Saturday, June 9, 2007 

6 Keys to Success on Affiliate Program

People are always surfing on the net become so familiar with affiliate program. Many companies tried to improve theirs business through that idea. By implemented that idea could enhance market on the world. Improvements of internet made the world are like boundless. You can contact everyone by email, net conferencing or chatting.

Improvements of Information Communication Technology affect business marketing and company management itself. Many companies try to implement ICT for business management. Be carefully to choose company that implement affiliate program, it affect to your business future. Choose the companies that have good supporting system.

Although you have joined professional company through their affiliate program, but money is not as quick as come to your pocket without trying hard and learn much. Many new marketers complain that they felt have tried hard but as matter of fact, never gained anything from their business. Actually what are the false? There are 6 keys secret successes for new affiliate marketers should know.

1.Trying to learn much about your company program.

The weakness of one who joined affiliate program is laziness to know about the company. The company that have affiliate program should have training program. Without following the training how the successes come to you? You should be blind about your company. How can you promote and tell to anyone else about your business. The companies usually publish a Newsletter. You can get it as long as you have been a member. Try learning it! Implement it if possible.

2.Try to know about products that company sell.

Ideal affiliate program should have products to sell. It must be impossible that affiliate program without selling products. Try to know about many products that your company offer and learn about specific ness of the product. Enhance your business by offering to your family, coworker and relatives. Of course, you will get points. Evaluate about your everyday needing. Had better you do shopping by buying from companies shopping Mal.

3.Learn about companys facilities.

There are many company facilities that offer to their affiliate. Like free website, free marketing tool, free newsletter, free discussion board, free e Cards and others.

4.Maximize the companys facilities.

Before you go to others, had better you maximize your companys facilities so that you can learn how to market on line without spending much money.

5.Trying to contact up line.

Every affiliate program should have up line and down line. You should be ready to be leader for your down line. The wise steps for new comer on affiliate program are contacting your up line. You can ask about his/her strategies how to improve the program, how to get lead without spending much money and many others questions. You can also discuss with your up line if possible.

6.Trying to look for others free facilities on the net.

You can join mailing list, submit article to Ezine , banner exchange, publish ezine, join blogging . Have planning, staying passion and endurance to gain your target success. Dont give up before getting success on your hand.

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Business Blog Savvy: Avoiding the 8 Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself Blogging

You can pat yourself on the back if youre one of the thousands of small business professionals that have set up a blog to communicate with your potential clients. Or, maybe you havent started your business blog yet, but intend to. Take note now so you can avoid some of the consequences of do-it-yourself blogging.

Youve heard all the hype, listened to a few podcasts and teleseminars, and finally sorted out for yourself how blogging can really work for your targeted niche of readers and potential clients. You've set up your business blog.

Now, you may be asking yourself, If Im so smart at my business, why do I have a dumb do-nothing blog?

Here are a few of the pitfalls of creating your blog without any guidance from blogging experts:

1. You dont know how to use your blogging software, yet you expect to look like an expert and build credibility. How could you know? Blogs havent been around that long, and the blogging software is continually being upgraded. You need to learn how to use your blog features that increase your findability on the Internet and readership. For example, you need to regularly use trackback, pinging, and permalinks features.

2. You are writing in a vacuum, without knowing what questions your clients want answered. You havent done any keyword research, or asked your current clients what theyd like to read. Even worse, you under the impression that a blog should be like an online diary. You are writing about your personal life and details, detracting from the on-target, focused purpose of your blog as a business building tool.

3. You havent researched other blogs in your field, or spent any time on them, leaving comments. You need to get out there and raise your hand in the blogosphere, so people will know youre there. You also need to know whats going on in your field.

4. You havent put a subscription form on your blog, and you don't understand the whole RSS feed thingy. Your readers cant find you or know when you have updated your blog.

5. You havent put any images on your blog and your blog doesnt look as neat and tidy as your business is. It doesnt reflect your business image or brand.

6. You havent put any content-appropriate ads on your blog, that dont distract from your own products. Your blog has a non-professional, non-business look and feel to it.

7. You havent used categories for your blog posts and your readers are confused about wide-ranging subjects you write about. What is your core message? What is the focus of your blog? And important question you must answer for your readers: Whats in your blog for them?

8. You havent written anything for a month. When youve got a blog that has lack-luster traffic, your enthusiasm for writing begins to wane. Why bother posting, if no one is reading your words of wisdom? Then your blog slips even further, and begins to look like a ghost town. Worse, its still up on the Web, and people will find you and decide you maybe dont care, went out of business, or changed your mind.

