Monday, June 25, 2007 

Men's Hairstyles for 2007

With 2007 rapidly approaching many men are considering the changes they want to make for the New Year. One thing lots of men vow to change is their hairstyle. However, finding the right mens hairstyle for 2007 requires a little research not to mention consideration of ones own style, face, and more. The following discussion of mens hairstyles for the coming year just might give you some ideas for your own hair or at least help you decide what you dont want! For 2007 the classic cuts that have been popular forever remain in style. This is good news for those men who have classic cuts and dont really want to change but like to be in style. Its also good news for all the men who need a new hairstyle and a classic short cut suits their face and style.

The Caesar cut has been in style for a few years and it will remain that way for 2007. This cut is traditionally short all over with the bangs pushed forward and upward. Gel and mousse mixed together is a great way to keep the Caesar cut in place for the day without making the hair look glassy or without movement. The Caesar look is perfect for young men who are in college or even young to middle age professionals. The Caesar look goes great with preppy clothes and a freshly shaved face.

Another take on the Caesar cut is a similar style that is short yet spiked all over. This can easily be accomplished by having the hair cut fairly short and then gelling it all over. The hair will spike with little effort and is a great way to look youthful and carefree. This is a great style for men who are still studying or have yet to enter the workforce. Its a fun hairstyle, but not really a professional one.

A cool men's hairstyles for 2007 will be a short allover cut complemented by gelled bangs that go up and back. They dont stick straight up like in years past, but are rather gelled backwards a bit. They dont lie flat against the head, but they dont stick up either. This gives a fresh approach to a short hairstyle.

Perfectly styled hair is out for 2007 and messy hair is back in. That means a medium length hairstyle should be washed, slightly dried, and then messed with gel or paste. This purposely messy look is cool and fun and is a great option for all men in 2007. Who doesnt want to look like they have just spent an hour with a woman running their hands through his hair?

Also, hair that is longer is a cool look for 2007. Men who like longer styles should go for a long layered look rather than an all over layered style. The hair should fall just a bit past the shoulders and be off the face. This is a super stylish look if it is cut correctly so if you want a long style make sure you go to a salon and not a barber.

Finally, before you decide on a hairstyle for 2007 you need to consider your face shape, your style, where you work, and the perception you want to give. If you want to look like the professional lawyer you are then a classic conservative cut might be the best option. However, if you are a new member of a rock band then a longer more trendy style might be the best choice for you. There are lots of things to take into consideration when considering a 2007 hairstyle, but finding what is right for you wont be so difficult if you just check out the styles and choose one that fits you!

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Great Sex - 8 Common Love Making Errors Made By Most Men

For your partner to enjoy great sex you have to understand that what women want, is not always what men believe they want.

Great sex for women is a combination of both mental and physical stimulation.

Both areas need to be targeted, for a women to achieve satisfaction or orgasm.

If you dont make the mistakes below, you and your partner will enjoy better sex together, or great sex!

1. Kissing

90% of women in a recent poll claimed they did not get enough French kissing.

For women it is one of the most sensual and personal things you can do, to express passion, desire and love, so always make sure you start with some kissing to set the mood.

2. Not Enough Foreplay

Men are more easily aroused than women, women need far more foreplay.

If your idea of foreplay is around 5 minutes, you need to think again and target 30 minutes or more, which leads onto the next point.

3. Neglecting key erogenous zones

There are the obvious erogenous zones to target, however there are many that are neglected, here are just some of them.

The neck The nape of the neck is one of the most sensitive areas for any women and if its kissed and nibbled, your partner will be highly aroused.

The Buttocks What women is not sensitive about her buttocks?

Most are and many are extremely self conscious about it.

By kissing it, squeezing it and telling your partner how much you love it, you will make her feel relaxed and confident.

The inner thighs Before heading for the obvious region, pause at the inner thighs and tease your partner. The area is sensitive and the expectation of what may come next is highly arousing!

The hair and ears Many women simply love having their hair being brushed and played with and its highly sesitive. The ears are a mass of sensitive nerve endings, that if targeted will be highly appreciated.

There are other erogenous zones and the above are just a few examples try and target all the above and others for a complete sexual experience.

