Bizarre Magazine Review
Bizarre Magazine Beauties Bizarre beauties are the cover women. They are definitely beautiful but they generally have some link to the bizarre. Fetishists, BDSM models, and heavily painted and pierced girls are a regular feature so if that is your kind of thing then this is definitely the lads mag for you. Be warned, though, if you have a heart condition then you should avoid the Bizarre magazine altogether because it definitely isn't for the faint hearted.
Reviews And More Bizarre reviews cover everything that can firmly be categorized as weird, odd, and often depraved. Sex shows, dark fantasies, and outright odd films are all covered in great detail in this section. As well as visual entertainment Bizarre also reviews books, other magazines, and even websites. As a general rule you may find it difficult to find these reviews in other men's magazines.
Weird Features Mondo-Bizarro is perhaps the most characteristic of all the sections in Bizarre magazine. It is the equivalent of the usual features section but these features are a little out of the ordinary. Recent examples have included an educational, and eye opening, piece on hypno-fetishism. Apparently, there are a reasonable number of people that find being hypnotised a sexually arousing experience. Another example that included an incredible picture profile was the coverage of the Sideshow Convention in Pennsylvania. Yes, really.
Odd Movies Bizarre movies is dedicated to weird and wonderful film titles that are currently in production or about to be released. Films like Jack Ass the movie and similarly disturbed title get the respect and coverage that they deserve. Titanic is unlikely to be featured in this section.
More Bizarre From Bizarre Magazine There are plenty of other sections to get your teeth into as well. Reader's tattoos is a slightly unusual twist on the usual reader's submissions but gives us all the perfect opportunity to show off our most outlandish skin art. There are numerous full body part tattoos with some incredibly fine artwork involved. They are definitely fascinating whether you're a tattoo fan or not.
Unlike Any Other Men's Magazine You Will Ever Read Make no mistake when you take advantage of this magazine subscription offer, Bizarre may be categorised as a men's magazine or a lads mag but similar to Loaded or FHM it certainly is not. If it isn't weird or odd or sick or depraved then it doesn't have a place in this fantastically unique magazine. If this is your kind of thing then a subscription will go a long way to satiate your desire for bizarre news, reviews, and features.
from Bizarre Magazine
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