Heres what is promised by having a blog:

- Search engines will find you better website traffic galore
- Instant credibility in your area of expertise
- A way to communicate with people interested in your field
- Dialogue through comments with potential clients
- Increased sales of your products, whether tangible goods, informational products, or services

How could you possibly know the most effective blogging strategies and tactics without learning and guidance by experts? Sure, blogs are for everyone and the software makes it easy and cheap for anyone to start a blog.

But a professional business blog that drives traffic and gets clients must be optimized correctly and treated as a valuable marketing strategy.

Here are some solutions:

1. Study the professional business blogs in the blogosphere and model their strategies.
2. Buy an ebook on how to set up and optimize a professional business blog
3. Take an advanced course in blogging (not one that just tells you how to get a free account and set it up, but one to explain how to optimize for business.)
4. Hire a team of professional blog experts to coach you in using your blog for your business.
5. Hire a business blog consultant team to help you tweak your blog, or do an extreme makeover
6. Delete your blog and start all over again

Blogs are an effective and powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes and types. Like any tool, though, you need to know how to use it correctly to maximize your results.

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Christian Fulfillment in Marriage Sex

Christian couples who wait to have sex until marriage are faced with a number of challenges. Having not been experienced with sexual practice, the couple is challenged with everything from technique to the varying levels of sexual satisfaction, stimulus, and so forth. Much of the performance burden for Christian fulfillment in marriage sex lies on the male. While on one hand he may experience pleasure much easier, he holds the burden in making sure his partner is truly satisfied. It can take literally years to "learn the ropes" and find the common ground where both Christian partners are fulfilled through their marriage sex. The problems Christian couples face are an assortment of clumsiness, awkwardness, ignorance, denial, and individual ego issues. If these problems are not addressed from the start, the woman could go through years or even a lifetime without having experienced an orgasm, and the male could go through a lifetime of only a fraction of the pleasure he could be experiencing through Christian fulfillment in marriage sex. And he could be completely missing out on the pleasure experienced from knowing with absolute certainty that true Christian fulfillment in marriage sex has been achieved by not only himself, but by his wife as well.

How to ensure Christian fulfillment in marriage sex is achieved:

1. Be capable of admitting from the start that the both of you are inexperienced in marriage sex. Drop the ego and instead of feeling embarrassment of any sort, feel excitement and joy in knowing that both of you can go through the learning process together, with no shame or guilt, only excitement, adventure and ecstasy!

2. Take on the attitude that since you waited until marriage to have sex, that your Christian fulfillment in marriage sex will be an absolutely amazing reward. And since you both are starting from square one, you can envision your journey as adventurous, long lasting, and one that will never ever get old! Many other couples, by the time they get married are actually "burned out" from sex! And many times this is the reason they choose to 'settle down', because sex has become uninteresting and they believe the next phase is settling down, and hence their sex life simmers even further. Where as the couple who, for the first time ever, are seeking christian fulfillment in marriage sex, they have a long, exciting, sexual journey ahead of them.

3. Do consider part of it practice. Your Christian fulfillment in marriage sex should consist of practice, and performing exercises that will better enhance sexual activity. There are a variety of ways couples can increase marriage sex pleasures. Taking the time to learn different techniques and perform different exercises together will increase the experience of oneness even further.

A different attitude needs to be adhered to when dealing with first time sex upon marriage. True Christian fulfillment in marriage sex should involve a willingness to learn, explore, exercise, and have fun. Be open to your partners personal desires and preferences, and be willing to practice and exercise to have the best marriage sex experience possible!

Want to see an online guide that covers Christian marriage sex specifics? Chess McDoogle has a blog with his friend Jessy at Here they discuss exercises and techniques to ensure the greatest Christian fulfillment in marriage sex possible! Feel free to visit and learn more. Thanks for reading!

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5 Reasons To Choose Abstinence

Sex is a one of the most special and beautiful experiences for any couple. It can also be a very emotional experience for men and women. It brings in its wake certain complications and thats why some people say its best to abstain until you are fully committed or in an adult relationship like marriage.

Here are 5 reasons why you should wait until marriage before having sex:

1. Relationships: Sex is a very intimate act and it can unnecessarily complicate a relationship. If you are not ready when you have sex with someone or if you are pressured into it, it may lead to hurt feelings and you may wonder if your partner really cares about you. Sex is not the only way to show love, there are other ways to do this, such as doing some activity together, going for a vacation, etc. A relationship works best only if there is a solid foundation based on respect, honesty, loyalty and caring.