4. Coming to soon

Many men have this problem and its surprisingly common.

In most instances the solution is simple:

Slow down and also learn to control your breathing!

We have written on how to last longer in bed in other articles and it far easier to achieve sexual control, than many men think.

5. Trying complicated positions

Youve seen it in a porn movie and think lets try it!

However a complicated position where you need to spend all your concentration just to try and hold the position is not erotic at all.

Sexual positions should allow you to concentrate on the sensation, NOT The act itself.

There are around 4 positions that are known as the best positions for sex and you need to know what they are. They are mentioned in the ancient works of the Kama Sutra and the Perfumed garden - if you dont know what they are look them up.

6. Not using the power of words

Sex is not a place for silence We express ourselves with words in everyday life and sex is no different.

Tell your partner how much you are enjoying sex and how much you desire them.

You also need to communicate to find out what your partner likes sex without talking and expressing yourself, is simply cold and unemotional - sex without emotion and communication, will never be great sex, so learn the power of sexual communication.

7. When its over its over

So you have finished the act and you wander off and make a coffee, or out the door, this will not be appreciated.

Sex is a coming together of bodies, but it's also the coming together of spirit and you need to express your bond with your partner after sex has finished to complete the experience.

Hold her, tell you enjoyed it and be affectionate.

8. Lack of romance

What women doesnt like being given flowers or taken for a surprise dinner?

Not many!

Use it to your advantage, to set the mood and surprise your partner.

If you make an effort and add a little romance, you will reap the dividends later.

Most women want a considerate lover and someone who makes an effort and this does not mean just in the bedroom. Adding a touch of romance to your relationship will mean that you are setting a mood for sex to.

So there you have it, 8 common errors made by men in terms of sexual mistakes.

The good news is they are all easy to correct and if you dont make them, you will enjoy better sex and a more fulfilling relationship.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with better sex visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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Birthing Pains Of Child Adoption

So youve met the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. You get married, ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Right?

Well perhaps happily every after is subjective and means something different to different people. But whatever happens after you ride off into the sunset and disappear into the horizon, your married life will eventually have to make room for the little pitter patter of tiny feet. Right?

The next day

Well there are quite a few married couples who realize that for one reason or another, they cannot bear children together. Some married couples try for years to get pregnant, try all the fertility treatments (mainstream and alternative) and still come up empty handed.

There are also some married couples who either married too late or waited too long so they reach the stage of past child-bearing age and suddenly, they feel they want a child. Then there are still some couples who have their own children and yet they feel the need to spread their joy and love further to other children still.

How ever different these three scenarios are, there may come a point in their lives when they will come across the life altering question they need to ask themselves, Am I ready to adopt a child?

The scarlet letter

Child adoption is a big step in a married couples lives and may be one of the biggest decisions they will have to make together that have a long lasting impact in their lives. Having children is a big responsibility in itself and child adoption brings with it its own set of sensitivities.

For all the right reasons

If you a childless married couple who have come to the end of their ropes in the hopes of conceiving, please take into consideration that child adoption isnt necessarily the answer to your problem. Continued unsuccessful attempts at trying conceive can greatly strain a married couples relationship and it can test even the strongest of the strong.

At the point where you seem desperately grasping at straws, you might think of adopting a child to keep the marriage together. But think it through thoroughly because you are bringing in a new life into yours and it wouldnt be fair to adopt under these circumstances. Remember, adopting a child doesnt mean that all your problems will be solved. Adding a new member to your already chaotic relationship may even result in more harm than good.

Child adoption is a big responsibility that has a huge potential to further add love and fulfillment in a married couples life provided that they do so after they have considered all they need to consider and make the necessary adjustments for it.

Will it work for you?

So youve come to a decision that you want to adopt a child. You may be emotionally and mentally ready individually and as a couple enough to embark on this path but are you ready in other aspects?

First do some research and find out the requirements for child adoption. Also, find out statistics like how quickly can you expect to be able to find a child do adopt and bring home. Finding these details out will help both of you manage expectations.

