Monday, June 4, 2007 

Do You Really Have a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

A surprising number of women who buy over the counter medication for yeast infections dont really have a yeast infection. They do have symptoms commonly caused by the yeast Candida albicans, but the symptoms are caused by something other than yeast.

The most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection (yeast vaginitis) are:

Itching and burning in the vagina and vulva.

Soreness, swelling and pain around the vulva.

Pain during intercourse or urination.

Vaginal discharge. This discharge is not always present, but if there is a discharge it will be odorless or smell like bakers yeast, and usually has a whitish, thick appearance.

Unfortunately, these are also the common symptoms of other conditions, which can be caused by dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, and by allergic reactions to chemicals found in soap, colored toilet paper, vaginal sprays, laundry detergent, and colored and scented bubble bath products.

In addition, very similar symptoms can be caused by bacteria, pubic lice, and scabies, plus the common sexually transmitted diseases caused by gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

And finally, similar symptoms may be caused by the common parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.

While a yeast infection is not usually shared between sexual partners (although it can be, in some cases), some of these other conditions are transmitted sexually, and can cause serious damage to a womans reproductive organs. Often, the male partner will not have any symptoms at all, but must be treated for the infection in order to protect his health and to prevent the further spread of the disease.

The most common cause of a vaginal discharge accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor is a bacterial infection called bacterial vaginosis.

This is not a sexually transmitted disease, even though it is most common among sexually active women. Bacterial vaginosis needs to be treated by antibiotics to prevent the bacteria from going into the uterus or fallopian tubes. This is particularly important if youre pregnant.

Since a douche can push the bacterial infections up into the uterus, you should never use a douche if you have a bacterial infection.

Yeast infections are very common during pregnancy, but a bacterial infection that looks like a yeast infection is actually more serious. An untreated bacterial infection can cause premature birth, intraamniotic infection, (infection of the amniotic fluid, membranes, placenta, and/or uterus), and postpartum infections of the uterus that send you back to the hospital after giving birth.

What that means, of course, is that you should never attempt to self-diagnose and treat a yeast infection when youre pregnant.

If you think you have a yeast infection, its wise to get a doctor to diagnose your symptoms even if you think its obvious. Natural yeast infection remedies and anti fungal medications meant for a vaginal yeast infection will not cure these other illnesses, even though the symptoms may go away.

Do you want to protect your health? Learn everything you need to know about vaginal yeast infections. All the facts in one place at

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Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Tyrosine

L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a role in the creation of protein. The body can make it from the amino acid phenylalanine but nutritional sources include animal meats, wheat, oatmeal and seafood.

It performs a multitude of important roles in the body including the alleviation of depression, enhancement of thyroid efficiency, strengthening of the immune system, prevention of neurological degeneration and protection of the skin.

Bodybuilders find it useful for several reasons:

1. It offsets the stress and fatigue associated with intensive training.

2. It helps in the retention of muscular protein.

3. It heightens mental alertness thus helping to offset mental fatigue.

With any amino acid supplement overdosing can lead to weakness and nausea so care should be taken in applying small doses and increasing them gradually until an optimum level is reached. Bear in mind that many protein powders and other supplements are fortified with amino acids so check the labels carefully. The manufacturer's instructions should be followed in all instances.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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Make a Fortune in Business Without Really Trying

You can make a fortune in business without really trying, however, most people do nothing of the kind. Many more people try really hard and make little or nothing. Why does this happen. In many cases its because although they work hard, they fail to work smart. They expend far too much effort for meager returns. Perhaps this is you. Youve tried everything. Online business, offline business, eBay, you name it, youve tried it. Why has nothing worked?

It doesnt matter weather you are just beginning a home based business or have been running a business for years, there are certain things you must do in order to become successful. The first is planning. Its often been said that those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Do a business plan. A good business plan will cover all aspects of your business. It should include your service or product line, your marketing plan and a timeline for the future. You should have a good financial plan as well. Where will your revenue come from? Where will it go?

Do you need capital to begin or expand your business? If you plan on seeking financing, either from conventional sources, such as banks, or other sources such as private investors, they will want to see how you plan to spend their money. This will help them evaluate your chances of success. After all, your ability to repay the loan or increase the value of their shares depends upon how you will be using their money.

