Tuesday, January 22, 2008 

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A Great Question!

It's a question that we went back and forth with for awhile ourselves many moons ago. The "how" and "why" of our conclusions may be of some interest. Whether or not anyone agrees with them, well at the least you'll fully understand the basis for them.

The question is this:

Why does Fairbairn stress the straight thumb in line with the barrel, even for one handed shooting?

Years ago when we first began our attempt to sort out the mechanics, methods and reasoning behind this type of shooting we had the exact same question! It really is an excellent question.

We need a little history here. When a group of us started to "experiement" with this method of shooting we had all been indoctrinated and trained in one or both of the prevailing "practical" shooting methods extant. One being the "cutting edge method" of the time, that owing to Jeff Cooper and the methods being taught at Gunsite. The other being the fairly standard FBI clone known as the "Practical Pistol Course". Most police recruit training of this period emphasized the PPC tactical course of fire over any other method, including the much touted "Weaver". Full sight alignment, "positive" grip with a two-hand "isoceles", barricade firing with both single and double action(most departments carried wheel guns) all done at varying distancesand various battery firing positions. The only time ANYTHING approaching "instinct" shooting was even mentioed was at the six foot range distance when passing commentary went something like......."Maybe you won't be able to get the gun all the way up, so..............."

This was the prevailing situation at that time for those interested in "combat" or "practical" shooting either by vocation or hobby. To make matters worse, MOST if not all "civilian" instruction STILL was based on the old "Olympic" style of competitve target work.

Now REMEMBER this was at a time when specially trained units like ESU or SWAT were still in their infancy! And William Shatner's ONLY claim to fame was as Captain Kirk. When cops went on a job they were fully expected to handle it. ONLY the most EXTREME situations were responded to by "something" resembling a special tactics unit. At BEST most departments had only a semi-organized squad of "hats and bats", and that was it. So the street cop responded to EVERY type of call and was FULLY expected to handle whatever emergency arose.

So that gamut runs from Bank alarms, to convenience store robberies, to building, warehouse and residential searches, from alleyways and stairwells to rooftops and basements. Sometimes you creep and sometimes you run. Sometimes you know there's a potential threat, sometimes it just leaps out at you. Sometimes there is plenty of light(good and bad), sometimes just a dim streetlight near an alleyway that YOU have to clean out. Sometimes, and more often than not, there is NO real light, just dark. And shadows!

Search a warehouse for a suspect and you may get shot from a distance, from behind cover or concealment. Search an apartment building or private residence for a suspect and you may get shot from "sneezing" distance. You may see the threat and "prepare' yourself, or maybe the threat just SPRINGS out at you. Maybe the badguy is in front of you, maybe he's lurking and creeping just there behind you.

Maybe it's a car stop gone bad. Maybe it's a "nut" who approaches YOU while you're in a patrol unit sipping coffee and shooting the shit with your partner. Maybe you're off duty.

The point is this: In the real world ANYTHING can and probably WILL happen. As bad as it gets, is about as BAD as it WILL GET.

Now add THIS: Will you be wounded, injured, or in someway incapacitated, less than at optimum ability. Will you be firing your duty weapon, or will you be using your "back up" or has the shit degenerated to the degree that you have to use your last ditch "hide out" piece. I've known situations where an officer has HAD to grab and use one of the "downed" perps weapons, to save his wounded partners life. What POSITION will you be in when all hell breaks loose? Maybe you CAN'T run for cover, maybe there is NO cover. You can do everything RIGHT and still die, and you can do everything WRONG and survive. Life's kinda crazy that way.

The obvious part of this, at least to an open-minded and "thinking" individual is that it IS impossible to train and/or prepare for EVERY situation, every contingency. Can't BE DONE.

What CAN be done is to figure out what method or system of training will GIVE YOU the BEST all around overall preparation for survival.

The "PPC" wasn't the answer, and neither was Copper's "Modern Pistolcraft". Something was missing.

A round about way to answer a single question, huh? Well without understanding the genesis or the seed that all of this begins with and the "base" of experience that FORCED certain questions to be asked and answered the whole point will be missed. The "straw man" arguements will flair up, and the whole "thing" will turn into a pile of shit. And NO one will learn a goddamn thing.

The group of men that formed the core of our "cadre" so to speak were mostly cops drawn together initially by interests in other areas than firearms. Most I had met thru my martial arts training, some were from the "iron" pit(what a shithole, I loved it), some we met at competitive "practical" matches. We had at one time or another guys from local, state, and federal agencies. A tremendous amount of experience and the desire to really "train" was the bond(not the shaker joints and sundries). A rare quality for cops in those days.

So we weren't stumbling in the dark here. We had the access, time, opportunity and means(most of us were single and making a pretty good payday) to really travel, and train. And....get in a whole helluva lot of range time. There was one point where at any given time I had several 5 gallon pails filled with spent brass in my trunk waiting for their weekly drop off at my buddy who was a reloading fanatic. With no real responsibilty in life you can live PRETTY LARGE(right Boyoo?).

Frank Behlert(remember him?) still had his old shop on Lehigh Ave. in Union. That was a great hub of activity and a great place to meet all sorts of interesting characters. It was also one of the first places that really took an actice role in pushing the "practical" shooting matches in the metro area.

Now when some street "cherries" or FNG's get out of the academy and hit the streets they clam up tighter than an asshole in a bath house. Sometimes it is good to just shut up and keep your eyes and ears open. But by the same token, if you don't ask you don't learn. So when ever a dicey situation arose I would always "debrief"(sometimes that took on a WHOLE 'nother meaning) myself and sort out what went "good", what went "bad", what could have been done better and what could have hit the fan. If I needed to question something I did. Still do.

Alot of the older cops were really playing the old "salty dawg". 30 years and a wake up and the papers were in and off to Florida they went. Probably to drop dead of heart failure in a year. Life sucks and then you die, or life sucks, you relocate to Florida and THEN you die. Doesn't matter, end result the same.