Whatever youve been through to get to the point of wanting to adopt, remember to not focus so much on the fact that you cannot conceive your own children, instead, think of the parent-less child you will be bringing into your loving home soon.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides child adoption resources on

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Coaxial, DSL, fiber optics, kbps, Mbps... There are tons of terms and numbers thrown at you when you start shopping for broadband internet service. The question generally comes down to whether you want your internet from your cable company or your phone company. Comcast and Verizon are the two giant broadband internet service providers in the country, and they both want your business- badly. So with all these terms and numbers, should you really just flip a coin to decide? Lets take a look at the major factors to consider when choosing your broadband ISP.

Since we're talking about high speed internet service, we should probably start with, you guessed it, speed! Verizon's main internet service is DSL. DSL uses your home's existing telephone lines to deliver internet service at speeds significantly higher than dial up. Because the signal is coming over traditional copper lines, there is a limit to the speed you can achieve. For many people, DSL speeds are fine. As the internet becomes more multimedia driven, however, many may find that DSL doesn't cut it. A big step up from there is Comcast's high speed cable internet. This service comes in through the same coaxial cable you use for cable tv. This line has much higher information capacity than copper phone wire, so your speeds are at least twice as fast as DSL, often several times faster. Faster still is the new FiOS service from Verizon. FiOS is short for fiber optic service, and uses special fiber optic lines available in certain areas. Fiber optics allow for higher speeds than traditional cable internet, however Comcast's PowerBoost feature allows for bursts of speed comparable to FiOS when downloading large files.

Our next consideration is price. Both Comcast and Verizon offer multiple tiers of service at incrementally higher prices. Prices vary slightly from city to city, but for the most part it seems that the two companies are keeping their pricing as competitive as they can. You'll find a couple bucks difference between cable and FiOS depending on where you live. Both have combined service deals that offer internet, tv and phone service (yes, Verizon FiOS delivers TV service in some ares) all on one bill for about $100 per month.

Our last topic is currently a major deciding factor for most- availability. Comcast provides service in tons of cities across the country. If you have Comcast cable tv service, you're already wired for Comcast high speed internet. FiOS, on the other hand is only available in a handful of areas at the moment. Verizon is gradually installing the fiber optic lines needed for the service one neighborhood at a time, and have currently only served a small portion of their national footprint. In short, there aren't many people that can actually get FiOS just yet. Verizon is expanding service all the time, but they have a long way to go.

So there you have it. Verizon has slightly higher speeds at prices comparable to Comcast, but Comcast is available in more locations. If you're upgrading from DSL, FiOS is probably a good choice if it's available in your area. If you're already a Comcast customer, I doubt you'd notice much difference after going through the hassle of switching, the difference in speed just isn't that significant.

Chris Wight is a search engine marketing professional who spends way too much time online. You can learn more about Comcast at and FiOS at

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Help from Filing Income Tax Software

It is the obligation of the government to collect taxes while it is the duty of the good citizens of the land to pay up. The International Revenue service is the United States government agency that is tasked to go about the collection.

In the United Kingdom, where tax has a rich history dating back into the ancient times, the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are the ones responsible of tax collection. In fairness, it is not an easy job for government units to go after the people to remind, sometimes force them, to file their income tax more so to pay for them.

To protect these government agencies, there are civil penalties that can be imposed ranging from fines to forfeiture for those who fail to pay their taxes or even for those who are late in filing and paying their taxes.

For those who persist in their delaying tactics or cheating data despite warnings and civil penalties, there could be criminal implications and penalties are harsher like imprisonment that are carried out by government units so capable in doing such jobs the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice in the United States. There should be no excuse then for any individual or company not to pay taxes or else they will suffer.

There are filing income tax softwares available for use of whoever needs it. However it should be noted that different states have different tax laws. In Alaska and Florida for instance, there are no tax on individuals but there is a state corporation income tax. In New Hampshire, they have tax on interest and dividends, wages earned in other states and wages earned by non-residents while Tennessee has only tax on interest and dividends.

Washington has a corporate tax called the Business and Operations tax. There is a need then to be full aware of these laws because as an individual you might be paying taxes in a different state but you also have properties in other states that have different tax rules.