A business plan will also enable you to plan for contingencies so you can effectively deal with them. The more you can plan for risk, the better you will be able to mitigate them. You dont want to be waylaid by something unexpected that could cost you dearly. Youll never be able to anticipate all business problems, but you can plan for as many as possible.

The next thing you need to do is execute your plan effectively. Many great plans, in business, sports and war have been undone by poor execution. Youll probably need to make changes to your business plan due to unforeseen circumstances or opportunities. These are similar to the halftime adjustments made by a football coach. Its often the coach or business owner who makes better adjustments that is the most successful.

The third thing you must do is test everything. You should test your marketing and advertising to determine what gives you the best R.O.I. If you are doing pay per click advertising or other online advertising, you have an advantage in that you can very quickly see the results of any changes you make. Youll probably see big differences from small changes. For example, headlines can often give very different results from just one or two word differences. The only way youll know is through rigorous testing. Test different product mixes to see what sells the best to your market. Do lots of research and find a good niche to market to and then test, test, test.

These three things, planning, execution, and thorough testing combined with the resultant changes, can make you a fortune in your business. Failure to do any of these things properly can limit your profit and chances for ultimate success.

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Without Aggravation Would We Have Pearls?

Is there any reason on earth to get out of a warm, cozy bed in the morning, if one way or another, your bills will be paid, youll have some dough left over, and the birds will still sing, outside your window?

We like to see human beings as incessantly creative, motivated by higher urges than seeking food, shelter, and the perpetuation of the species. Ever since we were given the psychology of Abraham Maslow and his humanistic cohorts, weve been smitten with the idea that people are inexorably rising up the rungs of being-ness to what he called, self-actualization.

Its certainly a rosy picture of human nature, but is it true?

Probably, not. To paraphrase Dostoevsky, you can put a man in clover, give him everything he wants, and it wont be good enough.

The obverse of this is also valid: You can deny man certain things, putting him behind the proverbial 8-ball, and then, only then, will he get off his derriere and do something.

Do we learn better from success or from failure?

Is adversity or acclaim a better teacher?

Sadly, it is the challenge, according to historian Arnold Toynbee, that makes man respond with ingenuity, with boundless energy, and with determination.

Oysters, you can get anywhere. But pearls can only be harvested after something irritating, a pesky piece of sand has upset the status quo, making what was a peaceful environment, disturbed.

So, be thankful when someone abrasive comes along. Hes just helping to make you a precious, more valuable gem!

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Is There A Home Or Natural Remedy For Chronic Yeast Infections?

A yeast infection is a condition caused by the fungus Candida albicans. A vaginal yeast infection is an excess growth of yeast cells in the vagina. Learning to recognize the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection is vital before women attempt self-treatment. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. Yeast infection is so common that 3/4 women will have it in their life time. Treating a yeast infection is simple, but it's important to visit your doctor for the right diagnosis.

Natural Treatment

Instead of reaching for a costly over the counter medication; why not use a natural remedy for yeast infection instead? Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure, and there are some natural remedies for a yeast infection. The first one is dietary natural cure for yeast infection - for example Cranberry pills, which can be found at natural food stores, can be taken throughout the duration of a yeast infection as a supplement. Among the most effective natural treatments for yeast infection is the use of probiotics, or what is commonly called friendly bacteria or beneficial bacteria. Acidophilus is an ideal natural cure for yeast infection, as it is a natural probiotic. The advantage of a natural approach to fighting yeast infection, is it allows control over the yeast permanently and puts your immune system back on track. If you are in any way uncertain, consult a health care provider to modify your diet and/or treat this condition directly with an effective, all natural yeast infection control product.

Who Doesn't Want a Natural Remedy for a Yeast Infection?

Whether it's a dislike for man-made chemicals or just plain embarrassment, many women seek a natural remedy for a yeast infection. One well known home remedy for yeast infection is the regular use of curds or yogurt. This home remedy for a yeast infection combats the fungus (yeast) that is responsible for the infection. Curds and yogurt are foods identified to be the most effective home remedy for yeast infection. Some believe that the best way to use yogurt as a natural remedy for yeast infection is by inserting plain yogurt into the vaginal area. Taking a tampon dipped in yogurt and inserting it in the vagina, twice a day, is one of the most recommended home remedy for yeast infection.

