Wednesday, January 16, 2008 

Distribute Your Self-Published Book - Part 1

Where is your book now? With a distributor? In a book store? Or, did it already die an early death after a few months?

New self-published authors often believe they need a distributor to sell a lot of books. They want to use Ingram or Baker & Taylor because they think they need to get their book into the "brick and mortar" bookstores like Barnes and Noble.

Authors go through many hoops and snags to accomplish this-- what I call the "traditional publishing nightmare" of inefficiency and lack of support for authors. Usually the author only gets around 10% royalties and has to pay back all promotion expenses such as book signings. So many hoops, some give up. So many authors I speak with who have gone this route still have hundreds, even thousands of unsold copies littering up storage space. Talk about discouragement.

Distributors Can be Dangerous to Your Book's Health and Your Wallet

One author wrote, illustrated, and marketed six beautiful children's books. Her books were well reviewed and received. For some time, the profits rolled in until her distributor went bankrupt, owing her $160,000. After she stopped crying, she decided to take her books on the roadto local fairs and talks where she could KEEP all the profits.

Distributors take quite a chunk of money from the author's profits too. They charge the author for storage, and when books are returned, the author loses those sales, and has to pay the distributor too. Authors lose from the bookstores because their payment is late or unreliable. Some authors wait way beyond 90 days. In fact, many just don't get paid. Writers are not always good at collections either. These middlemen not only take most of the author's profits, they cause much stress too.

How Can Self-Published Authors Distribute?

Self-published books include: print books (perfect bound, comb bound, print on demand or print quantity needed, or stapled) or eBooks (sent over Email through Word or Portable Document Files)

Local Distribution.

For each venue, make sure to include ordering information such as your Web site URL, your company address, your toll-free 800 number, your local phone number, and an order page to fill out for fax or phone orders.

1.Distribute through the Press.

-Create a "Power Press Release" (include tips and how-to's)
-Get a Feature Story from the Media
-Write a how-to article and submit

2. Distribute through a local Talk Show-Radio and TV or guest speak for another person's teleclasses.

Just a phone call away you can reach 100's of people interested in your book's topic. Do some research on From my guesting with other experts every 2 months, new clients come; new book and teleclass sales increase to make up half my income.

On the talk shows or the teleclasses, offer the audience a free report to capture their email addresses. You can also send it through your host and she will distribute that information to her large email list. Of course you include your sales-pulling signature file at the end.

3. Distribute at local talks to groups. Sell your print books at the back of the room. Take a clipboard and capture everyone's email at the talk. These people become your dedicated sales force and tell others. Word of mouth takes up to one or two years, so be patient for results. Check your library for Clubs who need free speakers.

Develop a selling two-sided flyer with testimonials, your book cover, excerpts, and an ordering coupon. Take books and flyers with you everywhere. Offer to all you meet, even your dentist!

Authors need to be proactive in book promotion because publishers won't do it for them. (Part 2 of this article is available)

Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at and over 140 free articles. Email her at

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Your Helpful Tips to Assist You to Stop Smoking

We have picked up all the reasons to stop the smoking habit. You're ready to adopt that first big step to say no to smoking. You'd like to believe that you have an arsenal of backing behind you to hold you up in your powerless moments, as you know there will be those moments when you just demand to light up one further time! Fear not, here is your arsenal of tips to assist you and support you in your desire to stop smoking.

Draw on the strength inside you to achieve tasks just as you've done for former goals. Look upon a time when you needed to accomplish a goal and you were successful. What did it take for you to accomplish the task that time? Where did you get your strength from? Did you have encouragement from somebody exceptional? Were you working on a team? Did you experience any speicial training or assistance in any way? Think of what you used to become successful that time and ascertain if you can duplicate that support during the time that you plan on stopping smoking.

Construct a list of all of the reasons why you need to stop smoking. This list will be your motivation during those times when you feel that you're weak in your declaration to pursue your goal. Your list should include all rationalities (loved ones, health, money and so forth). Keep the list on hand during the day and evening so that you can relate to it when necessary.

Let everybody you know and trust in on your plan to stop smoking so that they can uplift you and give you encouragement. Necessitate them to be supportive in a non-judgemental way if conceivable.

