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Monday, June 4, 2007 

Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Knowledge Every Man Must Have

If a man is experiencing recognizable prostate cancer symptoms, normally the disease has spread beyond the prostate gland. The deadliest, as well as most common cancer among men, prostate cancer only has a cure rate of only 20 to 30 percent. One in six men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime with the likelihood increasing as they age (two thirds of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65). Because of the latency in prostate cancer symptoms, it is important that men take preventative measures starting at around age 30. Among the key measures is a diet and supplementation rich in anti-prostate cancer nutrients.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In order to have a better chance in fighting the disease, it is important to be aware of the symptoms associated with prostate cancer. The most common prostate cancer symptoms include a decrease in the size or force or an interrupted urine flow, painful or burning urination, frequent urination (especially at night) and blood in urine or semen. These symptoms are also associated with an enlarged prostate gland (BHP). In its advanced stages, these prostate cancer symptoms include frequent nagging pain in the hips, back, ribs, and pelvis. This is usually because the disease has spread to the bones in the pelvis or back.

Causes Of Prostate Cancer

While the exact causes of prostate cancer are not known, there are many risk factors that can add to the likelihood of contracting the disease. Genetics is believed to play a role because prostate cancer symptoms appear to run in some families. Having an immediate family member (father or brother) with prostate cancer more than doubles a man's risk of developing this disease. Diet and lifestyle can also play a role. Eating five or more servings of red meat and / or high fat diary products, in conjunction with substandard amounts of fruits and vegetables, have shown a link to prostate cancer.

Natural Prevention Methods

Without a clear understanding of the causes, it is hard to know how to prevent prostate cancer. However, since you have no influence over genetics, it is best to start with the factors you can control. Diet and nutrition are the first factors to consider when looking at natural cures for prostate cancer. Your diet should be based on a wide range of foods from plant sources, including, fruits and vegetables containing powerful phytonutrients, which often contain anti-cancer properties.

Research studies on phytonutrients have also shown success in preventing and relieving enlarged prostate (BPH) and prostate cancer symptoms. In addition, an anti-cancer diet comprised of brown rice, fresh raw fruits and raw vegetables will not only promote good health, it will give your body the building blocks it needs to fight prostate cancer and other diseases.

Supplements For Prostate Health:

Most supplements designed for prostate health are comprised of several key herbs and nutrients. Since your diet is likely to have insufficient amounts of many of these nutrients you need to get them through a multi-nutrient supplement that balances the dose amounts and takes into account the synergistic reactions they have with one another. The key players for prostate health include:

  • Beta Sitosterol
  • Turmeric
  • Corn Silk
  • Lycopene
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Zinc Citrate and Aspartate
  • Grape Seed
  • Quercetin
  • Omega 3
  • Green Tea
  • Resveratrol

NOTE: Most supplements contain Zinc in the Citrate form which is good but it is crucial that additional Zinc is included in the Aspartate form because this travels directly to the prostate where it is needed!

As an older male, it is crucial to have a strong understanding of good prostate health as well as being able to recognize prostate cancer symptoms. Equally important is to adopt preventative health-care measures early in life by eating responsibly, and investing in your health by taking a quality, science-based nutritional supplement containing a high number of established anti-cancer nutrients including all the key prostate nutrients listed above.

Brett Seagrott is a health researcher who previously worked for a manufacturer in the nutritional supplement industry and is the author of http://www.nutritional-supplement-truths.com

In his site Brett reveals a number of industry secrets that supplement manufacturers don't want consumers to know. He has evaluated leading, well known nutritional supplements and presents in-depth head to head comparisons and reviews of these supplements so that you can see which one emerges as the best in the market.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brett_Seagrott

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