Thursday, September 20, 2007 

Right Human Relations And Internet

We, are now, entering into the Age of Aquarius. We are moving step by step, towards a growing expression of collective impersonality. By collective impersonality I mean people that in all dealings will find the right central point, between the two poles in any matter, without being bogged down by too much subjective involvement. People who tend towards being self-less rather than selfish. The 'personal garden (the sphere of personal interest) becomes increasingly less important than the collective one: considering the whole of society and not just a part of it, is the response of this coming new age.

Through using the mass-media and the Internet, we are constantly aware of what is going on in the world at any time. We are not just spectators any more, but participants in the flux of world society.

Now with the Internet we have net-related-interconnections, that did not exist, until recently, with such effect on so many people over such a vast space and such a short time. This energy that flows through the Internet demands an impersonal state of mind, and heart.

This basic transformation, of our attitudes and thoughts, seems to have happened when two of the slower planets, Uranus and Pluto, entered in the sign of Libra ( Uranus entered in Libra by the end of 1968- till 1975; Pluto entered in 1971 and went out by the end of 1983 ).

Libra it is the sign of The Law, and as a consequence of this quality, the right human relations (the inclusive nature of humanity) began to flourish in the hearts and minds of people.

Uranus tends to revolutionize, it rules archetypes, so new archetypes were born, old habit-thoughts were abandoned suddenly, and a new way to relate within marriage and within groups, took place.

It was the Uranian intuition which stimulated humanity towards unity, instead of separative attitudes. The term: citizen of the world is and was, a reality!

Pluto brought the end of old social, and personal, patterns, so, transformation and rejuvenation took place. In Libra, an artistic sign, Pluto brought up a period in which the creativity became an essential part of relationships, and, this along with the Uranian inputs, these were the seeds for right human relations.

These changes took place, and we found each other related in a totally new prospective.

The new Astrology, the Astrology centered in the Soul, deals with this enormous transformation which marks a new historical period on Earth.

The Earth is definitively bringing the message into the open, that the old intellectual approach towards internet it is ending. Now the shift, is towards a progressive, intuitive, capability to understand the meaning of the news, not just a superficial understanding.

One big family, means that many religious and political walls will not be able to withstand the flow of social evolution, and the Internet will change equally dramatically with the flow of the new Age.

Leni provides a large variety of astrological services, workshops, readings and is an accomplished lecturer and writer, in both English and Italian. She has appear on television and radio, and is much in demand for the both traditional and soul centered astrology.

Leni Sibilio

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Real Benefits You Can Taste!

If you've ever sat at your desk trying to put the finishing touches on a presentation designed to persuade your client to buy into the next big project, you've invariably had the challenge of trying to identify benefits. In fact, if you've sold anything at all, you know how important benefits are to realizing the sale. Hand in hand with honing in on the most compelling benefits is making sure they're not just features.

Features are nice . . . but benefits sell, right? With any product or service, pointing out features, in most cases, is key to differentiating the product. But benefits now, those are the things that can really make a difference! But how do you word them to really have an impact on your client or customer?

The answer to this perplexing question has become even clearer to me recently as a result of having to develop an internet sales pitch for information products. After having done extensive reading (as a result of lots of sitting and pondering!), I've discovered the secret to writing much more persuasive copy. Knowing and understanding this secret will also have a huge impact in any presentation you undertake!

Let me share what I've learned.

If you're like me, you learned earlier on that features are what a product has; benefits are what it does. But sometimes, describing benefits doesn't impact your audience; doesn't change their minds. Benefits often aren't personal enough. They're too broad.

And to really sell, your benefits have to be specific. They have to give your audience a specific gain . . . one they can personally feel, or imagine. Another way of putting it is, benefits have to personally, or emotionally affect your audience.

Let's consider another word: "advantages." I'm going to suggest to you that what we've traditionally thought of as "benefits" are often really "advantages." Product features have certain advantages that they provide. But the benefits are how those advantages specifically affect your audience.

