Thursday, February 14, 2008 

What Are You Attracting? Do This Exercise to Examine Your Relationship Behavior

What you believe about yourself is what you'll attract to yourself. If you believe that you are a person who deserves to be treated well by others, you'll attract kindness. If you believe you're not really worthy of being treated well, you'll attract people who will harm you.

Think about your past relationships. Were they positive or negative experiences? If they were negative, think about what you believed about yourself at the time.

Did you stay in an abusive situation because you thought you would never find someone else?

Did you keep telling yourself that maybe things would change for the better?

Did you convince yourself that you weren't important enough to express your opinions? Were you afraid to?

Did you believe it wasn't so bad?

Did you stay because the sex was good, even though you fought constantly otherwise, convincing yourself that it was love?

Did you feel like you couldn't live without that person?

I challenge you to examine your beliefs. The beliefs you hold about yourself are the keys to why you may be attracting the wrong kind of person. Dig deep and look at your beliefs. Maybe it's time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of the negative thoughts that have held you back from finding the love of your life. Do this exercise to look at what you are attracting. Think of all of your past relationships. Use one piece of paper (more if needed) for each person. Put each person's name at the top of the paper and list the following:

How did you meet?

How long did you know each other before you were intimate?

What did you used to argue about most frequently?

Personality traits (yours and your former partner's)

Problem behaviors (addictions, infidelities, jealousy, violent behaviors, etc.)

There are many more things you could write, of course, but this will get you started. After you've finished writing, compare the relationships. Notice what you were attracting. Notice the similarities and differences. Chances are, you will find you have behaved similarly and attracted similar people each time. This is powerful because once you identify what you've been doing, you can change it. You may need to consult with a relationship coach or counselor to help you change these patterns and that's all right. You've already started to change the pattern just by acknowledging it. I wish you the best of success in attracting the relationship you want into your life!

For more tips and tools for attracting love and prosperity into your life, visit For weekly tips and tools sign up for Michelle's free newsletter, Relationship Success, while you're there. You can also visit and Michelle E. Vasquez is a Relationship Coach in San Antonio, Texas. She specializes in helping people attract the life they want and create the relationships that bring them joy. She is available for in office and phone coaching for individuals and couples who want to create more joy in their relationships.

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Are There Alternatives to the Penis Enhancement Pill?

Penis size is a sensitive issue for many men and penis enlargement is a big business. And there are a lot of new products on the market. In fact, penis enhancement is one of the fastest growing industries. But, before you try the numerous products on the market promising to make your penis bigger, you should know the facts and beware of false techniques.

Always beware of advertised miracle pills, especially the ones that promise to make your penis bigger. Since there is no FDA-approved medication for penis enhancement, advertised penis enlargement pills are not checked by a federal official. As a result, there is no guarantee as to what ingredients or substances the supposed penis enhancement pill contains. These meds can pose serious health risks. Not to mention that the pill may be a placebo or simply filled with sawdust. If you are going to use a penis enhancement pill, make sure it is from a company that you are familiar with and trust.

Penis pills usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones such as testosterone. Although topical testosterone is sometimes used on adolescent boys to accelerate puberty, there's no evidence that it or any other substance can increase penis size in adult men. And, of course, the same is true for male enhancement oil or patches or lotions etc.

The question for many men is whether or not you can make your penis larger without pills. The answer is yes, you can get there, but as pills and ointments don't help you will have a lot of work to do. Penis exercises, accompanied or not by penis enlargement devices, are a really safe way of increasing the length and girth of your penis. As in any exercise program, they require a strong commitment to get good results.

Penis size is an obsession that has been around forever. Studies show the average man has a penis size between 5-7 inches when it's erect.

A penis is considered abnormally small when it's under 3" erect. Although small penises still seem to function quite well.

But in case you do feel the need for a longer, thicker penis, then penis enlargement exercise is the simplest, safest way to go about it. You can find a lot of dedicated web sites on the Internet and you can learn everything from basic stretching and jelqing techniques to what kind of diet you should try and what underwear to buy.

