reach your cellulite reduction goals. Diet and exercise programs specifically designed to fight cellulite are also being offered.

I have given a fairly short overview of the various cellulite reduction approaches on the market. From the most drastic (cellulite and liposuction) to the very safe, as well as fairly effective cellulite cream and wrap processes. I guess what it comes down to is just how much does your cellulite bother YOU!

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Those are 2 things that a lot of people hate to hear, although they are just a fact of doing business online. The majority of the proven internet businesses require a fee to get started. When I say started, I mean having your website completely set up for you, so that all you will have to do is learn the marketing aspect of the business to see success.

The marketing aspect of your home based business will be the most time consuming task. That is why I say, that you will have to invest some time to see profits coming in. Many new business owners are under the belief that all they have to do is simply submit their website to the search engines and visitors will show up ready to purchase. It just does not work that way and that is why many people come online, join an opportunity only to quit in frustration.

Marketing is the whole process of getting visitors to your website, through advertising, submitting articles, search engine optimization, email marketing as well as many other forms of driving targeted traffic to your sites. It is through name recognition that people begin to trust you and purchase from you and your website and that will take time.

Just as any business on the street, your home based business is about building up your reputation with visitors. By offering information and resources to your visitors they will appreciate it and you will earn their trust and sales will increase as a result.

Starting a home based business is all about time, investment and growing your reputation. If you are up for the long haul than you will see success, but if you are looking for overnight riches than a home based business is not for you.

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Can You Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer?

We hear it all the timelose weight for your health. Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life expectancy.

In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study finding that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 510 weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity.Jamie McManus, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. and author of Your Personal Guide to Wellness notes that while this study referenced extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts. She also estimates that there are 600,000 obesity related deaths each year in America.

Just how does obesity shorten our lifespan? The answer to this question is complex, yet there is a clear link between obesity and the development of cancer. An extensive study conducted by the American Cancer Institute involving 750,000 people showed that obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer developing in the following organs: breast, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder.

Michael Thun, MD, vice-president of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society (ACS) says one reason obesity may raise cancer risk is because fat cells produce a form of estrogen called estradiol that promotes rapid division of cells, increasing chances of a random genetic error while cells are replicating, which can lead to cancer. In addition, fat centered around the abdomen may increase insulin and insulin-like growth factors in the blood, which may increase cancer risk.

"Women who are obese after menopause have a 50% higher relative risk of breast cancer," notes Thun, "and obese men have a 40% higher relative risk of colon cancer. Gallbladder and endometrial cancer risks are five times higher for obese individuals.There is evidence that cancer rates in developed countries are increasing at 5 to 15 times faster than developing countries. A major contributor to this alarming reality has proven to be diet. In populations where the diet consists mostly of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains in contrast to the typical Western diet of fatty meats, refined flours, oils and sugars the risk of cancer is much lower.

The interaction of diet and the development of cancer is an active field of research and Dr David Heber, M.D., Ph.D. and author of What Color is Your Diet, says It appears that diet has its most significant effects after the cancer has already formed, acting to inhibit or stimulate the growth of that cancer. At the risk of oversimplifying a complex set of interactions, the typical Western diet that leads to obesity may actually act to stimulate the growth of cancer cells.It is never too late to improve your health through healthful eating and adopting a more health-giving lifestyle. Here are simple steps to follow which can make an immediate improvement to your health and vitality.

1. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if weight has become health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of Americans are overweight, defined as having a BMI (a ratio of height to weight) over 25. Of those, nearly half (27%) qualify as obese, with a body mass index of 30 or more. In 1980, just 15% of Americans were considered obese. You can check your BMI at the website below.

2. Match your diet to your bodys requirements. If you eat and drink more calories than your body requires you will put on weight. Learn to control calories and portion sizes, make recipes leaner, and eat infrequently from fast food restaurants. Also learn how to snack with healthful choices.

3. Color your diet with a large variety of colorful, cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables. There are seven different color ranges of both fruit and vegetables and by choosing between 5 to 9 daily serves from a wide range of fruit and vegetables, we are extending our consumption of cancer (and other disease) fighting nutrients.