Still these guys were a TREMENDOUS source of knowledge. On a whole RANGE of "police" related subjects. Most, if not all of these men were combat vets of WWII or Korea. So when I had a question I asked. If my screwy facial expression betrayed my disbelief at the answer, I usually heard the following refrain(if I had a dime......), "Listen wet nose, that's the square, the real deal, just remember I got more time in the shithouse than you have on the road"......followed invariably by......."So just shut up and learn". Well as things go, I never did learn to shut up, but I did learn.

"They teach you what they teach in the academy 'cause they got to".............................."The street has it's own rules, and only the street really knows what the hell those are". Rule # 1 - CYA. Rule # 2 - Never EVER forget rule # 1.

So where does this lead us? Well, this attitude between what is "percieved" as real and what really is REAL caused us to constantly question, examine, and re-examine everything we were "taught" to do against everything we "really" DID.

The bulbs really began flashing when we got hold of a copy of "Kill or Get Killed" followed by "Shooting to Live". At first we all, myself included, looked at these old pictures, drawings and "dust covered" verbiage as absolutely outdated, "know what I did during the BIG ONE..............." bullshit! But "Get Tough" had my sincere interest. One of those old timers I mentioned had been a US Navy "landing force" instructor during the "BIG ONE". I had seen him in action for real, unflitered "Lucky Strike" hanging out the side if his mouth and wreaking holy havoc on some young "puffy chested" bucks. It was a thing of beauty! I on the other was "fighting" these guys and looked like I was "rode hard and put away wet".

Something didn't add up. The methods my tour sargeant used WERE right out of "Get Tough", even how he handled a "nightstick" and BOY he did that with relish(remember NO ONE knew what a camcorder was!). Maybe there was something to this "Farburn" guy. I mean, up to this point "Fairbairn" was a good tan we got during "I & I" down at LBI. And "Applegate"? Sheeet, that was the entrance to an orchard, right?

So then we ACTUALLY started READING these texts. Really trying to keep an open mind. After ALL if "Guru" Jeff said it was so, well damn youngin' IT'S SO!

Now here's the "bitch" in the whole thing............Pretty much EVERY reason WEF and Colonel Rex GAVE for the validity of the methods(THEY ARE DIFFERENT BOYS & GIRLS) were exactly what we all knew were "missing" from the "practical" shooting we were doing. The difference in a nutshell......."How you are SUPPOSSED to do it, and how you REALLY do IT".

Yes, if I have the "drop" on a suspected badman, like on a hinky title 39 stop when YOU KNOW the shit is just hanging in front of that fan READY to go SPLAT all over everyone, then YES, ALL the "rules" get followed. If I had to arrest a suspect on a felony warrany or who was a known "A & D" then yes......ALL the rules got followed. In those situations assessing, finding and moving to real "cover"(as opposed to just concealment) was viable, actually anything else was STUPID. If that was NOT an option then covering the skel from a stable picture perfect "Weaver" or "isoceles" with positive sight alignment and all things neat and tidy was the way to go. ANYTHING else would have been STUPID.

BUT...................then there were those multitude of OTHER TIMES.

SEE there is a HUGE difference between having "IT" your way, playing your "game", ACTING by your rules and being forced to "REACT" to someone else's "gamebook". You get forced into playing the other guy's game and you're probably gonna lose. Especially when the rules change constantly.

So let's answer this "job" together. Straight up and no bullshit. You're working the graveyard tour mid-week. From your experience you figure that this tour on this day is usually pretty quiet. So it's around 3:00 am, you have made your "beat" rounds, done your shift reports, answered a few calls, shitcanned them and now need a little "resting of the eyes". You coop up. Oh YEA, it's winter time. Snow, ice, and it's bone chilling cold out. Just as you find that "comfortable" position and settle in the radio goes bananas. Two seperate confirmed alarms at a warehouse that has been hit several times before. OFF to the races you GO!

No siren, just the overheads, a couple of blocks away you go "silent". You make a cursory pass in the unit and spot the probable position of enrty (an open window, in JANUARY). Maybe. Maybe these guys followed the "rules" and immediately left a second avenue of escape available to them. Maybe you get a back up unit, maybe you don't. Doesn't matter, you gotta roll with punches and you got a JOB to do. The warehouse is HUGE, completely dark, multi-level with more "nooks and crannies" than a Thomas's muffin. And it's BEEN months since YOU answered a call here (or maybe never) so the layout is NOT "fresh" in your mind.

You approach the window cautiously and realize that the snowy, slushy, muddy ground beneath has a distinct set of LARGE boot prints, NO, wait, TWO sets of distinct footprints. Let's see.........okay the window has been jimmied. Pretty secure industrial window. These pry marks were done by something pretty big and pretty sharp. Keep that in mind.

Enough bullshit, time to go into the "party".

Let's stop for a moment and take stock of our situation:

1. NO light, either inside(if we could even find them) or OUTSIDE. 2. At least two potential threats. 3. Unknown area of operation. Little if any idea of how the joint is layed out. 4. At least one perp is armed with something big, and sharp. At the LEAST. 5. Have other officers to worry about. 6. Cold as a sonofabitch. Stiff, wearing winter uniform, can't move all that well. Adrenalin pumping like a MOTHER. 7. Why didn't I become a dentist like Mama wanted?

So you go IN. Your partner or your back up takes the "shit catcher" position at the rear, you handle the "flush". C'mon now, in you GO...................................

I know what I've done in those situation, I know what OTHERS have done in those situations, and I KNOW how we were TRAINED to do it, and MOST importantly, I know how it was REALLY handled. Here's the "rub"............pretty much everything WEF states in Shooting to Live is EXACTLY what I have seen, and experienced BOTH in my OWN actions and those of others. ALL well trained, diligent and "good" cops, knew their business. AND this was before we EVER heard of these methods or researched these sources.

SEE...........................THIS was the MISSING link that we all KNEW, but COULDN'T really pin down. This was IT. You can forget the "stats", the "percents", ignore the over SIX decades of emprical knowledge from agencies all over the WORLD including the FBI, the DOJ, and virtually every major department throughout the free world( not even to mention a worldwide conflagration then went on FOR years). Forget all of that. I KNOW what my "instinct" was and what was the "instinct" of a host of others in similar situations. Does that make it RIGHT or WRONG? Does it matter? It is what it is. Kinda like death and taxes, or at least death. You can talk up a storm about it, still is what it is.