As an example, let's say I wanted to sell you a "double chocolate" cake. I might say that it has "double rich, naturally sweet" icing. That's a feature. The advantage is that it's not too rich or overly sweet like traditional chocolate and THAT makes it taste SO much better. Fine. But, so what? That may or may not get someone interested in buying and entire cake.

But, if I were to tell you that it will make your toes curl, or that if you feed it to your girlfriend, she will fall deeply in love with you for at least an hour . . . now, those are personal benefits. You get an emotional response from those benefits. In fact, most true benefits in presentations should give you an emotional response.

You see, benefits have to affect you personally to have real impact. If you have a specific gain that provides a positive emotional response, chances are you'll buy into the idea more readily than if you were simply given the product's advantages.

Features . . . advantages . . . benefits.

Another example: wrinkle cream.

Feature: it reduces wrinkles

Advantage: it will make you look younger

Benefits: you'll be more attractive, you'll have guys falling all over you, nobody will be able to accurately guess your age.

Now, I know some of you might argue that wrinkle cream is a pretty emotional product to begin with. And "What does this sales pitch have to do with my ACME cleaning service?" (for example). "How do I use this approach when I'm pitching a service that simply helps keep an office clean?"

Well, if the feature is a lower price, if I told you you'd save enough money to fund a smaller project you've been trying to get off the ground for years, or that your boss would likely give you a raise for being so efficient . . . those, whether they be true or not, are personal benefits. You'd probably think pretty positively about giving my service a try.

However, if my price is higher than the competition (the quality is much better), I might say "Your office will be SO clean, that you will NEVER hear a complaint from an employee. In fact, if you ever do, I'll personally address that problem the very next day and make sure your staff member is truly satisfied and is aware of the extra effort their boss goes to in order to ensure their comfort. We'll make you look like a star!"

So, next time you're sitting at your desk pondering your next presentation and how to make that sale, think about your audience. If you've properly done your homework, you already know their concerns. The first step then, is to think about those concerns and how your product will satisfy them. Once you've done that, it's time to go to the next critical step the benefit.

Simply craft your response to the concern so that it targets personal benefits . . . specific gains they'll realize . . . gains that will affect them emotionally . . . and you'll be way further ahead in persuading them to grant you your wish.

And once you've done THAT . . . reward yourself with a slice of double chocolate cake that is so moist, it will absolutely melt in your mouth and curl your toes like they've never been curled before!

Peter Temple is a professional speaker, coach, instructional video designer, producer, director and writer for and corporate television. He specializes in helping executives fine-tune their presentation skills and use new technologies effectively in their talks. You'll find practical tips and guidelines to more effective presentations through his online, video-based course.
Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Temple

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Websites That Work!

The internet is a huge space that is full of information. So, what determines if a website will work in this sea of information? As usual, there are some right methods and lots of wrong methods that can be used. Even if you choose to explore this world on your own, some free advice on how to make your internet business a success will not hurt.

Forget the fantasy that if you just set up a website, by magic customers will appear and start buying your services. Be real, this cannot happen in the real world. It is almost like wanting to build a retail store with no windows, doors or signs and no entrance, but still expect that customers will magically find your store and flood you with business.

What is a website?
An internet website is just like an electronic store front. If you set it up properly and market it well, you would have utilized a cost-effective way to generate business. Remember the online customer base is growing by 153% a year and thus provides huge opportunities. By making a small investment in the right kind of marketing at the moment, you would reap a rich harvest in the near future.
With everything that is new, one begins by taking unsure steps that only become steady with time and experience. No need to use direct mails, print as or telemarketing when you can market 100% online.
What you need is a fully developed an coordinated web marketing program which includes a sales oriented website that works as an online vehicle for driving customers to your site, a process of converting them from lookers to buyers and a way to track the progress you are making.

Some tips for the trade!
Firstly, your front or home page should clearly tell your prospective customers what services you can provide for them. Your text should be short and to the point. Give them reasons to buy your product. Remember, if only you can hook them in the first few seconds, you have won them. Otherwise you have lost them to one of your competitors.

Next, your front (home) page should provide with just the right amount of information, not too much and not too little. The information that has been given should attract your customer to call or email you. The goal of your website is to get customers to contact you, nothing more and nothing less. Any mistake in terms of the amount of information you provide at this moment can make them go away.