For starters, download or get hold of the filing income tax software for your use and reference. This software will help you in organizing your tax payables and supposedly will make it easier for you even when you have so many different kinds of taxes to deal with. You can actually hire someone to do these things for you but make sure that you are informed of the figures so that you can keep track.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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How to Respond to the Suicide Attempter

In the hospital emergency room, doctors and nurses frantically worked on 16 year old Mary trying desperately to save her life. Was it a car accident? No. Was it a drug overdose? No. Was it a fight? No. 16 year old Mary had jumped off a building in a desperate attempt to end her own life.

Every single minute of every single day, one young person attempts to end his or her own life. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the United States among young people. It is more common then drug overdoses, more common then homicide.

As a social worker, I frequently see people who have made suicide attempts. I am trained to know how to respond. Unfortunately by the time they get to me, they have often made an attempt. This article is written for you, the lay person, because it is you, the person not trained in suicide, who will usually first encounter the suicidal person. It is you who needs to know what to say, how to respond.

There are some who say that a teenager who talks about suicide is just looking for attention. If they are talking about suicide they aren't really serious. Anybody who uses suicide as a means of " getting attention", desperately needs attention, and we must pay attention.

Tip #1 Pay attention. Somebody who talks about suicide is giving you a warning sign. Take it seriously. 85% of people who complete suicide, made a suicidal attempt previously. Take these conversations and attempts seriously.

Suicidal people feel hopeless and helpless. They don't think that things will get any better, and they don't believe that they can create any change for things to improve.

Tip #2- Emphasize Hope. Hope is what keeps people alive. When I have a bad day, I live through it because I believe that tomorrow will be a better day. Explore how they have coped with bad situations in the past, and use this to help them cope today. Emphasize hope.

Suicidal people are ambivalent. That means they have an internal struggle, they want to live and they want to die at the same time. So the first step is to recognize this ambivalence and hold on to the part of them that wants to live. Tip #3- Remember ambivalence and emphasize the part of them that wants to live.

Suicidal people get tunnel vision. They see life through a narrow frame of reference and can't see options for change. Life becomes black or white, good or bad, all or nothing. Tip #4- Remember shades of gray. Rarely is something all good or all bad. There are ranges of behavior and life has colors and shades. Help people see these shades.

Suicidal people want to tell you all of the reasons that they want to die. Tip #5. Don't debate the merits of living or dying. You may get into an argument with them, and they can convince you all of the reasons for ending their life. Don't debate the reasons for living or dying. It's a useless conversation. Insist on life.

Suicidal people often feel isolated. Frequently they feel that nobody cares. Life just doesn't matter when it does. Tip #6 Don't operate alone. Identify supports and get help. You do not need to handle this situation by yourself. Find out who the person has for support and notify that person.

Suicidal people might tell you not to tell anybody of their plans to end their own life. Tip#7. Ignore confidentiality when listening to people tell you their plans to end their own life. Identify who they trust or who they live with and get some help. If there is no adequate support, do not operate alone. Call the emergency room or call the mental health center. Don't operate by yourself.

Suicidal people feel that the situation driving them to suicide is permanent. Teenagers frequently lack the life experience to understand that most problems are temporary. Just because it's a problem today, doesn't mean it will be a problem tomorrow. Tip #8. Emphasize the temporary nature of problems. Today it may be serious and tomorrow the same problem doesn't matter.

Sometimes suicidal people talk like they are feeling suicidal but they don't come right out and say it. Your not sure. Tip #9- Ask. If you are concerned that somebody is suicidal but aren't sure, then you must ask. Asking whether or not somebody is suicidal will not lead to a suicide attempt, any more than asking about pregnancy will lead to somebody getting pregnant. If you are concerned but aren't sure, then ask.

People who complete suicide have often made a previous attempt. Previous attempts are one of the best indicators of future attempts.

Tip #10. Ask if they have ever tried to harm themselves in the past. A past attempt is an excellent indicator of future attempts.

Tammy Stoner is a licensed clinical social worker and trained family therapist. She provides training and workshops to organizations teaching about suicide attempters. She operates a website at and sells training programs, groups can use to conduct their own inhouse workshops. She has developed a tool for treatment providers applying a model of teddy bears called the MeBear Family to generate rapid assessments and interventions with adults and children. She has spoken on television, radio and newspapers throughout the United States on the subject of teen suicide.