Okay. So, comparing what I knew to be relevant in my experience and having seen first hand, as well as thru various first person accounts, the reasoning that WEF outlined as WELL as the method of use and mode of INSTRUCTION made a great deal of sense to me, as well as others whose opinions I had grown to respect. What we HAD experienced was IN that little old manual.

The task NOW was to do more research and to make these methods come alive. That meant studying as much material as we could find on this topic, and then understanding it and perfecting it.

BUT, you may ask, what about the "instinct" part. Didn't you KNOW this already? Yes, we did KNOW how many(certainly not all) individuals will react when placed in sudden life and death emergency situations. The JOB was to rip this method apart, find any flaws, find any strengths, and to make it fully our own. ONLY then, once we really KNEW what the hell we were doing(and talking about), could we DECIDE if it offered any REAL solutions to us. ANYTHING less than FULLY studying, inculcating and UNDERSTANDING the method would constitute INTELLECTUAL FRAUD in terms of any real incisive and HONEST comparison with any other "method".

How the hell do you judge something without that mind-set.

During this period(mid to late 70's) there were a growing number of "experts" entering the field. Cooper first and foremost, then names like Taylor, Farnam, Ayoob, and many others. For the most part, all "towed" the party line. Weaver was IT. Everything else was outdated, outmoded and "old" fashioned. Well, at this point I started collecting EVERYTHING I could about shooting. Everything. From the oldest manuals and books to the most up to date. Magazine upon magazine, and of course continued ACTUAL training. What I was constantly learning was really eye opening.

Studying McGivern, Hatcher, Roper, Nichols, Weston, Gaylord, Askins, Jordan, "old" works by Copper, and so many other men and other sources like Leatherneck and the Infantry Journal, old issues of the American Rifleman was astonishing. My research collection has NEVER stopped growing. I don't "stop" learning, but more on that later.

The only contemporary voice getting a little play in the popular gun journals was Brad Steiner. Much of what he wrote reflected what I had known to be true based on MY experience. There really WAS a gap and a need for methods that dealt specifically with CLOSE QUARTERS GUN BATTLES. The only really close quarters method being bantered about at this time was the "speed rock". Steiner's contemporary articles were very interesting and he stirred alot of resentment and controversy.

I remember one slam made aginst Steiner and John McSweeny by Mas Ayoob. It concerned the use of a mirror to check and adjust firing poistion, alignment and so forth. This was a method advocated by MANY "old timers" as a tried and true way of DAILY practice away from the range. Easy. Simple. No "brainer". Everyone has a mirror. Made perfect sense to me. And it WORKED. Great! Well, Ayoob likened this to "mental" masturbation. I'm not really one to mince words, it's usually(not always) better to just speak plainly. I couldn't help but wonder what the reaction of men like Paul Weston of the NYPD(who advocated this mirror training highly) or "Jelly" Bryce would have been to that comment. I also pondered what Brad Steiner's reaction, and perhaps more SO, John McSweeny's reaction would have been to Mr. Ayoob had he made that comment nose to nose instead of in print. Basically, what Ayoob was saying, thinly veiled as it was, was, you're a "jerk off".

Where were we? Oh YEA.............................................................

What to do with ALL of this information, both new and "old". Well, logically the thing to do was to look at the most basic problems presented by any situation and BUILD from there.

Easy enough. Right? Well, actually no......................................

First thing we did was to DEFINE the terms that we would use. When so and so said this, made this statement, what did he REALLY mean? When Shooter A talks about this to Shooter B are they REALLY understanding the terms being USED. Or is one party ASSUMING he knows what a certain phrase or descriptive term means. Damn, w're back to that logical foundation jammy again. Let's see................I stop some guy on the street and tell him in NO uncertain terms that I LOVE his wife, and always will. As a matter of fact, I have loved her for years. The man may be pretty shocked, he would have a right to be, maybe even take a swing at me. But, if we defined what was really said, well, the situation changes. The guy's wife is MY sister. And yes, I love her deeply, always have, and always will. Before any honest up front dialogue seeks to edify we should make sure we're on the same page. That was job 1. As I said anything less is intellectual fraud.

So we did a thorough job of defining the terms we used and what they meant.

Now we ruthlessly went about tearing apart everything on both sides of the hill.

What does the REALITY of the street teach us, and how do we find REAL useful solutions to those problems presented.

AND, here's the REAL catch...............................how does all of this tie in to the LEAST common denominator. In other words what is the MOST basic overall approach to these problems, taking into account first and foremost the least in ability, skill, experience and knowledge. If we can begin to build on that, then we have something really worthwhile.

So here are the "problems":

1. Visibility. Perfect to zero.

2. Extreme close range sudden violence. Unprepared. Reactive. Prepared. Active.

3. Enagaging adversaries at varying distances and/or heights/360 degrees. Close/medium/long range. Effective transition. Active and reactive.

4. Ability to manuever and fire.

5. Ability to effect fire on a moving target.

6. Ability to fire from dis-advantage or awkward positions.

7. Ability to fire from cover and/or concealment. Two different tactical problems.

8. Ability to fire with both hands. Tandem-strong and weak. Single-strong and weak.

9. Ability to fire when vision is impaired.

10. Ability to transition from weapon to weapon.

11. Emergency reloading and malfunction clearing.

12. The MUST DO shot.

We did NOT address specific tactical problems. This list was designed for the MOST basic overall components facing every type of "shooter" regardless of "job" specificity. A six three 200lb. police tactical officer could face these "problems" in the same way that a 5 foot five 100lb. housewife may have to. Sounds silly? Think about it.

How we put together the syllabus-

No forced or awkward positions or manuevers. Everything based to the GREATEST extent possible on gross motor skill, natural body dynamics, and "instinctive" action/reaction. takes into account next to worst case scenario and works from there(worst case being you're already dead).