4. Eat lean protein with every meal. Protein provides a powerful signal to the brain providing a longer sense of fullness. The right source of protein is essential to controlling your hunger with fewer calories and necessary to maintain your lean muscle mass. Choices of protein should be flavored soy shakes with fruit; the white meat of chicken and turkey, seafood such as shrimps, prawns scallops and lobster and ocean fish or vegetarians may prefer soy based meat substitutes.

5. Rev up your metabolism with activity. If you want to enjoy a lifetime of well-being, exercise is a key ingredient. Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society (ACS), says adults should do something for 30 minutes each day that takes as much effort as a brisk walk. Children should be active for an hour each day. We are more likely to develop habits around things we enjoy, so seek activities which you enjoy doing. It is also helpful to build physical activity into your daily routine: use the stairs instead of the escalator or lift at work, park your car in the parking bay furthest from the super marketing and dont use the remote control to change TV channels.

6. Get support to ensure you develop a healthful eating plan and reach your goal weight. Whilst a small percentage of people possess the discipline to lose weight, many obese people have developed strong thoughts and habits concerning the food they eat. In order to establish new habits, most people respond well to some form of consistent encouragement and coaching. A study, Effects of Internet Behavioral Counseling on Weight Loss in Adults at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes shows that participants who had the support of weight loss coaching lost more weight than those who didnt. The study concluded that the support of a weight loss coach can significantly improve weight loss results.

Being overweight or obese has been identified next to smoking, as the most preventable major risk to developing cancer. Even small weight losses have been shown to have beneficial health effects. So its never to late to start and you can never be too young or too old to be concerned about your health and do something about achieving a more healthy weight.

(c) Copyright by Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore enjoys the flexibility of working from home. Are you interested in earning money from home? We're looking for individuals who have basic phone and internet skills to join our team of work-at-home-ers. If you're serious about earning money from home and are willing to work (this isn't 'get rich quick'), then we'd like to help you grow a profitable business. We offer complete training, online and offline resources and a partnership for success.

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Your Helpful Tips to Assist You to Stop Smoking

We have picked up all the reasons to stop the smoking habit. You're ready to adopt that first big step to say no to smoking. You'd like to believe that you have an arsenal of backing behind you to hold you up in your powerless moments, as you know there will be those moments when you just demand to light up one further time! Fear not, here is your arsenal of tips to assist you and support you in your desire to stop smoking.

Draw on the strength inside you to achieve tasks just as you've done for former goals. Look upon a time when you needed to accomplish a goal and you were successful. What did it take for you to accomplish the task that time? Where did you get your strength from? Did you have encouragement from somebody exceptional? Were you working on a team? Did you experience any speicial training or assistance in any way? Think of what you used to become successful that time and ascertain if you can duplicate that support during the time that you plan on stopping smoking.

Construct a list of all of the reasons why you need to stop smoking. This list will be your motivation during those times when you feel that you're weak in your declaration to pursue your goal. Your list should include all rationalities (loved ones, health, money and so forth). Keep the list on hand during the day and evening so that you can relate to it when necessary.

Let everybody you know and trust in on your plan to stop smoking so that they can uplift you and give you encouragement. Necessitate them to be supportive in a non-judgemental way if conceivable.

Look for help before you stop so that you'll be aware of how stopping will impact you mentally, emotionally and physically. Acknowledging ahead of time will allow for you to prepare yourself and those who will be in contact with you. There may be times when you'll be irritable, or anxious as you battle the pangs of withdrawl.

Look for the advice of your medical professional as you can take in some helpful tips and support that way also.

Keep yourself active during the time that you'll be stopping so that you will not have time to think about not smoking. One way to keep active is to begin an exercise program. Begin slowly if necessary to allow for your body to adapt if you're not used to exercising.

Discover ways to relax including deep breathing. Find a relaxing time where you can be alone. It only requires to be about five minutes of your day. Gently breath in and then exhale slowly through your mouth, closing your eyes during the deep breathing so that you can relax to a greater extent. You can add imagination to your deep breathing exercises by imagining yourself living smoke-free and loving life. Imagine yourself having more money to do fun things or purchase things for your enjoyment. Imagine being able to go for a run or do a sporting event that you might not have been able to as a smoker.