Natural Treatment for Yeast Infections

The treatment for yeast infection varies from person to person. Most of these candidal infections are superficial and clear up easily with treatment but their causes are quite different, their symptoms similar, and treatment varies. Try to avoid intercourse until you have completed treatment and the symptoms have subsided. It is important to receive proper treatment for your yeast infection, and it is very important to consult with your doctor before treatment. If you don't complete treatment correctly you may not get rid of the yeast infection. Women who do not improve after treatment with a standard oral or vaginal treatment for yeast infection should be reexamined by their physician. With proper treatment, the infection usually clears up in a few days to a week.

If the yeast infection is left untreated, the symptomatic pains of this infection may continue and this may worsen the severity. One of the main causes of recurring chronic yeast infection is sexual activity. If your yeast infection is chronic, even after a change of diet and the use of herbal therapies, have your male sex partner evaluated. If a yeast infection is left untreated it can progress to a bacterial infection, which is more serious.

As embarrassing as this can make some women feel, you must realize that the yeast infection is not your fault. Yeast infection is merely an overgrowth of yeast in or on the body, and yeast infection is able to affect ANY part of the human body. Many homeopathic physicians feel a systemic yeast infection is the most overlooked and misdiagnosed disease in medicine. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, see a doctor immediately so they can determine if a yeast infection is the cause of your symptoms, and suggest a course of (hopefully natural) treatment.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.

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UCLA-USC Fan Assesses The Recent Upset at the Rose Bowl

I teach at UCLA and my Ph.D. is from USC, where I have also taught, so you can imagine how conflicted I am on game day.

The UCLA-USC cross-town rivalry has led to divorces, and worse.

But this odd straddling of two campuses, I like to think, gives me a certain degree of distance, and objectivity.

So, heres my analysis of USCs recent loss to the Bruins of UCLA.

(1)USC was overrated after the loss to Oregon State. It shouldnt have gone to the championship game even if it beat the Bruins.

(2)How can you win a national championship with a quarterback that cant run and who twists his ankle all by himself and who throws interceptions at all of the worst times?

(3)Pete Carroll is obviously a tremendous all-around coach but he failed to get the Trojans up for the game against the Bruins. They looked tired and flat as if they didnt have to try and they would still win.

(4)Give credit to UCLA. They played even better defense than USC, which seems impossible.

(5)More credit is due to UCLA. They determined Booty, USCs quarterback, is the weak link and they tugged on it all day long in the Rose Bowl.

In this rivalry each team has a chance to get cocky, overconfident. The Bruins won 8 in a row; then USC won 7 in a row.

All I know, is whoever wins, I do, too.

And this is the very best way to keep the game in perspective!

Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 1,000 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard" in negotiation, sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

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The Best Body Building Supplement - What Is It?

When you ask the "experts" to tell you which body building supplement is the best overall for body building - you will often get many different answers and opinions. This is to be expected, when you consider that people engaging in bodybuilding all have different goals and varied workout styles.

Some of the more common body building supplements you may have heard about include Creatine, Nitric Oxide and Glutamine. Many people have experienced quality gains from using different mixes of these supplements.

On the other hand, there are some body building supplements that have a more edgy reputation. For instance products that are now illegal like Ephedra, Growth Hormones (Pharmaceutical HGH, HCG and any other related compounds) and Ephedrine.

However, there is one body building supplement that over time has irrefutably proven to be a positive help in bodybuilding that supplement is: protein. Consequently, protein is an absolute requirement for anybody training that wants to build or preserve muscle.

How does Protein Work In Your Body?

Your muscles must have protein for them to grow. When you lift weights, your ingestion of protein has a stimulating result on your muscle tissue. Protein provides the best muscle enhancement supplement that can be offered.

Regarding preservation of the muscle you are building, if you over-do your cardio (either by doing extremely high intensity cardio or low intensity for an extended period of time) the body will burn all its carb stores and then start to burn your hard-earned muscle. Unfortunately when your body runs out of carbs to burn it will not then turn to solely burning up your fatit will also burn up your muscle.

By making protein in the form of a body building supplement a part of your regimen it will help replace any burned muscle.

You definitely want to be sure to be getting high quality protein in your daily diet however, the problem is that it may not be convenient or easy to do that with our busy on-the-go lives. And quite often the protein in our diets can contain a lot of fat so you really have to watch out for that. As a body building supplement, adding a protein shake to your daily life is much more convenient than it is to cook meat.