The entire system should be as seamless as possible. One component dovetailing with another. Not just a "grouping" of techniques independent of one another. As general as possible to cover the greatest number of contingencies. Weak offhand shooting is composed of the EXACT same mechanics as TWO HANDED braced firing. The fundamentals are EASILY retainable and apply throughout the entire shooting system. The grip on the draw is the same grip for firing. The grip when running, climbing, jumping is the same for drawing and firing. The grip when prone is the same when kneeling is the same whenusing braced barricade, is the same when using the "pop out" and fire. This is a bad thing under the stress of real world violence?

The system? That we have to be another long winded thread(if I survive this one). But for many of you, it won't be what you think or what you have "pidgeonholed".

FINALLY...................................the GRIP!

Okay. First. Re-read all these parts over again. Really put some effort into understanding what is being said here.

Fairbairn admonishes us to extend the thumb along the "slide release"(for clarification). Mentions it several times. WE DON'T teach that grip as part of the basic syllabus. We practiced it alot and some liked it and some did not. BUT that's NOT the issue here.

The grip as advocated by WEF is particular to the weapon shown, NOT to WEF. Many gunners of the period in many different manuals and sources advocate the same grip for THAT weapon. For the .45 ACP. It was almost de rigueur. Did it help some achieve the standards for it that WEF set forth, MOST certainly. For others it was a far less successful venture. Some improved with practice, others did not.

Now we have to find out why? Colonel Applegate had HIS answer and we had ours(more on that later) BUT still we wanted to understand why WEF advocated it and what we might have been missing.

First we have to remember that "Shooting to Live" was written in it's original form(we have the manual) as a manual for the SMP. An organized UNIFORM police agency. "Shooting to live" is an expanded version of the original SMP manual. Why is that important? Because the SMP, like most agencies issued a specific "duty" weapon. A standard pistol. That was the .45 ACP. But that wasn't all! The .380 ACP was ALSO issued and for a VERY pertinent reason. The use of the thumb extended grip advocated for the .45 ACP had more to do with the DESIGN of the weapon than with anything else. The angle between grip and barrel is such that a full "convulsive"(there's that term again) grip with thumb wrapped DOWN will effect the horizontal barrel to floor alignment that is so important to ALL forms of accurate shooting. MORE so in the method taught by WEF. The thumb extension helped seat the weapon from backstrap to muzzle in a "better" way for THAT gun. A full "fisted' grip tended to drop the muzzle DOWN. Also, WEF had fairly large hands and a great grip. He also realized this and adjusted accordingly. Officer's with smaller hands who could NOT adjust or use the .45 ACP were issued the smaller .380 ACP. Now notice the line drawing on pg. 19 of STL. These drawings were made directly from still photos. Look at how far the thumb is extended in the picture. I have fairly normal size hands and a fair grip, and my thumb doesn't come near to that position. I am certainly NOT alone in this problem. WEF recignized it too, THAT is why he issued smaller pistols for some officers.

Again, this manual was done before the second world war and done with the STANDARD issue .45 ACP or .380 ACP in mind as a UNIFORM piece of ordinance. WEF use of the extended thumb index was also obvious in his method of firing both the M1 A1 carbine and the Thompson sub-machin gun. He liked this method.

Colonel Applegate had different ideas. His duties exposed him to a VAST number of handguns that WOULD be used in combat in varying countries. From the Luger to the Walther, from a Colt revolver to an automatic, from a Browning to a Mauser. Applegate sought A SINGLE method of battle firing that was applicable to ANY handgun, anywhere in the world. THIS is why Colonel Applegate advocated the "point shoulder" locked wrist, convulsive grip method. That system alone would allow anyone to grab ANY handgun and be able to fire with effect(his words-Man Killing Accuracy). Since each design had a different angle between handle and muzzle, differing weight, balance, muzzle length, sight aperture and so on he devised a singular method to ADAPT to a GREAT number of handguns. That is GENIUS! So on this point I disagree with WEF's approach. How about all the other shootists? Like Bill Jordan. Look at his grip, about as tight fisted and convulsive as you can get. And he is one of many that took a differing approach from what is shown in STL. All I want to do is keep it to the MOST basic FIRST. MOST BASIC FIRST. MOST BASIC FIRST! M O S T B A S I C F I R S T !

Was Applegate completely HAPPY with what he taught during WWII. NO, he wasn't. He told us personally that he would have taught FULLY sighted fire FIRST, then "point shoulder" if he had to do it again. YEP! NOTHING is written in stone!

There are other SOLID reasons behind the differences between WEF and Applegate, as well as others extant during this time. But, hell all that's in the past. Who cares, right?

Okey dokey. Back to WEF and the extended thumb. NOW.......try this............even if you like the extended thumb for your .45 replace that auto with another auto, large/medium/small frame. How's the "feel", bet you adjust with each differing piece.

Now grab a wheel gun. Try it WITH THAT! Hmmmmmmm.....how's that working out? No, not the Model 29 S&W, the small frame two inch......try that. Well I don't see HOW that extended thumb grip works AT ALL with a revolver. Not for double action most certainly!

SO now what? How about this...........You carry a primary duty weapon that is a large frame auto. Okay. You also carry a small frame "snubby" on your ankle....the "just in case" gun. And, maybe a Beretta .25 as your "oh SHIT" gonna be late for dinner piece. THREE different guns, three DIFFERENT grips and THREE differing "feels". Or look down the firing line at people who are looking to YOU for instruction. All shapes and sizes, all different in so many ways, and probably all preferring a different handgun. Damn, you HAVE to find the most fundamental starting point.

My answer? A strong, natural and (dare I say it) convulsive grip. The same GRIP you have used since INFANCY to hold and use tools and objects, to make a fist, to lift weights, etc. etc.

Opposable thumb. Simple. This is THE most basic action possible. Everyone can do it. Everyone understands IT. And it is APPLICABLE across the board for a GREAT variety of hand types, builds, disabilities and WEAPONS. It can be used for any size autoloader or any size wheel gun.