2. Resist Pressure: Abstaining from sex until marriage is a choice and it is your choice! If you have decided to refrain from having intercourse until marriage and your partner is pressuring you to have sex, explain to him or her that you have decided to wait for reasons that are important to you. If your partner still continues trying to manipulate you, it means he or she is disrespecting you and your choice. Remember, even if its your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend, sex without your consent amounts to RAPE. And there is certainly no love involved in this grizzly act.

3. Enjoy dating with Abstinence: If you have decided to abstain from sex till you find your perfect partner, you need not worry about sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. Once these issues are off your mind, dating will become a lot less stressful. If you abstain from having sex with the people you date, you can avoid the attached emotional complications as well. This way, you also know that the person you are dating is with you for the person you are and not merely because they are interested in having sex with you.

4. Benefits of Marriage: Marriage is an institution based on love, trust, faith and commitment. It consists of a mutually committed relationship with a plethora of benefits including companionship, emotional stability and many more. According to research, it has been proven that married people live longer and physically and mentally healthier lives.

5. Be Different: Most boys and girls these days indulge in the act simply because everybody else does it. And once they have done it due to peer pressure, they start to become empty shells of their former selves. By abstaining from sex until marriage, people will respect you for your personality. So, go ahead and break the moldit really is pass to move with the herd.

Learn more about abstinence from Free Teens USA. Find out about the Free Teens USA Perspective On Abstinence.

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Top Ten Reasons Why Men Don't Want To Learn The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique has been in existence for well over a hundred years and it has proved tremendously successful in helping people overcome back pain, breathing problems, poor posture and stress. So why is it that more women than men choose to learn it?

1. The majority of Alexander teachers are women. So what if F.M. Alexander was a man and, to be precise, a mans man? A rugged individualist with an enduring love of horses and horse racing, he developed his Technique because it was his nature to be proactive and contribute to the solution of his health problems. Regrettably, he also had his sensitive, intuitive side, and this is shared by a lot of women (and men) who have since trained in his Technique.

2. Alexander teachers are vegetarians who do yoga and want to save the planet. As a breed, AT teachers are socially responsible. Still, there are plenty of red meat eaters among them. There are also sports people, martial artists, musicians, actors, body builders, computer nerds Overall, theyre rather like the rest of the population. (They can even be sexist at times!!!.) But theyre committed to helping people maximise their sense of physical wholeness and well-being.

3. Real men prefer to tough things out. Why, when some professional output could make it so much easier for them to achieve what they want? But then, real men dont go to the doctor. They may complain, but they can put up with pain and limitations of movement. Learning the AT it would mean learning different ways of thinking, and going, about their everyday physical activity. It could mean making an enduring commitment to their physical well being.

4. Real men dont do self-care. Men do health and fitness; women do self-care. In fact self-care, far from being fluffy and flaky is about broadening your vision and developing your health and fitness strategy so that it best meets your goals. The AT can help you keep meeting those goals long-term, without boredom or injury. It can also give you a broader perspective in other areas of your life.

5. Real men dont do alternative therapies. How many men do you know who are up for colonic irrigation??? In reality, the AT is not a therapy, it is a progressive re-education in the art of activity without injury. So people who learn the AT are not patients or clients, but pupils which might be even worse. Also the AT is not about getting it right (or wrong), so it doesnt foster the competitive spirit.

6. Its not macho. The AT is not like football. It is not practised in a pack, in a noisy, smoke-filled, alcohol-fuelled atmosphere. It is practised one to one, with a Teacher who is sensitive to the pupils individual make-up. An AT teacher is attuned to the pupils body and encourages the pupil to become increasingly aware of how they can maximise their fitness activities while protecting their body from wear and tear.

7. You cant work off your aggression that way. Absolutely right, but it could help you reduce it, more or less spontaneously over time. The AT reduces stress levels and can make you feel good about yourself. It teaches you how to undo muscular tension. The knock-on effect is that physical the freeing up makes most people able to divest themselves of a lot of psychological tensions, surprisingly easily.

8. It could involve deferring to your partners superior judgement. There are plenty of men who slump in an armchair and say to their partner: Your postures terrible. You really should do something about it. They may even be right. But The Little Woman cant be expected to know whats good for you. She might have problems, but youre fine just the way you are. Different rules apply.

9. It could make you look better. Sure, youre committed to going to the gym and working out. The Alexander Technique wont give you a six pack, but it will get you looking taller, straighter and broader across the shoulders, even leaner; so you can get a huge return on a very small outlay of effort.

10. You cant get up a sweat doing it. Unfortunately you wont need a good shower; so it wont result in extra bear hugs for your partner. Sad because sweaty men always seem to be affectionate men. Nor will you wake up the next morning with aching muscles. But you may find that you look taller, straighter, broader and even leaner. Its not a more is more thing. Its about achieving maximum results, in the gentlest, subtlest way possible.

