Sunday, November 25, 2007 

Bizarre Magazine Review

Bizarre Magazine Beauties Bizarre beauties are the cover women. They are definitely beautiful but they generally have some link to the bizarre. Fetishists, BDSM models, and heavily painted and pierced girls are a regular feature so if that is your kind of thing then this is definitely the lads mag for you. Be warned, though, if you have a heart condition then you should avoid the Bizarre magazine altogether because it definitely isn't for the faint hearted.

Reviews And More Bizarre reviews cover everything that can firmly be categorized as weird, odd, and often depraved. Sex shows, dark fantasies, and outright odd films are all covered in great detail in this section. As well as visual entertainment Bizarre also reviews books, other magazines, and even websites. As a general rule you may find it difficult to find these reviews in other men's magazines.

Weird Features Mondo-Bizarro is perhaps the most characteristic of all the sections in Bizarre magazine. It is the equivalent of the usual features section but these features are a little out of the ordinary. Recent examples have included an educational, and eye opening, piece on hypno-fetishism. Apparently, there are a reasonable number of people that find being hypnotised a sexually arousing experience. Another example that included an incredible picture profile was the coverage of the Sideshow Convention in Pennsylvania. Yes, really.

Odd Movies Bizarre movies is dedicated to weird and wonderful film titles that are currently in production or about to be released. Films like Jack Ass the movie and similarly disturbed title get the respect and coverage that they deserve. Titanic is unlikely to be featured in this section.

More Bizarre From Bizarre Magazine There are plenty of other sections to get your teeth into as well. Reader's tattoos is a slightly unusual twist on the usual reader's submissions but gives us all the perfect opportunity to show off our most outlandish skin art. There are numerous full body part tattoos with some incredibly fine artwork involved. They are definitely fascinating whether you're a tattoo fan or not.

Unlike Any Other Men's Magazine You Will Ever Read Make no mistake when you take advantage of this magazine subscription offer, Bizarre may be categorised as a men's magazine or a lads mag but similar to Loaded or FHM it certainly is not. If it isn't weird or odd or sick or depraved then it doesn't have a place in this fantastically unique magazine. If this is your kind of thing then a subscription will go a long way to satiate your desire for bizarre news, reviews, and features.

from Bizarre Magazine

magsite is a uk magazine subscription company.

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I have been working with Depression for 38 years.

There are two aspects about treating depression. How do we cure it? How do we prevent it?

They are not the same. No matter how we may cure depression this will not prevent depression.

Why is it so important to prevent depression?

Depression reoccurs. People who have the tendency to be depressed suffer from a permanent poor quality of life.

I no longer believe that Medications to be a panacea. They may cure depression. They do not increase quality of life.

But this begs a very serious question. When is someone depressed and not merely very sad? When do we cure? When do we prevent?

As a rule of thumb we can use functioning. If sadness is such that there is an objective limitation of functioning then we should address the problem as curing depression.

If a person is sad but is not suffering a limitation in functioning then we should address the problem as preventing depression.

VNS, ECT, and Medications cure depression. They do not really prevent it.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, CBT, prevents it.

It really is as simple as that.

If you want a fuller insight into how CBT works, or how CBT can be offered online please refer to my free Online site

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Digestive System Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Conditions which affect the stomach, esophagus, bowel, colon, liver or pancreas are considered digestive system diseases and disorders. Many people wonder about nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and emotional trauma may all aggravate symptoms, but it is unclear whether any of these cause digestive system diseases and disorders. In fact, in most digestive system diseases and disorders the causes are unclear. There are only theories about what the causes may be and what may worsen the conditions or aggravate symptoms.

There are many digestive system diseases and disorders. Some are very common and easily treated, while some are more serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are some nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract. These are sometimes classified as symptoms or related conditions and sometimes as possible causes of digestive system diseases and disorders, because in some cases it is unclear which came first, the digestive disorder or the nervous disorder.

The most common of the digestive system diseases and disorders is heartburn. Heartburn affects an estimated 25% of people in the United States on and other western countries on a monthly basis according to a study from the Mayo Clinic. In contrast only 11% of those living in Eastern Asian countries have heartburn once or more per month. Excess stomach acid is what causes heartburn, but stress and anxiety are nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract and increase stomach acid. Heartburn is a symptom of another of the common digestive system diseases and disorders; acid reflux.

Acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of stomach acid and/or food, hoarseness, coughing and irritation of the larynx, throat and/or esophagus. This is one of the digestive system diseases and disorders that can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. For example, acid reflux or GERD is one of the major risk factors for esophageal cancer. As with heartburn, anxiety and stress are nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and can aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is another of the digestive system diseases and disorders. This one can be very serious and when symptoms are severe may require surgery to remove diseased portions or the entire colon. Anxiety, stress, depression or emotional turmoil (all nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract) are often experienced by people with ulcerative colitis and can worsen symptoms. It is an inflammatory bowel disease, similar to Crohns disease. Whereas irritable bowel syndrome is not considered an inflammatory disease, but because the names are similar, people sometimes get them confused.

Irritable Bowel System or IBS is one of the common digestive system diseases and disorders. Somewhere between 25 and 55 million Americans suffer from IBS and most of them are women. IBS is not life threatening and it does not lead to other more serious digestive system diseases and disorders, but it can still be hard to live with. IBS and nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract, such as stress and anxiety may cause a vicious circle in a persons life. Meaning, IBS may make a person anxious about when he/she will have to find a bathroom and the anxiety can aggravate symptoms of IBS, which increases anxiety, etc.

These are only some of the many digestive system diseases and disorders and while nervous disorders that affect the digestive system are not believed to cause any of these conditions, it is possible that they may aggravate symptoms, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety. Eating too fast, too much, on the go, in the car, in front of the TV or computer are all poor eating habits that are very common. When treating digestive system diseases and disorders like IBS, acid reflux and heartburn, doctors typically advise that these eating habits may worsen symptoms. It has been shown that by slowing down and reducing stress in ones life, many of the symptoms of the most common digestive system diseases and disorders may be reduced or prevented entirely.

For more information about digestive system diseases and disorders, visit

Patsy Hamilton has more than twenty years experience as a healthcare professional and currently writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Read more at

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How Do You Go About Getting Cash for Note Payments in One Lump Sum of Money?

These days you can get cash for note payments rather than have to wait to receive smaller monthly checks. This is quite advantageous for those who need a large sum of money in the short term for an investment, a purchase or to pay off debts.

Rather than having to go through the hassle of applying for a loan with a bank, getting your credit checked and waiting for approval, a professional buyer can pay you cash for notes of any kind. They could be real estate instruments, structured settlements, business notes or any other cash flow contract. Any debt paper that you currently hold can be turned into a lump sum of money.

Although the concept of receiving a steady payment every month sounds appealing, there comes a time in many people's lives where they are in need of a larger amount of money. They could come upon a very appealing investment opportunity; they might want to buy a new car; perhaps they are reaching retirement age. Whatever the case may be, getting cash for note payments can be a windfall for them. It is an easy, quick way to get money in hand for whatever you might need it can usually complete a transaction in less than two weeks.

When you receive cash for notes, how much can you expect to receive?

The amount of money you get for your debt paper will depend on a number of factors, and they will be different from one instrument to another. Professional buyers have a formula that they use which takes into account the balance, the interest rate, the time remaining, the stability of the payor and various other criteria.

Obviously, the stronger and less risky the debt is, the more cash for note payments you can expect to receive. Keep in mind that you can also sell just a portion of the note, and keep some of the monthly receivables intact. There are a variety of ways you can structure the deal and the note buyer will go over all of them with you. Consider all of them before you make your decision.

While you go through the process, try to get all of your paperwork in order. It also helps to keep careful notes of everything that has transpired since the day the note was written.

Getting cash for notes is easy; you just have to find an experienced, professional note buyer who can offer you top dollar.

Jamie has been working in the finance industry for many years and is a contributing editor to Learn how to get cash for notes from professional note buyers on our site.

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Sex in Advertising: Does it Sell?

We're surrounded by advertisements that desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, we find ourselves inevitably drawn to images of scantily clad attractive men and women that are supposed to somehow inspire us to purchase products they endorse. Sure, this attention-getting strategy is popular. But, is it effective?