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Overview of Rome's Hotels

Rome's hotels since the liberalization of the accommodations in Italy are much more and in better shape than they'have been in years; dozens upon dozens of these properties have undergone recently deep renovations. On the other side the huge quantity of tourism the city has experienced in the last couple of years, finding a good hotel room at any time of the year is harder than ever.

So, before traveling Italy, make the reservations as far ahead as possible. The hotels in Rome are among the most luxurious in Europe, but, when reviewing the best of the upscale hotels, try always to have a good selection of moderately priced hotels, where you can find confortable, charming lodgings with private bathrooms. Rome has inexpensive choices and can offer more in services and facilities than you might expect from the prices.

Furthermore, the italian government controls the prices of its hotels, designating a minimum and a maximum rate. The difference between the two might depend on the season, the location of the room and even its size. Government ratings do not depend on sensitivity of decoration or frescoed ceilings, but they are based on facilities, such as elevators and the like. Many of the finest hotels in Rome have a lower rating because they serve only breakfast.

Hotels usually require you to check out on the day of departure between 10 am and noon: later than this, you run the risk of being charged for a further night. As to check-in times, there are no hard and fast rules, but if you are going to arrive late in the dat, it's probably best to mention this when you book a room.

Nearly all hotels in Rome are heated in the cooler months, but not all are airconditioned in summer, which can be vitally important during July and August.

Stefano Sandano is an archaeologist of Rome and expert of his city. You can find out more informations about Rome hotels and sightseeing visiting

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What are Mini motos? A Minimoto is a miniature version of a real GP racing motorcycle; it just doesn't go as fast as one. There pocket bikes are available in many different makes and styles, many of which look just like real racing bikes but in a miniture version such as those found on GhostRacingSeries website.

Who Makes Minimotos? There is many Mini Moto models and manufacturers. The more expensive pocketbikes and professional bikes are built in Czechoslovakia by Blata and GRC of Italy. Other well known brands are Polini and ZPF.

Recently manufacturers from China have made a big difference to minimoto racing sport. With mass production making minimotos more affordable and much more popular. Here in the UK minimoto racing is one of the fastest growing sports. We occasionally hear people say that the Chinese bikes are rubbish and quickly fall apart however companies like supply exceptionally high quality replica minimotos. These minimoto's start from just 150 each!

Styles of Minimotos? As the market grows, lots of trends are set. Amongst the most popular is the Ghost Racing Series Moto GP reps. They come in various styles including Rizla Moto Gp Mini moto, Camel Moto Gp Mini moto, Telefonica Moto Gp Mini moto, Repsol Moto Gp Mini moto, Shell Adavance Moto Gp Mini moto.

Whats different with the Ghost Racing Series minimoto's? Ghost Minimoto's come with the following extras: Over 100 of Fitted extra's come as standard including: Performace Exhaust Expansion Chamber + Polished Silencer K&N Style Performance Air Filter Upgraded Heavy Duty Chain & Sprockets Race Quality Reed Valves Uprated Brake Calipers + Thicker Brake Discs Upgraded Forks with Alloy Wheel Clamps High Quality Welding & Stronger Frame Alloy Brake Levers Alloy Yorks High Compression Engine with 19mm Transfer Ports for High Revs Soft Grip Performance Hand Grips High Quality Fairings Painted Hubs & Polished Rims

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The Latest Trends In Men's Hairstyles

Today's man hair style can be either long and textured or super short and tight and still be considered trendy and at the height of fashion. Some men's hair styles require gel, mousse or pomade while others don't even need to be combed. The truth is that now more than ever there are numerous ways to achieve a stylish and trendy man hair cut. That means that there are a lot of different styles for men who are looking for the perfect man hair style to choose from.

While the man's hair style is less rigid than it was in the 80s and requires a lot less goo to accomplish, the modern man hair cut is still best served by a little styling. No, you do not need to spend hours in front of the mirror coaxing every strand into place, but a little gel never hurt any man's hair style that I know of.