(C) 2004 Annie Kaszina

Annie Kaszina Ph D., MSTAT, is an Alexander teacher and coach who is passionate about helping people overcome the limitations of injury. She has an abiding interest in martial arts, and works with a number of delightful male, and female, pupils. She enjoys helping people achieve physical and emotional lightness.

For more information about the Alexander Technique, visit You can contact Annie at

Find out more about Alexander teachers in your area by visiting

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Annie Kaszina - EzineArticles Expert Author
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Jaguars: Leftwich Placed On IR List

As expected for a long time already, the Jacksonville Jaguars placed quarterback Byron Leftwich on the injured reserve list on Friday. This transfer on the IR list not only ends his 2006 season but also raise speculation at his future with the franchise.

Leftwich, 26, was placed on the starting roster for the first six innings of the season. His last appearance dates back to Oct. 22nd when the Jaguars lost against at Houston. This game was the culminating point of a week in which he experienced discomfort in his left ankle. The following week, the fifth-year veteran David Garrard replaced him on the roster starting the past five games. Garrard is 3-2 completing 72 of 127 passes for 859 yards, with five touchdown passes and four interceptions.

Last month, Leftwich underwent tests on his balky ankle with Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, Ala. in order get a second opinion. The test also revealed that there was debris and bone spurs in the joint. The renowned orthopedist recommended the four-year veteran signal-caller to rest his ankle for 7-10 days and to have it re-evaluated after. Eventually, Leftwich underwent surgery on Nov. 21st to clean out the ankle.

The Jaguars did not immediately place Leftwich on injured reserve. But the weeks passing by, it seems clear that Laftwch would not be able to play this season. The first-round pick in the 2003 draft, is expected to be fully rehabilitated well in advance of 2007 training camp. But Leftwich will enter the final season of his original rookie contract in 2007. He is also expected to receive as base salary $5.2 million.

The Jaguars could judge this amount exorbitant to carry if the former Marshall star is not the starter. Besides Leftwich was 3-3 as a starter this year before the ankle injury and is 24-20 for his career. Thats why there is a common feeling among Jaguars officials that the player may not return next season. For the time being, the Jaguars promoted defensive back David Richardson from their practice squad to replace the injured player on the roster.

About the writer: Nigel Kerry is an American free lance writer born in Los Angeles, California. Kerry writes among others for - Sportsbook reviews, - Sports Betting Online and - Mortgage lenders, get the best mortgage loan

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Best of Halloween for Kids: Pumpkin Carving

If you're like most people, at some point in time or another, you've sat down with your children to carve pumpkins. But do you know why you carve Jack 'o Lanterns? Most people don't. Supposedly, it started with a man called Stingy Jack, who tricked the devil and in turn after his death wasn't allowed into hell. Instead, he was forced to wander the earth with only a coal to light his way. Stingy Jack put the coal in a carved out turnip, causing people to start referring to him as "Jack with the Lantern".

Soon, people began placing similar lanterns in their windows with carvings to scare Stingy Jack away. And so, the Jack 'o Lantern was born. The history channel has an excellent article on the full story here:

If you're looking to start this age old tradition with your children, or are interested in kicking your carvings up a notch, we've picked some great websites to help you get started.

For the novice pumpkin carver, head on over to where you will find everything you ever wanted to know about carving your jack 'o lantern and then some. Learn about different tools that can be used, traditional pumpkin carving, carving with stencils, the lifespan of a carved pumpkin and how to grow your own pumpkins. Don't miss the articles on the proper burial of your pumpkin, how to juggle pumpkins, and how to take photographs of your pumpkins. This site might seem a little obsessive to some, but it's full of great information that's sure to help any pumpkin carver achieve their goals.

If you've been carving pumpkins for awhile, and are ready to do something new, try these great free pumpkin templates. You'll find many patriotic images (American Flag, the President, Statue of Liberty) as well as a mix-and-match section. If you don't see what you like, for a small fee you can subscribe to their even larger collection of templates.

Another great site for both simple and complicated templates is For the true computer geek they offer an assortment of emoticons, as well as a set of templates to create a "haunted forest". All templates are free, forever.

If you're looking for more fun and childish templates, be sure to stop by . This pumpkin farm has a very nice assortment of pumpkin faces. Choose from happy, sad, scary, howling, and more.

Tips, tips, and more tips. That's what you'll find at Walt's Pumpkin Carving Pages. Learn how to get those templates from your computer (or book) onto the pumpkin, which carving tools do what, how to make your own patterns, as well as how to select the right pumpkin to carve.

To read more articles from the Best of Halloween for Kids series, click here.

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