For more information about Nitrean - the superior quality bodybuilding protein supplement that is recommended by Mens Health Magazine go to: or nitrean

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Inlargement Picks this Year's College Football Bowl Games

Here are the consensus bowl picks from the staff.

Tue., Dec. 14
New Orleans Bowl
North Texas vs Southern Mississippi
SGs Pick: North Texas
If the So. Miss defense can stop Jamario Thomas from adding to his gaudy stats they should be able to keep this one close.
7:30 pm

Tue., Dec. 21
Champs Sports Bowl
Georgia Tech vs Syracuse
SGs Pick: Georgia Tech
7:45 pm

Wed., Dec. 22
Memphis vs Bowling Green
SGs Pick: Bowling Green
I want to pick Memphis to win this battle, but the Falcons scoring offense, 4th in the nation, will simply outscore Memphis regardless of how well they play.
8:00 pm

Thur., Dec. 23
PlainsCapital Fort Worth Bowl
Cincinnati vs Marshall
SGs Pick: Marshall
Marshall has shown up to play in big games this year. I consider a bowl game a big game, wouldnt you?
6:30 pm

Las Vegas Bowl
Wyoming vs UCLA
SGs Pick: UCLA
UCLA should burn Wyoming with its passing and running game. Although, Wyoming is playing in its first bowl game in 11 yearsthats certainly motivating.
9:45 pm

Fri., Dec. 24
Hawaii Bowl
UAB vs Hawaii
SGs Pick: Hawaii
NCAAs all time passing leader should have a hay-day against this no show UAB defense
7:00 pm

Mon., Dec. 27
MPC Computers Bowl
Fresno State vs 18 Virginia
SGs Pick: Virginia
Fresno State failed to play with the big dogs this season and Virginia is on the horizon to become one.
2:00 pm

Motor City Bowl
Toledo vs Connecticut
SGs Pick: Toledo
Connecticut has a football team? Well, thats what we would have said last season but they have a QB that can rip the secondary. You probably havent heard of him but the NFL scouts know him very well. Connecticut has a chance if they grasp the mindset they had when meeting Pittsburgh earlier in the year.
5:30 pm

Tue., Dec. 28
Independence Bowl
Iowa State vs Miami (Ohio)
SGs Pick: Iowa State
Iowa States explosive offense will give Miami all they wantplus some.
6:30 pm

Insight Bowl
Oregon State vs Notre Dame
SGs Pick: Notre Dame
Notre Dame is going to fight its heart out in defense of Tyrone Willingham. Oh, did we mention theyre a pretty good football team anyway?
9:45 pm

Wed., Dec. 29
Houston Bowl
Texas-El Paso vs Colorado
SGs Pick: Texas-El Paso
Jordan Carson (name sound familiar?) will finally have his chance to showcase his talent on national television. Colorado is still wondering what happened in the Big 12 championship...
4:30 pm

Alamo Bowl
24 Ohio State vs Oklahoma State
SGs Pick: Ohio State
Oklahoma State is no stranger to big games. Unfortunately, they havent learned how to win them.
8:00 pm

Thur., Dec. 30
Continental Tire Bowl
25 Boston College vs North Carolina
SGs Pick: Boston College
North Carolina has a lack of big game experience while Boston College has the secret to success for winning bowl games, theyve won 4 straight.
1:00 pm

Emerald Bowl
New Mexico vs Navy
SGs Pick: Navy
Did we say Navy? Thats right! These guys finally learned how to play football.
4:30 pm

Holiday Bowl
4 California vs 23 Texas Tech
SGs Pick: California
Cal will punish Texas Tech for being pushed out of the BCS picture.
8:00 pm

Silicon Valley Bowl
Troy vs Northern Illinois
SGs Pick: Northern Illinois
Troy has never been to a bowl game and theyre not ready to win one either. N. Illinois has a ground attack that will out-muscle this Troy defense.
11:00 pm

Fri., Dec. 31
Music City Bowl
Alabama vs Minnesota
SGs Pick: Alabama
This isnt because we like the SEC. Minnesota isnt playing at home...
12:00 pm

Sun Bowl
Purdue vs 21 Arizona State
SGs Pick: Purdue
Arizona State is coming with their 2nd string QB that Purdues young, yet darn good, defense should contain. Expect Purdue to light up the score board in this one!
2:00 pm