Here are just a few of the latest trends in men's hair styles and how to style them:

Super short man's hair style. High and Tight, Fade, Spike, Clipper Cut and Crew Cut are just a few of the names given to the short man's hair cut. By far the most popular man's hair style is the High and Tight or Fade. Characterized by a closely cropped clipper cut around the sides and back of the head with just enough hair on top of the head to comb, this man's hair style with its many variations accounts for about 75 percent of all popular styles today. With just a little bit of gel to spike up the top, mess it up a little or finger into place, this man's hair style will only take you seconds to achieve. While you may have to get it cut more often, about every three weeks or so, the ease of styling this man hair cut is what makes it a favorite among busy men today.

Medium length, textured men's hair style. Today's styles for men have a lot of texture and the same is true for medium-length styles (about 3 to 4 inches). These styles resemble the classic man hair cut of the past, but step it up a notch by using extreme texture and color to bring it all together. Most styles use a great deal of razoring and texturizing with notching scissors. To style this man's hair style pomade usually works best. Work product through dry hair and finger into place.

Long man's hair style. While most men do not wear their hair down their back anymore, the long man's hair style has made a somewhat shorter comeback. Perhaps the most recognizable example that I can give of this men's hair style is Ashton Kutcher. Long, textured and disheveled, this man hair cut is gaining widespread popularity. Again, this man's hair cut requires a lot of texture and works best with pomade.

As you can see from these few examples, the man's hair style is far from boring. Gone are the days of cookie-cutter barber shop man hair cut. Here to stay is the trendy and styled cuts of today.

For further information on different types of men's hairstyles and how to find the right hairstyle for your face shape, read my article at

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit the great hair styles website.

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First Time Home Buying Seven Steps to Success

Your first-time home buying experience can be stressful and chaotic, or it can be smooth and easy. The difference comes from having a solid plan and knowing what to expect. The following checklist will help make your home buying process a smooth one:

Step 1. Review your credit and finances.
Mortgage lenders will put your credit and finances under the microscope. So before you begin the home buying process, you should review these things for yourself.

Start by requesting a copy of your credit report from the big three credit agencies -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Review your credit report closely for errors. If you find an error, work to correct it right away, as the process takes time. For instructions on correcting your credit report, refer to the websites of the three agencies.

You should also review your finances to determine how much of a home you can comfortably afford. Use an online mortgage calculator to determine monthly payments based on total price. This will give you a rough idea of where your comfort zone lies.

Step 2. Learn about mortgages.
Once you've reviewed your finances, credit and purchasing power, you should start researching the different types of mortgages. Each type of mortgage has its pros and cons. Finding the one that's right for you will depend on many factors, such as how long you plan to own the home, how much you can afford to pay up front, etc.

When reading about the different types of mortgages, pay close attention to any sentence that starts with "This mortgage might be a good option for you if..."

Step 3. Visit
At HBI, you can learn about the home buying process in depth. HBI is the Internet's largest library of home buying tips and advice, and best of all it's free!

Step 4. Make a wish list.
Now that you have a better understanding of the financial side of things, you can begin to create a home "wish list." Write down all the things you want from a home. Include the size, features, location, etc. Categorize each item on the list as a "need" or a "want." This list will save you time, narrow down your search, and help you stay focused.

Step 5. Find a good agent.
Even with all of the home buying information available online, it's a good idea to hire a professional real estate agent. When you consider how much money you'll pay for a new home, an agent's fee will seem miniscule by comparison. Combine that with the peace of mind you get from having professional guidance, and it's even more apparent why you should use an agent.

To find an agent, start by asking family or friends if they can refer a local agent they were happy with. If that doesn't produce any leads, try using search engines or the websites of well-known companies.

Step 6. Get pre-approved for a home loan.
Pre-approval from a mortgage lender will help you in several ways: (1) It will reveal how much you can realistically afford. (2) It will help you identify credit problems early on in the home buying process. (3) It will show sellers you're serious about buying (which can be helpful when there are multiple buyers / offers).

Step 7. Get a home inspection.
Whether you're buying a new home or an older one, a home inspection is always a good idea. Inspections cost around $500, which is a small price to pay for peace of mind. A home inspector will examine the home's roof, foundation, heating / cooling system and other important areas.

* Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett. You may republish this article online provided you keep the byline, author's note, and active hyperlinks.

Learn more:
For more advice on first time home buying, visit -- the Internet's largest library of home buying tips and articles. Online at

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