Does Your Car Engine Backfire?
Does your vehicle engine run ok?
Or does it cut-out on you sometimes when your are going to visit your in-laws?
Does it *spit* and *sputter* and *backfire*, then start running ok, again?
Symptoms of this nature can be several things.
You could have a sparkplug wire shorting out.
You could have an electrical wire shorting out.
You may have some water in the fuel tank.
Lets take the most common of these three mentioned.
Over the years you cannot keep they fuel tank full at all times.
With a fuel tank half full, the upper part can cause condensation.
This condensation will slowly build up and run down into the bottom of the tank.
When you start to pass another vehicle you call upon the fuel pump to give me more gasoline.
The fuel pump starts working overtime and picks up more fuel, then the water goes into the line along with the gasoline.
The fuel filter catches this water and since water is heavier than gasoline, it drops to the bottom of the filter.
After awhile though, you come up behind me, and Im not driving quite as fast as you would like to go, so you floorboard it and go around me.
What happens when you floorboard it?
Right, you are asking for more fuel.
With the filter partially full of condensation, water, some of it gets picked up into the fuel line and goes to the carburetor or injector.
Chug-a-lug, chug-a-lug, Pow!
Purr, purr, purr.
See what happens?
You can solve this problem, most of the time, by changing the fuel filter two or three times a year.
Now, if you have just filled up at the pump, and your car starts acting this way, you may have to take the fuel tank off and clean it out.
Or, pay someone else to do it!
Tommy Sessions has been in auto repair since 1970. He publishes Auto Repair Answers Newsletter so you can learn how to keep your vehicle looking new, running safely and efficiently, while you save money and time...also, learn how to avoid shop rip offs. Don't be at the mercy of the dealerships and auto repair shops...they will have more respect for you.
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