And keep in mind that penis exercises can help you have a lot more control on your erections and on your ejaculation and this is really a lot more important than the size of your penis.

Penis enlargement devices can help any men regain confidence in his powers of being a great lover and this is what it's all about. They can help you get more dates with more beautiful women (or men, as it is the case), because a high confidence level is the sexiest thing in the world, so I say you should go for it!

So remember, if you want to try the pills, to get the best results, you need to combine them with other penis enhancement components.

Lynn Huber is author of the "Healthy Wealthy and Wise" newsletter, offering tips on everything from sexual health to business advice. For a Free Guide on how to increase your penis size, please visit her website:

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Safe is Sexy - Simple Steps to Practicing Safer Sex

OK - this is not the most exciting topic out there when it comes to sex and I know you are all probably tired of getting the safe sex lecture every where you go. But the truth is, it cannot be stressed enough. The rate of HIV and sexually transmitted infections tells me that not everyone is paying attention and lets be honest here; it is a scary world out there these days when it comes to sexually transmitted infections and HIV. For more detail, please see my article on sexually transmitted disease facts.

Sex comes with many things; among them are risk and responsibility. You have the responsibility to protect yourself and your partner from HIV, sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy. In other words, you have the responsibility to have sex with the lowest risk for these things possible.

While I may discuss a lot of sexual behaviors and techniques here, let me be perfectly clear that for the sake of argument, when I write about such things I am assuming that those of you out there that are heeding my advice and tips about how to spice things up in your respective bedrooms are practicing safer sex. But what does that mean? The following are a few simple steps you can follow to make sure you are practicing safer sex at all times:

* You and your partner have both been tested for HIV and sexually transmitted infections and if either of you are positive for anything you will be treated if possible and will protect each other from infection.

* You and your partner will use condoms, either male or female to protect yourselves against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

* You will use condoms and dental dams while engaging in oral sex.

* You and your partner will negotiate whether or not you will practice monogamy and if you decide to be non-monogamous you will agree to use safer sex practices with any other partner.

* You do not engage in any sexual behavior that puts you in contact with anyones bodily fluids.

* You know your partners history, sexual and other wise. Have they ever had an STD? Have they ever used drugs? Shared needles? When was the last time they had sex with someone besides you?

* If you do not desire pregnancy you will use a reliable form of birth control.

* If you are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease or HIV you will tell your partner immediately so they may seek testing and treatment.

I know it sounds like the most unromantic thing you have ever heard but believe me, knowing you are protected from HIV and sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancy will actually help you relax and enjoy yourself in bed. Once you and your partner agree to take these steps, the pressure is off and you can concentrate on having an amazing sex life.

One more thing, do not think that safer sex has to take the excitement out of your sexual repertoire.. There are a lot of things you can do to have safer sex that is hot, hot, hot! Here are just a couple of examples: Putting on a condom takes just a few seconds and it can be really hot to help your man put it on! Better yet, learn how to do put it on your man with your mouth! Using flavored lubricant can make oral sex even more appetizing!

My absolute favorite resource for keeping safer sex exciting is a great book called The Hot Guide To Safer Sex written by my friend and colleague Yvonne K. Fulbright. You can get it on and it is well worth it.

The most important thing to remember is you need to respect yourself and your partner enough not to put each other at risk. No night of passion is worth your life, or your fertility. And while I know that bringing up the subject of getting tested and sexual history is not easy or pleasant, in the world we live in today, it is necessary. Another thing to consider is the idea that if you do not know someone well enough or are not comfortable enough with someone to address these issues, you may want to reconsider whether or not you want to share your body with them.

Kelly Connell better known online as "SexPert Kelly" is a contributing author to many sites dealing with Human Sexuality, Dating and Relationships. Her newest project covers online dating and how the newly single amongst us can maximize their online dating experiences while minimizing the disasters... :-) click here to read more!

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