NOW!!!!! READ THIS.............................Did I EVER SAY IT WAS THE ONLY OR BEST METHOD? NO, I did NOT! I only said it was the MOST basic!

What I did say was that it was the most basic, simple, accessible GRIP to USE as a FOUNDATION. Get something SOLID under your belt NOW, then work towards whatever method and/or goal you wish. AND all the MORE power to you!

My philosophy in a nutshell: I could teach you very effective techniques that would take a bit of time to master. But along with that I can teach you something you can USE right now when you leave here and cross that deserted parking lot. Master BASICS first and then the sky's the limit. Even WEF said given more time he would have taught different methods. Ernie Cates when he set up the USMC close combat program with Nakabyashi choose his basics carefully. he told me that rule one was: The part of the hand with NO hair is the palm! At it's core that's all I'm saying.

I'm sure I've missed some salient points (combat draw and some other issues), but I've wasted a whole day on this and I'm pretty wasted by now. I did my best to offer sound reasoning. That's all I can do. This line of thought can be applied to just about anything, certainly all aspects of armed and unarmed close-combat.

Copyright 2003 www.thetruthaboutselfdefense.com

Carl Cestari began his study of the martial arts with judo at the age of 7 under the direction of Yoshisada Yonezuka. During the past forty plus years Carl has dedicated his life to studying the martial arts, hand to hand combat systems, history and religion. He is continually improving himself through his studies. What makes Carl unique is his combination of martial arts, law enforcement, military and real world experience. Carl has been exposed to a multitude of people with a wide variety experience. The following is a list of some of Carls ranks and honors.

Shinan (Founder) Tekkenryu jujutsu

Ryokudan (6th degree) Koshinkai Karate under John Burrelle

Godan (5th degree) Jujutsu under Clarke of the World Jujutsu Fedaration (now defunct)

Sandan (3rd degree) Nippon Kempo under Narabu Sada

Nidan (2nd degree) Judo under Masafumi Suzuki

Shodan (1st degree) Judo under Yoshisada Yonezuka

Shodan (1st degree) Shukokai Karate under Kimura, Kadachi and Yonezuka

Shodan (1st degree) Daitoryu Aikijujutsu

Instructors Certificate- Charles Nelson System of Self Defense under Charlie Nelson

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Breast Obsessions and Body Image - Seven Tips to Go From Obsessions to Health

From Booby-Trapped to Treasured Chest

1. Why breast? Why now?
At the same time, during 1940s when large female breasts were discovered as the most efficient vehicle for promoting merchandize, advertisements agencies started using the image of large size female breasts for selling everything from toothpaste to cars. The wishes of women, who perceived their breasts to be too small, came true with the invention of breast implants.

Now, with the advances of science, medicine, technology and art, the age of breast enhancement is here to stay. Millions of women volunteer to change their breast size and shape with hope to feel sexier, attractive or even just normal, the new normal that is.

2. Shame: The new emotion of our generation
Never before had the emotion shame been self-inflicted on an entire generation of women. Ask a healthy cheer-leader, a mother of three or a post-menopause grandmother: what is one body-part that cost you the most energy, fantasy, grief, pride, pleasure and shame? Well, breasts will often be the first choice, while nose and hair will occupy far second and third choices

Many women now treat their breasts as foreign objects. Our culture is only too happy to play along with their perceptions, frustrations and hopes. All past generations, since the beginning of time, were concerned with women breasts as well. However, size and shape were not on anybodys mind. The true function of female breasts - breast feeding - was the main interest of the human family. Shame for the appearance of ones breasts is cultures invention of the past several decades.

3. Large enough breasts on a size zero female body - the new dilemma
According to women fashion magazines and the entertainment industry; a females body size of zero with large size breasts is the new standard of beauty. This standard is running havoc in the body-image and health of millions of young women. However, as you know, breasts are partially made of fat cells. The logic that follows is that very thin women would not develop large size breasts, right? Well, who needs logic when you can have it all? The combined forces of breast obsession and unhealthy body image have inspired the solution to the dilemma. Now a very thin body with large breast implants is the latest hot look for women of all ages.

4. Looking sexy is not necessarily feeling sexy
Body image is the perceptions/fantasies/wishes and sometime negative feelings we attach to our live body. A woman could walk into a department store, buy all the latest fashions, cosmetics and accessories and be told by an army of sales associates, friends and lovers that she looks great, sexy, attractive and so on. Coming home, removing the make-up and clothes: will those feelings linger? In most cases that I have interviewed, encountered and treated, the looks of the person did not transmit the message to the body: I feel sexy. The gap between feeling ones powers and identity vs. ones looks is widening. The reason for the gap is the barrages of messages around us combined with too little knowledge of our own body.

5. Teens and breast implants; the unseen dangers
Did you hear that the most popular high school graduation gift for girls is breast implants? Well, you have heard the wrong information. The car is back as the gift of choice for the graduates. And breast implants? Dont worry, they did not disappear; they are the imperative gift for the Sweet Sixteen! The danger here is that the process of sexualizing the mind of the young girl is starting before the fully developed body gave the signals: I am ready. This process is irreversible. No therapists, drugs or treatments can give your child back their innocence. Breast implants on a child of sixteen, or anytime before maturity is damaging and permanent.

6. Are men breast obsessed? Are women?
Men are attracted to womens bodies and body-parts for the survival of our species. Some men are attracted to a certain females body part more than other parts. However, in the last couple of decades women took over the lead and fascination with size and shape of females breast as their own interests. These days, breasts and other body-part obsessions and the industries behind them service womens body image needs.

7. Is there a way out from obsession?
Yes. The healing of an obsession is a process that encompasses ones mental health, strength of character, spirituality and more. It will engage your self awareness: are you aware of obsessions/preoccupations interfering with the quality of your life? Breast obsession and body image issues are now a mental health hazard with a lot of painful consequences. In many instances you can see the beginning of the obsessions in boys and girls early on in their teen years. Yes, I did say boys. We teach boys at very young age how mom and dad are fascinated by large breasts Its somewhat like a code we are passing down the generations. Therefore, one of the best ways to deal with the young generations skewed outlook on the human body is to treat it as a family issue. There are powerful results when energy is focused on positive, healthy aliveness rather than the concerns of breast obsessions and body image issues.