Liberty Bowl
10 Boise State vs 7 Louisville
SGs Pick: Louisville
This may be bowl game of the year. If you like fast attack offenses and aggressive scoring, this game is for you! Vegas will be exploding with total points bets on this one.
3:30 pm

14 Miami (FLA.) vs 20 Florida
Peach Bowl
SGs Pick: Florida
If Chris Leak (Gators) isnt the best QB in the land he will be. When the Gators are operating on all cylinders I would pick them to beat anyone in the country. Keep an eye on this one because it should be a money maker!
7:30 pm

Sat., Jan. 1
Cotton Bowl
15 Tennessee vs 22 Texas A&M
SGs Pick: Tennessee
The Vols simply ran out of time in the SEC championship. I suspect they will pick up where they left off. Neither team should be here so it will definitely be one of the better games to watch.
11:00 am

Outback Bowl
16 Wisconsin va 8 Georgia
SGs Pick: Georgia
Wisconsin can play offense buy GAs fast defense will stop the run and force Wisconsin to throw resulting in too many mistakes to overcome. Georgia wins.
11:00 am

Gator Bowl
17 Florida State va West Virginia
SGs Pick: Florida State
Florida State has put the lost to Florida behind them. Bowdens ability to dominate bowl games has a W written all over it.
12:30 pm

Capital One Bowl
11 Iowa vs 12 LSU
SGs Pick: LSU (restrictions apply...)
LSU is young but managed to fight their way to a good bowl game this year. If LSUs defense can keep the score close they can pull this one off.
1:00 pm

Rose Bowl
13 Michigan vs 6 Texas
SGs Pick: Texas
If Mack can persuade his players theyre as good as he did the nations coaches Texas will overcome a solid Michigan team.
4:30 pm

Fiesta Bowl
5 Utah vs 19 Pittsburgh
SGs Pick: Utah
Pittsburgh slipped through the back door to win the Big East but Im afraid Utah will show Pitt what its like to play with the Big Boys.
8:30 pm

Mon., Jan. 3
Sugar Bowl
3 Auburn vs 9 Virginia Tech
SGs Pick: Auburn
Auburn should be playing for the national title. Look for Auburn to win big for the slight possibility of sharing the title.
8:00 pm

Tue., Jan. 4
Orange Bowl
1 Southern California vs 2 Oklahoma
SGs Pick: Oklahoma
This one should come down to the last quarter. Oklahoma should prevail with stamina.
8:00 pm

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Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Knowledge Every Man Must Have

If a man is experiencing recognizable prostate cancer symptoms, normally the disease has spread beyond the prostate gland. The deadliest, as well as most common cancer among men, prostate cancer only has a cure rate of only 20 to 30 percent. One in six men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime with the likelihood increasing as they age (two thirds of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65). Because of the latency in prostate cancer symptoms, it is important that men take preventative measures starting at around age 30. Among the key measures is a diet and supplementation rich in anti-prostate cancer nutrients.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In order to have a better chance in fighting the disease, it is important to be aware of the symptoms associated with prostate cancer. The most common prostate cancer symptoms include a decrease in the size or force or an interrupted urine flow, painful or burning urination, frequent urination (especially at night) and blood in urine or semen. These symptoms are also associated with an enlarged prostate gland (BHP). In its advanced stages, these prostate cancer symptoms include frequent nagging pain in the hips, back, ribs, and pelvis. This is usually because the disease has spread to the bones in the pelvis or back.

Causes Of Prostate Cancer

While the exact causes of prostate cancer are not known, there are many risk factors that can add to the likelihood of contracting the disease. Genetics is believed to play a role because prostate cancer symptoms appear to run in some families. Having an immediate family member (father or brother) with prostate cancer more than doubles a man's risk of developing this disease. Diet and lifestyle can also play a role. Eating five or more servings of red meat and / or high fat diary products, in conjunction with substandard amounts of fruits and vegetables, have shown a link to prostate cancer.

Natural Prevention Methods

Without a clear understanding of the causes, it is hard to know how to prevent prostate cancer. However, since you have no influence over genetics, it is best to start with the factors you can control. Diet and nutrition are the first factors to consider when looking at natural cures for prostate cancer. Your diet should be based on a wide range of foods from plant sources, including, fruits and vegetables containing powerful phytonutrients, which often contain anti-cancer properties.