Sex appeal can increase the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because it attracts the customers attention. Its human nature to be curious about sex. A pair of long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) a guys attention than a puppy, regardless of how cute it may be. Even women are drawn to them, perhaps with the desire of having goddess-like legs.

However, misuse of sex appeal can be costly. Many campaigns deemed offensive have started brand boycotts that affect sales and damage brand reputation. Abercrombie & Fitch has been involved in several scandals, the latest from their most recent catalog entitled XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun. On April 18, 2002, only a week after the catalog hit the stores, the Illinois State Senate passed a resolution condemning A&Fs advertising tactics. This resolution, backed by several nonprofit organizations, suggests citizens and shareholders boycott Abercrombies products and to take a stand against the companys marketing strategies. Although sexy images in catalogs are not at all uncommon, XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun featured naked boys and girls frolicking in natural settings. Not quite appropriate for an apparel catalog targeted at teenagers.

Sex in advertising has stirred controversy for many years, an advertiser must be careful when incorporating it in a campaign. Great advertisers consider not only the attention-getting power of an advertisement or commercial, but also what kind of emotional response it provokes in customers. Studies show that the attractiveness of the endorsing model provokes positive responses. Nudity and graphic erotic content, while still increasing consumers attention, doesnt really generate positive feelings among viewers. In other words, advertisers must be careful to avoid the cheap shot, which may negatively affect a brands image.

To avoid that, the sexual content in advertising must be appropriate to the product category and have a proper underlying message. In 2000, Heineken launched the Its All About the Beer campaign. One spot, called The Premature Pour, shows a beautiful seductive woman pouring Heineken into a glass. When a guy across the bar responds by pouring his own, he nervously pours too fast and spills foam all over the table and himself. The sexual content is implicit, yet direct. The sexual reference in this and other spots in the campaign worked, causing sales to rise 13% in the first two quarters of 2002. However, Steve Davis (VP of marketing in Heineken USA), claims that, Provocative is a very good place to be, as long as were not inflammatory. But the spots also work for a different reason. From the tag line to the plot, they are about a desire for Heineken. Our ads make the beer the hero.

Sex sells, yes, but only when used in good taste. As marketers we must think not only in getting customers attention for the short term, but also in building a brand reputation that will yield long-term results.

Mark Levit is managing partner of Partners & Levit Advertising and a professor of marketing at New York University. Partners & Levit's clients include Procter & Gamble, UnitedHealth Group, and GE Commercial Finance. For more information call 212-696-1200 or visit

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Some Facts About Goji Juice

The highlands region between Russia and China is home to many of the world's longest living people. these individual's happen to eat regular helpings of a pea-sized fruit from which goji juice is derived.

This berry is considered by certain research scientists to be the best anti-aging food in existence.

It is therefore legendary in Asia in general and the Himilayan region in particular, where it is has been historically associated with general vitality & longevity, while contemporary science verifies that there may be no berry with more antioxidants than the wolf berry. The wolf berry, or goji berry (technically known as Lycium barbarum) is of course where goji juices comes from.

This juice is blessed with 4 formidable polysaccharides (which are key phytonutrient compounds) that command and monitor some of the body's primary defense systems. A plethera of published research studies have concluded that these polysaccharides are the top bioactive parts of the berry in question. Some researchers like Dr. Earl Mendell consider drinking Goji Juice to be better than just eating the berry, as the actual quality of available goji berries can sometimes vary radically, and there is also the chance that the polysaccharides in the dried berries have already oxidized and thus degraded by the time you injest them. The liquid form is also easier to digest and enters your system faster. You can find additional research materials at Goji Juice Facts If you do decide to eat the dried berry itself, just understand that there is more than one particular kind of goji berry.

In fact, just as there are number of different kinds of grapes used in wine, there is a plethera of goji varieties. We are talking more than forty species of it growing in Tibet region of China alone. How much goji juice should one drink? Some researchers, including Dr. Mendell, recommend drinking two ounces daily, but drinking more than that does not appear to cause any negative side effects. Individual's will receive health benefits within different time frames depending upon variables such as their body's specific nutritional needs, but the majority of individuals will start to notice results in less than a month.

Ryan Joseph is a writer/researcher. More Goji Juice information at

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