How would you like to improve, strengthen or even save, in some cases, your own relationship with your body? Your intimate relationship? For background information on Dr. Nili Sachs please visit http://www.DrNili.com For relationship coaching and /or therapy appointment please contact Dr. Nili directly: nilisachs@msn.com Dr. Nili Sachs's recent book: Booby-Trapped, How to Feel Normal in a Breast-Obsessed World.

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Provigrax - A Herbal Pill to Improve Male Libido and Sex Drive

Libido and sex drive - These can not be avoided in topics related to man-woman Relationship. The ability to engage in longer, pleasuring and better sexual performance is the dream of every man from time immemorial.

Our modern day to day activities in a way interferes with good sexual functions. In recent years, we have witnessed a gradual introduction of herbs into medicine, especially in the sexual branch so that it is not surprising to come across product like Horny Goat weed and Maca root.

Provigrax is one of these herbal medications that improve libido. For a man to sexually perform well, he must have a guaranteed erection. This medication is a mixture of herbs and various vitamins that are believed to be powerful aphrodisiacs. Getting an erection and maintaining it is warranted by good flow of blood to the genital areas.

What Ingredients does Provigrax contain?

One of the major ingredients contained in Provigrax is the popular Maca also known as the Peruvian Ginseng. This plant hails from high altitudes in the Peruvian Andes. It was considered a powerful aphrodisiac by the Incas.

Niacin or Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
L-Phenylalaline (LPA)
Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed increases the levels of noradrenalin, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine levels which stimulates testes to produce more testosterone. It also stimulates the sensory nerves in the genital area.

How safe is Provigrax?
Provigrax is clinically tested and endorsed for erectile dysfunction, since intense research proves that it has absolutely no side effects, it is completely safe for consumption.

Does ProVIGRAX really work?
Researches have shown that there is no formula for treating or improving male sexual performance, whether prescription or non-prescription, that has been known to be 100% efficient in all men. The success varies from person to person depending on various factors. However Provigrax has successfully shown good results and high efficacy in 77% of men. In addition, Provigrax is a non-prescription formula.

Reuben Oyeyele focuses on the effects of herbal medications on human health. More information about this medication can be obtained by visiting.


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Accommodation in a Tuscan Farmhouse

Tuscany is a region in central Italy which is thought by many to be one of the most beautiful places in the whole of Italy. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were both born in Tuscany, as was the Italian Renaissance. It is also widely known for its famous wines such as Chianti. Due to its stunning scenery and deep history, Tuscany is a very popular place for tourists, especially those who require accommodation in a Tuscan farmhouse. This accommodation is preferred to hotels for various reasons, the main ones being how much cheaper it can be when compared to hotels and how much more comfortable it is to be able to come and go as you please rather than being tied to a schedule.

When renting a Tuscany farmhouse, you feel like you are actually living there like the locals rather than going on vacation. You can do as you please day by day whether that involves going for a walk down one of the many hiking paths in the area or just lounging by the pool which most Tuscan farmhouses have . You are free to prepare and eat whatever you like rather than picking from a set menu and you can also invite company around to while away the hours over great conversation and beautiful wine. For the cost of a 2 week holiday in a hotel, you can often stay for 4-6 weeks in a Tuscan farmhouse, making it a great deal for money.

Accommodation in a Tuscan farmhouse can vary from having a small family of four staying in a relatively small farmhouse to an entire family of twenty or thirty people staying in a much larger farmhouse or villa. This can be an exhilarating and cost effective way of having a back-to-nature holiday with friends and family. There is plenty for everyone to do and even more for everyone to see with green fields and hills as far as the eye can see. No-one in the family, young or old will be disappointed they visited Tuscany.

It is also possible to stay at a Tuscan farm with a host family and other guests if you like to meet new people. When staying with a host family, there is often a good selection of activities put on by the families including horse riding, wine tasting and cooking lessons. This can be great if you are on vacation with your children as there is no better feeling than seeing you childs face when they are raised onto the horse for the first time not to mention the pride you will feel when you first make your very own Italian pasta. This can be the best option for those who require a holiday on a budget as it is often much cheaper to stay with a host family than rent out an entire Tuscan farmhouse for yourselves. You will also find you meet a great deal of other guests from different parts of the world who have similar interests as yourself. Gaining friends is never a problem on these trips.

If you have more money to spend and are looking for somewhere to buy rather than rent, there are few places on earth with better scenery than Tuscany. It is a beautiful part of the world which more than deserves its reputation and your time. Buying a Tuscan farmhouse can be quite an expensive endeavour but if youve ever been to Tuscany and experienced the lifestyle you will understand why.

Whether you are staying as a vacation or to live, you will find no better place for your family.

A very good example of an interesting farmhouse in Tuscany, is Fattoria Fibbiano. With its charming and homely atmosphere, it is situated in the country between Pisa and Volterra. http://www.fattoria-fibbiano.it

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Discover Prostate Herbs And Vitamins

There are a number of prostate herbs and vitamins that may be a real help in promoting the health and functioning of the prostate and urinary tract in men. However, we would be remiss if we didn't mention that there are also minerals and other natural substances that may be very helpful in alleviating or warding off prostate problems. As such, they too need to be discussed.

However, before we delve into prostate herbs and vitamins, let's briefly note three conditions that can cause prostate problems.

  1. Prostatitis, which is the inflammation of the prostate gland, is said to be common in men of all ages. Actually, prostatitis is a term that encompasses four forms: acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, and prostadynia. Prostatitis is often caused by the following:

    * Infectious agents such as viruses, fungi, or mycoplasma.

    * A urinary tract infection and usually from the E. coli bacteria.

    * A partial blockage of the male urinary tract leading to the promulgation of bacteria.

