Wednesday, February 6, 2008 

Does Your Car Engine Backfire?

Does your vehicle engine run ok?

Or does it cut-out on you sometimes when your are going to visit your in-laws?

Does it *spit* and *sputter* and *backfire*, then start running ok, again?

Symptoms of this nature can be several things.

You could have a sparkplug wire shorting out.

You could have an electrical wire shorting out.

You may have some water in the fuel tank.

Lets take the most common of these three mentioned.

Over the years you cannot keep they fuel tank full at all times.

With a fuel tank half full, the upper part can cause condensation.

This condensation will slowly build up and run down into the bottom of the tank.

When you start to pass another vehicle you call upon the fuel pump to give me more gasoline.

The fuel pump starts working overtime and picks up more fuel, then the water goes into the line along with the gasoline.

The fuel filter catches this water and since water is heavier than gasoline, it drops to the bottom of the filter.

After awhile though, you come up behind me, and Im not driving quite as fast as you would like to go, so you floorboard it and go around me.

What happens when you floorboard it?

Right, you are asking for more fuel.

With the filter partially full of condensation, water, some of it gets picked up into the fuel line and goes to the carburetor or injector.

Chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug, Pow!

Purr, purr, purr.

See what happens?

You can solve this problem, most of the time, by changing the fuel filter two or three times a year.

Now, if you have just filled up at the pump, and your car starts acting this way, you may have to take the fuel tank off and clean it out.

Or, pay someone else to do it!

Tommy Sessions has been in auto repair since 1970. He publishes Auto Repair Answers Newsletter so you can learn how to keep your vehicle looking new, running safely and efficiently, while you save money and time...also, learn how to avoid shop rip offs. Don't be at the mercy of the dealerships and auto repair shops...they will have more respect for you.

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Four Simple Healthy Lifestyle Habits May Extend Life, Lower Heart Risk For Older People

Can adopting a healthier lifestyle later in life help or is it too late? This was the question researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston wanted to answer. In the study results published in the July issue of The American Journal of Medicine, the researchers found that these middleaged people, ages 45 to 64, who added healthy lifestyle behaviors could substantially reduce their risk for cardiovascular disease and reduce their death rate.

Once these people achieved four healthy behaviors, investigators saw a 35 percent reduction in CVD incidence and a 40 percent reduction in mortality compared to people with less healthy lifestyles. The four necessary healthy behaviors are:

1. Eating at least five fruits and vegetables daily.

2. Exercising at least 2.5 hours per week .

3. Maintaining a Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 30 kg/m (Note: a person 5'8" weighing 197 pounds would have BMI of 30. Have your physician check yours).

4. Not smoking.

The potential public health benefit from adopting a healthier lifestyle in middle age is substantial, writes Dana E. King, MD, MS. "The current study demonstrated that adopting four modest healthy habits considerably lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in a relatively short-term four-year follow up period. These health findings emphasize that making the necessary changes to adhere to a healthy lifestyle is extremely worthwhile, and that middleage is not too late to act.

There were three key findings from the study :
? First, the benefit of switching to a healthy lifestyle past age 45 became evident even in the fouryear, short-term follow up.
? Second, the beneficial impact of the changes occurred despite the relatively modest changes in health habits.
? Third, the healthy lifestyle was beneficial when compared to all persons with three or fewer healthy habits, not just in comparison to people with none or one habit.
Healthy living is a lifestyle and not a phase one should move in and out of. Although A complete change of life-style may not be the answer at any age these four simple habits may start you in the right direction.

Simply Seniors News staff

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Should I Get Divorced? Or Not?

No one besides you can determine whether or not a divorce is right for you! But, there are some general questions which pretty much apply to everybody. Thinking about the following issues may help you answer this question for yourself!

What specifically is making you think of divorce?

Physical Abuse

If your spouse is violent to you and/or your kids, this is a safety issue. No matter what you may have done, NOONE deserves to be hurt! Your spouse may be trying to justify his or her actions by blaming all of your marital problems on you. Please remember that a marriage requires effort by both persons to make it work.