Thirdly, your web page should have a call to action. The customer should have a reason to place an order then and there or call your phone number or fill in a form with their contact details. It is important you have their contact information so that you can work towards developing a relationship with them. If they do not utilize your services today, they may do so tomorrow. You want to stay in touch with them and the best way is to utilize an auto-responder program.

Lastly, remember to use colors and font styles that are easy to read and appealing to the eyes. Remember that you do not become too fancy or clutter up your pages. Keep things simple so that navigation is easy.

Michael Henderson, a professional web designer and SEO expert. He has worked on many projects for the world wide web design company in India and Overseas His experience & understanding of web technologies, web applications, search engines & WWW standards made him act as consultant for clients for proposing optimal web based solution to back there business needs and an adviser for web developers & web designers for developing pages which meet W3C standards in all respects.

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Why Women Prefer Larger Penis Size

Anyone that has been raised in the western hemisphere, particularly in the United States has been repeatedly exposed to the notion that "bigger is better." While this mindset is typically applied to houses, cars, boats, jewelry and any other physical possession, this line of thinking has also been implemented into the size of a man's penis as well. Additionally, there has been a wide array of rumors that circulate concerning male penis size. While many times larger men will have larger penises, the rumors that a man with large feet, nose, or fingers will have a larger penis are certainly untrue.

But does penis size actually make a difference when having sex? For many women, including Jennifer, who was recently interviewed on the matter, the answer is "yes!" Jennifer recently stated, "The size of a guy's penis really does matter to me. I've been with guys that have large penises and I have found that the ones that are larger than average tend to satisfy me much more than ones of average or small size. In fact, even if a guy doesn't know what he is doing at all in bed can still be good as long as his penis is large enough." She goes on to state, "Women that prefer smaller penises have got to be the exception rather than the rule as any woman I have ever talked to about the subject clearly enjoy a larger penis whether they will admit it to the men in their lives or not."

Studies show that the average penis size of a human man is between five and seven inches long. Jennifer recounts an experience with a man who had a penis that she estimates to have been about five inches long erect, "He had a stub of a penis. I just couldn't feel anything. I ended up going to the bathroom after it was all over and satisfying myself. I don't ever want to have to do that again because I felt like I was lying to him and myself. It is just better if the guy has a larger penis to begin with."

Even men that are exceptional in bed in every other way are less likely to fully satisfy a woman if they have a smaller penis. Many women complain that they can't feel anything with a slender, short penis no matter how talented the man attached to it may be. Of course, there are men that are "length-challenged" that are able to be good lovers but for the most part they are few and far between and being equipped with a larger penis would make them even more exceptional to their partners.

What comes as a surprise to many men is that it is the girth of the penis that matter most to women rather than the length. The ideal penis width, according to many women, is one that effectively stretches their vaginal opening and that can be felt inside their body with each thrust each time they have sex. Jennifer adds, "I would rather feel a shorter, thicker penis inside me than a longer, thin penis that hits my cervix."

Over 200 hundred other women surveyed agree with Jennifer. A startling 97.4% stated that girth is what mattered over length and that a thin, long penis is actually something of a nuisance because the only real touching that it makes with the vagina is that of poking their cervix, which without rubbing the vaginal walls is just more annoying than anything.

Ethnicity seems to play a part in penis size as well. As confirmed by Jennifer, "African-American guys seem to be better endowed than other nationalities and seem to be much more confident in bed to boot. I think this is because they already know that their penises are larger than average. Even if the guy's penis was a little smaller, that confidence is sexy. And black men aren't that much better hung than Caucasian guys. And Asian guys aren't far behind. But the confidence level that they possess from knowing that their penises are adequate ensures that they are good lovers."

In conclusion, while penis size is important to women, it may not be in the way that most men think it is. Girth is much more favored by women than length and confidence and ability in the bedroom coupled with that girth can make any man a success in the bedroom.

Penis size may be important, but it's not about length. Women want girth that stretches them. Discover which products work for girth increases in SizeGenetics reviews and VigRx reviews.

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