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Medical practitioners are often faced with lawsuits and claims for negligence and malpractice - an occupational hazard of being a medical practitioner. Hence, medical liability insurance that covers practitioners in case of such lawsuits and claims is very important for every kind of medical professional.

There are many insurance companies that offer medical liability insurance. However, because of the mounting number of lawsuits and cases against medical practitioners, many of these companies have either stopped providing medical liability insurance or charge a heavy premium. This is because most of these companies have had to pay a lot in such claims or for legal expenses. Thus, medical liability insurance in itself seems to have become a liability for most liability companies.

This has led to a kind of crisis within the medical community, more so in specialty areas like orthopedics, with many practitioners choosing to retire early or to close practices because of the unavailability of affordable medical liability insurance. This is causing other social problems because it results in increasing costs of health care, making it harder for everyone.

However there are many insurance companies that offer medical liability insurance, either directly through their exclusive brokers and agents or through independent agents. Independent agents are those who are entitled to sell policies from different companies. These agents can help medical practitioners select the suitable policy from among the available policies.

Most of the insurance companies have compartments and segregations when it comes to charging premiums. For instance, an orthopedic surgeon would be charged a different premium than a general practitioner. Usually these premium rates are fixed and are not negotiable. However, looking and shopping around with different companies will open up different options for someone who is shopping for medical liability insurance.

Liability Insurance provides detailed information on Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Professional Liability Insurance, Pollution Liability Insurance and more. Liability Insurance is affiliated with Short Term Disability Insurance.

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Japanese Weddings in America Save Money

I recently officiated a wedding for a Japanese bride and an American groom here in Central Florida. Orlando has always been an international destination with Walt Disney World and countless other attractions. Not to mention the beaches throughout Florida are fantastic.

The Japanese bride's father is an American and her mother Japanese. Her parents live in Japan. They were a very charming and happy couple. I sensed a very special bond between the bride's parents. Of course the bride's father was fluent in Japanese as he lived and worked there.

To my surprise the bride's father informed me about the massive expense Japanese young couples incur when they endeavor to get married. Apparently Japanese custom requires those getting married to give a gift to everyone attending their wedding. This is a very unusual concept by Western standards.

When I learned of the excessive expense and cultural pressure placed upon Japanese couples when they marry, I immediately thought to officiate Japanese wedding ceremonies. The most recent wedding I did between the Japanese bride and American groom was phenomenal. We used a Japanese translator, who did a lovely job. I emailed the translator the full ceremony and outline weeks beforehand so he could adequately prepare. The ceremony went beautifully and everybody was greatly blessed.

Bringing different cultures together can be very refreshing and invigorating. America truly is the melting pot of the world and is most welcoming to people from everywhere. This is why we have so many outstanding international culinary dishes available to feast upon. Every people and culture have something to offer.

My world travels have taken me to over 50 countries and 6 continents. I love to travel and interact with new people and cultures. It stretches me, teaches me new things, and causes me to grow.

As all newlyweds know, getting married is not cheap. Marriage is big business. Couples therefore should be wise with the allocation of their resources early on and minimize their expenses when getting married. Learn from Japanese couples, who come to America to tie the knot when they are ready to get married.

Paul Davis is a wedding minister who officiates marriage ceremonies and vow renewals. Paul has been in ministry for over 15 years, blessing people around the world. He has traveled to over 50 countries and 6 continents having a worldwide impact.

As a relational coach, Paul's compassion for people and passion for transformation makes him very successful. His depth, understanding, experiential wisdom, and disarming sense of humor makes Paul a personal favorite of many couples. Highly celebrated and sought after, Paul has authored several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart and Are You Ready for True Love?

Pauls organization Dream-Maker Ministries is making a difference throughout the world building dreams, breaking limitations, and reviving nations. Pauls interpersonal and unprecedented experience engineering breakthroughs for individuals and organizations is revolutionary.

Contact Paul to officiate your wedding and more!
407-284-1705; 407-967-7553

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Paul Davis - EzineArticles Expert Author
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