Ask yourself the following questions:

a. Has your spouse tried to isolate you from your friends and family?

b. Have you had to call the police to stop violence?

c. Have you ever had to go to the hospital as a result of being hurt by your spouse?

d. Does your spouse apologize after hurting you and promise never to do it again?

e. Do you try to do everything right to keep your spouse from losing his or her temper?

f. Does this work for a little while, only to have the violence eventually start again?

g. Can you feel the pressure building in between violent episodes?

h. Does the smallest thing set off a violent episode?

i. Do you feel that nothing you do is right?

If you can identify with the above questions, you may be a victim of battered spouse syndrome. This situation, although it can occur with both wives and husbands, usually describes a situation in which a husband is physically abusing his wife.

A great deal of psychological and legal study has been done on this topic. Often, women who have been abused forgive their husbands and stay in the abusive situation. It has been found that five times is the average number of times a woman leaves her spouse before she can successfully escape the psychological control an abusive spouse can have over her.

Often, an abused wife alienates her family and friends who get angry when they try to help the woman leave, only to learn that she has returned to her husband and the dangerous situation!

Maybe you dont think you have anywhere to go! Most cities have special shelters for woman and children and will keep your location secret from your husband. Free legal fees are also frequently available.

Help is definitely available!!!!! Please dont let yourself or your children stay in a situation which could result in serious injury or even death. (Pat, there are hotline numbers we could probably put here or to click to.)

If you think you may be the abuser in this situation, help is also available to you to stop this pattern of behavior so that you can move forward and enjoy the pleasure of a healthy, happy relationship. Everyone deserves a second chance at happiness. Everybody can change and learn and grow from our mistakes. Maybe counseling is the answer. Maybe an anger management class would help; or, spiritual guidance from your particular clergyman. Perhaps you might consider yoga, meditation or some other form of alternative medicine. Just reach out, and you will find the answer that is right for you!

The Affair

You never in a million years thought it could happen to you. All of sudden, your spouse stays up late or gets up in the middle of the night to use the computer. Chat rooms, e-mails, internet buddies. Oh my goodness! How did that picture of you get distributed on the internet? (You know, the one you took thinking that it would remain private between you and your spouse.)

Then, there are the old-fashioned, more traditional ways to cheat: the business trip, the co-worker, the high school reunion hook-up, and so on and so forth! Lets not forget the worlds oldest profession.

The question is do you leave or do you stay?

The world is divided into two groups of people (Those who count their carbs and those who dont.) It is also divided into those spouses who can forgive an affair by their spouse and move forward and those who cant.

If you are the victim of a wandering spouse, you should be honest with yourself. You may think you want the marriage to continue. Do you really want to work things out, or are you secretly determined to make your spouses life a living hell. Maybe you dont really want this consciously; perhaps you just cant help yourself.

Maybe your personal or spiritual values will keep you from continuing in a marriage in which your spouse has cheated. Or, the opposite could be true. You may feel that you are committed to stay in your marriage no matter what.

Being honest with yourself about your true motives will go a long way towards helping you make the right decision.

What if you are the person who has found someone else? Maybe your marriage has been over for a long time. What would have to happen to save your relationship? Have you and your spouse talked about what seems to be missing in your marriage. Do you still love your spouse? If you could save your marriage, would you want to? Would you be willing to get some professional help?

Or, is it just a day late and a dollar short? Sometimes, a couple has passed the point of no return. Regardless of whether your spouse wants a divorce or not, the State of Texas will not force a couple to live together if one of them wants a divorce. Most of the time, one person leaves the relationship long before the other. Your spouse may need some catch-up time to get used to this idea.

If this is the case, you should be prepared for a bumpy ride for awhile. Your spouse will probably alternate between being angry, depressed, bargaining, penitent, furious, grieving, victimized, vengeful, retaliatory, depressed again, pathetic, and hostile (and then all over again.)

You may not know which of your spouses multiple personalities you are going to have to deal with on any given day! One minute, everything is calm and you are talking rationally. The next day youre living in the seventh circle of hell.

It helps to remember that some of this is purely situational; ie. it is (believe it or not) normal behavior. It isnt actually about the two individuals you and your spouse. Instead, its about being hurt and feeling betrayed. Both parties feel guilty. Both are suffering. Both feel just plain miserable.