    Symptoms include frequent, difficult urination, pain or burning when urinating, pain in lower back, and pain in the genital area and the pelvis. Indeed, many men have looked for help to combat these unpleasant symptoms via prostate herbs and vitamins and other natural nutrients.

  2. BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is an enlargement of the prostate gland with no signs of cancer. BPH affects most men over age 50, commonly causing urinary problems such as incomplete emptying of the bladder, dribbling, difficulty starting urination, reduced force of the stream, and frequent urination of small amounts.
  3. Prostate cancer. Scientists don't know exactly what causes prostate cancer. However, there are several risk factors that have been linked or theorized to the development, including men aged sixty five and older, African American men, high fat diets and obesity, high levels of testosterone, family history, recurring prostate infections, and exposure to cancer causing chemicals.

Now, without further adieu, let's begin by discussing prostate herbs and vitamins, and then we will discuss the power of minerals and other natural substances and how they too can be helpful to men.

Prostate help from the herbal kingdom include:

Get acquainted with this Native American remedy. Saw Palmetto is a dwarf palm tree that grows in coastal areas of the American southeast that is well renowned by many experts as an excellent herb for prostate health and can relieve many of the symptoms associated with BPH. However, it's important to note that saw palmetto does not actually shrink this gland. On the other hand, it does appear to prevent it from getting any larger. Nevertheless, this herb is highly valued and, as such, should definitely be on your list of helpful prostate herbs and vitamins considerations and information. In fact, in combination with other herbs saw palmetto is used to treat prostate cancer.

Befriend corn silk. What is corn silk? Corn silk is a collection of the stigmas the soft, silky yellowish strands running the length of an ear of corn found inside the husk. Believe it or not corn silk may be beneficial for prostate problems. The extracts of corn silks have been found to harbor soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the extracts of corn silk are also potent diuretics, giving rise to their use to heal problems of the urinary system such as prostatitis and urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

Look for help from Africa. Pygeum africanum is an evergreen tree that is a Native to Africa. In traditional African medicine, a tea made from the powdered pygeum bark was used to treat urinary problems. Today, pygeum is most commonly known for its ability to relieve the symptoms of BPH and is commonly sold in combination with other herbs such as saw palmetto and nettle. In addition, it is used for prostatitis.

Combat nature's call with nettle root. Modern research has shown nettle root, an age-old European remedy for urinary problems, appear to spell relief from BPH symptoms. However, it works best in combination with the well renowned Saw Palmetto.

Now, let's move forward on our topic of this article, prostate herbs and vitamins and discuss vitamins.

Talk to a nutrition-oriented physician about Vitamin E. Current research shows that vitamin E appears to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Some experts recommend using the gamma-tocopherol form of vitamin E.

Check out vitamin D. Vitamin D may also be a prostate cancer fighter. Vitamin D is known to inhibit prostate cancer in animals. As such, vitamin D appears to be important in preventing prostate cancer even though human research remains unclear. In addition, vitamin D is being studied as an agent for the treatment of prostate cancer. Therefore, make sure you're getting your recommended daily allowance of vitamin D in your diet.

*For men ages 19 to 50: 200 IU a day.

*For men ages 51 to 70: 400 IU a day.

*For men ages 71 and older: 600 IU a day.

Say hello to vitamin C. Vitamin C has been used to aid healing and to promote prostate health.

As we mentioned earlier, there are minerals and other natural substances that may be of help besides prostate herbs and vitamins.

Is your prostate getting enough zinc? According to the well renowned tome "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" written by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC who states:

"Deficiency has been linked to BPH, prostatitis, and even prostate cancer." (Page 597 Third Edition).

Zinc is used to promote prostate health and some experts do recommend zinc for BPH. In addition, zinc may even shrink an enlarged prostate.

Get aid from selenium. Selenium harbors antioxidant properties that are thought to work with vitamin E to provide extra protection from toxin damage linked to prostatitis. In addition, selenium is thought to slow prostate growth as well as help prevent prostate cancer.

Going beyond prostate minerals and prostate herbs and vitamins

Zap BPH with beta-sitosterol. Beta Sitosterol is used to help alleviate the symptoms of BPH. In addition, it may be the superstar among prostate health supplements. Why? Because Beta-sitosterol is significantly more potent than the well-renowned Saw Palmetto and the prized Pygeum herb in helping prevent BPH.

Quercetin to the rescue. This flavonoid harbors anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In recent years, quercetin has been reported to significantly improve the symptoms associated with two forms of prostatitis, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and prostadynia. In addition, quercetin may be beneficial in BPH, bacterial prostatitis, and prostate cancer.

Treat your prostate problems with flower pollen. Flower pollen extract is derived from primarily rye and may be helpful for improving the symptoms of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and prostadynia. In addition, in preliminary trails rye pollen improved the symptoms of BPH.

Become best friend with the pigment lycopene. Lycopene is a member of the carotenoid family and is the pigment the gives some fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes their brilliant red color. Specifically, lycopene is a potent antioxidant that may be able to prevent prostate cancer. In addition, it is used to treat prostate cancer.

Precautions about prostate herbs and vitamins, including minerals and other nutrients

It's extremely important that you speak with a physician before taking any dietary or herbal supplements.

Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre, an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value.

For those of you interested in learning how to buy quality prostate supplements, meet us on the web at our prostate herbs web page.

For those of you interested in learning about men's urinary tract infections, meet us on the web at our urinary tract infections in men web page.

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Real Estate Marketing - 12 Ways to Build Your Brand and Your Business

Do you believe in the 80/20 rule? Applied to real estate, this principle suggests that in most communities, the top 20 percent of real estate professionals get 80 percent of transaction sides. This means 80 percent of agents struggle for the 20 percent of business thats left over after the top performers have taken their share.

Numbers aside, most real estate pros would agree that every community seems to have a few top performers who capture the lions share of business. How do you join the elite 20 percent? In working with thousands of real estate professionals nationwide who use eNeighborhoods, we have seen some traits that top performers seem to share. Top-performing real estate professionals:

1. Most agents ask How did you hear about me? A good question, but also ask what people have heard about you. Its your reputation and livelihood, and this feedback can provide insights to help you improve your services.

