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Saturday, June 9, 2007 

5 Reasons To Choose Abstinence

Sex is a one of the most special and beautiful experiences for any couple. It can also be a very emotional experience for men and women. It brings in its wake certain complications and thats why some people say its best to abstain until you are fully committed or in an adult relationship like marriage.

Here are 5 reasons why you should wait until marriage before having sex:

1. Relationships: Sex is a very intimate act and it can unnecessarily complicate a relationship. If you are not ready when you have sex with someone or if you are pressured into it, it may lead to hurt feelings and you may wonder if your partner really cares about you. Sex is not the only way to show love, there are other ways to do this, such as doing some activity together, going for a vacation, etc. A relationship works best only if there is a solid foundation based on respect, honesty, loyalty and caring.

2. Resist Pressure: Abstaining from sex until marriage is a choice and it is your choice! If you have decided to refrain from having intercourse until marriage and your partner is pressuring you to have sex, explain to him or her that you have decided to wait for reasons that are important to you. If your partner still continues trying to manipulate you, it means he or she is disrespecting you and your choice. Remember, even if its your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend, sex without your consent amounts to RAPE. And there is certainly no love involved in this grizzly act.

3. Enjoy dating with Abstinence: If you have decided to abstain from sex till you find your perfect partner, you need not worry about sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. Once these issues are off your mind, dating will become a lot less stressful. If you abstain from having sex with the people you date, you can avoid the attached emotional complications as well. This way, you also know that the person you are dating is with you for the person you are and not merely because they are interested in having sex with you.

4. Benefits of Marriage: Marriage is an institution based on love, trust, faith and commitment. It consists of a mutually committed relationship with a plethora of benefits including companionship, emotional stability and many more. According to research, it has been proven that married people live longer and physically and mentally healthier lives.

5. Be Different: Most boys and girls these days indulge in the act simply because everybody else does it. And once they have done it due to peer pressure, they start to become empty shells of their former selves. By abstaining from sex until marriage, people will respect you for your personality. So, go ahead and break the moldit really is pass to move with the herd.

Learn more about abstinence from Free Teens USA. Find out about the Free Teens USA Perspective On Abstinence.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gabriel_J._Adams

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