Research studies on phytonutrients have also shown success in preventing and relieving enlarged prostate (BPH) and prostate cancer symptoms. In addition, an anti-cancer diet comprised of brown rice, fresh raw fruits and raw vegetables will not only promote good health, it will give your body the building blocks it needs to fight prostate cancer and other diseases.

Supplements For Prostate Health:

Most supplements designed for prostate health are comprised of several key herbs and nutrients. Since your diet is likely to have insufficient amounts of many of these nutrients you need to get them through a multi-nutrient supplement that balances the dose amounts and takes into account the synergistic reactions they have with one another. The key players for prostate health include:

  • Beta Sitosterol
  • Turmeric
  • Corn Silk
  • Lycopene
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Zinc Citrate and Aspartate
  • Grape Seed
  • Quercetin
  • Omega 3
  • Green Tea
  • Resveratrol

NOTE: Most supplements contain Zinc in the Citrate form which is good but it is crucial that additional Zinc is included in the Aspartate form because this travels directly to the prostate where it is needed!

As an older male, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of good prostate health as well as being able to recognize prostate cancer symptoms. Equally important is to adopt preventative health-care measures early in life by eating responsibly, and investing in your health by taking a quality, science-based nutritional supplement containing a high number of established anti-cancer nutrients including all the key prostate nutrients listed above.

Brett Seagrott is a health researcher who previously worked for a manufacturer in the nutritional supplement industry and is the author of

In his site Brett reveals a number of industry secrets that supplement manufacturers don't want consumers to know. He has evaluated leading, well known nutritional supplements and presents in-depth head to head comparisons and reviews of these supplements so that you can see which one emerges as the best in the market.

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Thank You, Ah Mah!

The rebel years are over. The phase of contradiction and compulsive behavior comes to a grinding but definitive halt. The act of pure impulse sometimes becomes impossible.

Youre older.

I must admit, even in front of my own parents, I have admitted that I have been nothing short of a hell-raiser. Running away from home, staying over at boyfriends face, kicking the hell out of my own sister, engaging in drunken cat-fights with friends, fist-fighting with my brother, word-battles with my father, thinking I was right when I was irrefutably wrong..the list can go on.

Whatever a daughter can do wrong, I did.

But these are the activities, decisions, and memories that have helped shape me into the person that I am today. I have 2 wonderfully amazing and perfect boys to call my own. They look up to me, adore me and even when I think I am a little psycho, they think I am hilarious! The innocence..I am not yet a perfect person today but I can proudly say that I have become closer to my personal opinion, that is. Age does this to people.

When people think I should keep a job, I left it. When people think I should not be in a relationship, I engaged in. When people thought I should just shut up, I spoke up. When people thought I should be more feminine, I kick out and punch around like a crazy woman on drugs! When people thought I should forgive, I am revengeful. When people think I should forget, I remember. Gosh, when people think I should remember (like where I placed my keys), I dont.

With that said, I look at my own parents and wonder how many of my decisions have made them into the older people that they are. How many of my rebellions have added an extra crease to their foreheads? How many of my shouting matches have given my parents wrinkles and white hairs? Only when youre older, you realize that Heck, I wasnt such a smartass, was I? and there I was, all of 16, thinking I was adult-enough to make my own decisions.

If I had a daughter like me, I would have done things to her (and/or myself) that I will live to regret!Thankfully, I dont. I dont have a daughter, period!! (Someone up there loves me, after all)

I spoke very briefly on the phone with my aging and lonely grandmother today and this blog is a result of that conversation.

To say I have regretted my actions and decisions when I was younger is an understatement. We all dont know how long she has to live on this planet anymore but one thing is for sure, it wont be for long. Oh, shes not really ill or anything. Shes happy (in a very lonely kind of way) and healthy (in an old kind of way) but she certainly has her own regrets as well. I guess a lot of the things that I did in the past were uncalled for and when she did things out of the goodness of her heart, I wasnt appreciative because I was too self-centered and obnoxious. I ruled the world, didnt I?

I dont know how long more the tenure of her stay here on earth has before it expires, but I hope she will take good memories with her down or up to wherever shes going after the expiration of her stay here.

Thank you, ah mah.

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