Lord have mercy. Those purchases seemed like a good idea at the time. All of a sudden, you have credit card debt and lots of it (thousands and thousands of dollars worth).

Sometimes now the question becomes whether to declare bankruptcy and then get divorced or vice versa.

You may not want or intend to declare bankruptcy at all. If this is a consideration though, you should contact a bankruptcy attorney so that you can best consider the options that make the most sense for your personal situation.

Other kinds of financial problems frequently stress a marriage and can bring it to an early conclusion: gambling, excessive drinking, drug use (Im talking about the COSTS involved here), spending on step-children or adult children.

Got problems with child support from a previous relationship? (Interest and penalties can cause the most loving spouse to lose his or her sense of humor.)

Did you use to have great credit but now you cant finance a happy meal? Money cant buy happiness. It has been suggested that the people who believe that dont know where to shop!

Seriously, lets face it! Food and shelter are pretty basic needs (Maslows Hierarchy Psychology 101). A spouse who thinks his or her partner is to blame for their financial ruin may just decide to cut their losses and run (very fast).

Debt counseling and debt consolidation could help. Getting out from under steep monthly payments may provide much needed relief, as can re-financing the house or a home equity loan. These solutions will only work if the couple cures the disease and not just the symptoms! A serious change in lifestyle is in order.

Can you work this through? Can you afford to split up? Two people can live together cheaper than they can apart! Sometimes, a couple literally cannot make it financially living separately.


Obviously, there are plenty of reasons people get divorced which I have not covered in this article!

You may not be any closer to knowing whether or not filing for divorce is the right answer for you. But, I hope that thinking about some of the above will help you in your decision making process.

Have faith in yourself. I know that you will do the right thing.

Not Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Legal Disclaimer - This information is provided as a public service, and is designed for general information only pertaining to the state of Texas. This information is not intended to be legal advice, nor does it create an attorney client relationship. Consult an attorney for before making any legal decisions based on your individual circumstances.

Marilyn Gale Vilyus is a Houston family law lawyer practicing in the areas of divorce, child support, child custody, and mediation. Visit for more information about divorce.

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How Fiction Authors Can Get Publicity

Traditionally, fiction authors have found it very difficult to get publicity outside of media that reviews books. That's because they've been focusing on their book, rather than the topic. The way novelists can get publicity is to highlight their expertise on a topic related to their book that will interest the media.

For instance, one novelist I know wrote a book about a young woman who was raped and faced the dilemma of should she abort, even though it went against her beliefs? The author had done a lot of research on post-traumatic stress syndrome as it relates to abortion. One of the things she discovered is that abortion affects not just the woman who chooses it, but everyone else involved: the father of the child, the woman's family, even the doctor and nurses who might be involved in the abortion. While her novel graphically portrayed how all this plays out, the publicity angle is based on her expertise as someone who not only had an abortion, but did extensive research on it.

Another novelist I know wrote a fast-paced adventure story concerning, among other things, world hunger. Publicity angles could include how organizations do or do not hinder relief efforts, how corporations fit into the picture (something her novel portrayed), what one person can do to fight world hunger, etc.

Publicity offers some of the best exposure for your book, as I've said over and over again. If you're a novelist, don't overlook this outlet. Brainstorm all the issues that relate to whatever goes on in your book. Keep abreast of news and trends and how you can fit in. See yourself not just as a novelist, but as an expert in some area related to your novel.

When you get publicity for your expertise on your topic, of course your book will get mentioned. You can talk about how your research played into the formation of your characters, etc., but remember to keep the focus on the angle that interests the media.

If you need help in implementing these suggestions, Diane Eble is a book publishing coach with 28 years experience in the publishing industry as an editor (magazines, fiction and nonfiction books), author (11 published books, more than 400 articles), and copywriter. She helps people to write, publish, and make money with books and other information products. Find more articles like these when you visit and subscribe to her newsletter. If you feel you have a book inside you, check out the new resource, "Jump Start Your Book: 12 Questions You Must Answer Before You Write Your First Word" at

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