2. Have a new designation? Congratulations! Be sure to update your eNeighborhoods profile so that any Neighborhood Report, BuyerTour or CMA report that you present has your most current achievements.

3. Provide buyer and seller checklists. A comprehensive list with key dates and the steps buyers and sellers must follow to comply with their contracts can provide a stress-free real estate transaction, and save the frustration of missed deadlines. Mark off requirements when completed, and update your clients regularly by phone or e-mail, as they prefer.

4. Thinking about offering a referral to an out-of-town broker or agent? You can find out if their license is active at this website: http://www.arello.com.

5. Set a positive tone in client conversations. Ask Which of these properties do you prefer? rather than Do any of these properties interest you? The first question encourages consumers to choose among options; the second question presents an easy way to reject presented options.

6. Consider a brief email survey for clients when transactions are completed. Not only will you receive valuable feedback to improve your performance, you can turn good reviews into testimonials to use in your presentations and Reports. Be sure to get written permission from clients before using their testimonials.

7. Make the most of business cycles. Every agent has periods of greater and lesser activity. Speak with other agents in your office and ask if you can handle some of their excess business when they are busy in return for your providing referrals when youre too busy to give prospects the full attention they deserve.

8. Create a brag book with letters from satisfied clients, photos of buyers at their new homes and copies of designations and certificates. Again, get written permission to use letters and photos from clients.

9. Include testimonials from peers, not just clients, in your marketing materials. If another agent or broker says Youre the best I could not have done the deal without you ask them to put it in writing.

10. Build a better business card. Invest in a card that stands out, such as folded card with two surfaces. Use one section for contact information and the other for a call-to-action such as an offer to provide complimentary Neighborhoods Reports or CMAs on request.

11. When the market slows and your competitors cut back advertising, you should maintain or increase promotional activity. Why? Because youll have less competition from agents who reduce their visibility, and a reputation for success, even in slowing market conditions.

12. After closing, make a point of calling or sending a note to thank mortgage officers, closing agents, loan processors, office assistants and others. Good work should be recognized, and the goodwill you create will be helpful to you in future transactions.

Charles Warnock is a Marketing Director at eNeighborhoods in Boca Raton, Florida. eNeighborhoods provides powerful marketing tools for real estate professionals, including Neighborhood Reports, CMAs, Buyer Tours, NewsLetters, Maps / Aerials, and the InstaLead Marketing System.

To learn more, visit http://www.eneighborhoods.com/2007success for a free copy of the 2007 Real Estate Marketing Success eBook.

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Dry Skin Remedy

If you are looking for a dry skin remedy, look no farther than your kitchen pantry. You can make a dry skin natural remedy just by combining common foods and applying them to the skin. Some foods act as an internal remedy for dry skin as well. Some of the ingredients that can be used in a home remedy for extremely dry skin are honey, yogurt, olive oil, and oatmeal. Some herb teas are useful, too, as are a variety of other fruits and seeds.

Honey, a dry skin natural remedy, is a substance that is healing to the skin. When applied to the skin it is healing and moisturizing. It helps dead skin cells move from the surface and stimulates renewal and regrowth of skin tissues. It is also antibacterial. In severe cases, you can put honey on skin that needs a bandage. It will keep the bandage from sticking to the wounded skin. Yogurt can be used as a skin cleanser, acting as a natural moisturizer. Oatmeal heals and soothes dry skin, and helps the skin to slough off dead skin cells.

Cold-pressed olive oil works as an emollient, which means it soothes and softens. It helps the itching of eczema, which is a itchy skin condition characterized by oozing lesions. Eczema is sometimes associated with dry skin but not always. Olive oil can also be used on the scalp as a remedy for extremely dry skin and hair. Not only can olive oil be used externally, it is also an internal remedy for dry skin, along with other healthy oils. If you suffer from dry skin, try adding some heathful oils to your diet. It doesn't take a lot, as oils are very high in calories. Nuts are full of beneficial oil, as are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackeral.

Certain herb teas work as an internal remedy for dry skin. Use one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiling water. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Covering the cup with a saucer while it is steeping will keep the medicinal properties of the herb from evaporating away. Some herbs that are beneficial as an internal remedy for dry skin problems are marshmallow, dandelion, peppermint, calendula, borage, and chamomile.

Soap and body wash are drying to the skin. You can make an alternative to a bar of soap by tying oatmeal flour or in a cloth tea bag can be used instead of soap. For extra moisturizing, add a little almond meal and aloe vera gel.

The following home remedy for dry skin is a soothing facial mask that can be made from ingredients in your kitchen. Combine an egg yolk with a tablespoon of mayonnaise or yogurt and and another tablespoon of honey. If you use yogurt, add a 1/2 tsp. of almond oil. Apply to skin lightly and let it dry. Wash off gently with warm water. Another healing facial mask that is a remedy for extremely dry skin is to beat an egg and add oat flour to it. You can make oat flour by whizzing oatmeal around in the blender. Spread the mixture on your face and relax for 10 minutes before gently washing it away. Always treat your delicate dry skin with the utmost of care.

Here is an alphabetical list of botanicals (plant products) that have been found beneficial in creating a dry skin natural remedy (to be used on the surface of the skin): aloe vera, apple, apricot pulp, banana pulp, chamomile, comfrey root, coriander seed, elderflower, fennel seed, grape pulp, green tea leaf, honey, kefir, lavender flower, licorice root, mango pulp, marshmallow root, whole milk, oatmeal, rose petals, and yogurt. Add to these whole milk, either cow's or goat's, and the cultured milk products yogurt and kefir. Honey and egg yolk round out the kitchen pharmacy for dry skin solutions. If you wish to try creating your own dry skin solutions using these ingredients, please choose plant products that have not been sprayed with pesticides. Furthermore, don't gather wild herbs that grow near a busy highway. The plants will absorb the exhaust fumes from the traffic and might do more harm than good. If you use seeds, make a strong tea of them by boiling them gently for 10 minutes and then letting them steep for an hour.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com for essential skin care tips.

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