Look for help before you stop so that you'll be aware of how stopping will impact you mentally, emotionally and physically. Acknowledging ahead of time will allow for you to prepare yourself and those who will be in contact with you. There may be times when you'll be irritable, or anxious as you battle the pangs of withdrawl.

Look for the advice of your medical professional as you can take in some helpful tips and support that way also.

Keep yourself active during the time that you'll be stopping so that you will not have time to think about not smoking. One way to keep active is to begin an exercise program. Begin slowly if necessary to allow for your body to adapt if you're not used to exercising.

Discover ways to relax including deep breathing. Find a relaxing time where you can be alone. It only requires to be about five minutes of your day. Gently breath in and then exhale slowly through your mouth, closing your eyes during the deep breathing so that you can relax to a greater extent. You can add imagination to your deep breathing exercises by imagining yourself living smoke-free and loving life. Imagine yourself having more money to do fun things or purchase things for your enjoyment. Imagine being able to go for a run or do a sporting event that you might not have been able to as a smoker.

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Impotence - Oral Treatment Overview

Impotence is generally the disorder of sexual activities which include inability to perform sexual intercourse and inability to reproduction also. Our todays discussions will be an overview of the treatment of Impotence.

However, our space is limited here. We shall concentrate our discussions on erectile dysfunction which is an important cause of impotence.

What is erectile dysfunction?

The inability to keep enough erection during sexual intercourse for longer period is the erectile dysfunction to male. This brings to one man, inability to have enough sex with his female partner leaving both the partners unhappy. Continuous or frequent happening of this event leads them to depression.

What is the cause of this erectile dysfunction?

By scientific study it was revealed that insufficient blood circulation through the male organ before sexual intercourse was the reason for this erectile dysfunction for male.

What are the treatments of Erectile Dysfunction?

While other methods of treatment may or may not be easily available, there is an easy solution which we want to discuss here.

There are a number of oral pills like Viagra, Cialis etc. available in the market for erectile dysfunction.

Among them use of Viagra has been proved to be the most effective process for oral treatment against this inability.

Taking Viagra orally before sexual activity increases blood circulation through the male organ system causing sufficient and sustained erection.

Viagra - the little blue pill is brought to the market by Pfizer to help millions of male persons with Erectile Dysfunction.

No sooner the drug was brought to the market to fight erectile dysfunction after long time of research, than it was an instant success. After the drug obtained FDA approval, thousands and thousands of Americans suffering from this inability got the respite from the curse, and their sex life was totally changed.

As it is a prescription drug, initially, it was not easily available for the American citizens. The solution of this problem was carried out by the on line pharmacy. They came to the rescue and the drug is now easily available in the on line pharmacy, tanks to the internet technology and e-commerce. Now any person can buy Viagra online to get relief from sexual inability.

To use the drug, some instructions from the doctor are to be followed. It is to be taken one hour before sex and to be taken once a day and should not be used for other purpose. The drug is not suitable for women.

There are some side effects of Viagra e.g. headache, upset of stomach etc. Some times blurred vision is also reported. This is still under study.

Considering all aspects, Viagra has proved itself to be the best oral treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction? Buy Viagra on line and improve your sex life.

Nancy D'souza is an associated editor to the website . It is committed to provide visitors with absolute information on online prescription drugs like Cialis, Viagra, Phentermine, Tamiflu and Levitra by most recent news, personal views, and articles on related topics.

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Divinity without Dogma

Divinity without dogma please
Instead of dead religion let's just
Bow and humbly get on our knees
To repent, pray, and get out the way
Invite and warmly welcome God today
To have His mighty, miraculous way
Come Lord Jesus to help, do, and say
Whatever it is you want to communicate
Whatever you desire to demonstrate
Forgive us for selfishly trying to orchestrate
By doing so Your grace we do frustrate
As we, full of ourselves, greatly aggravate
Your purposes, plans, and strong hand
Self-righteously endeavoring to deviate
From the divine order of dependency
Independent, shallow, vile, and infertile
Enamored by this world we are defiled
Unclean, dirty, and undone all the while
Yet we try tirelessly in our own strength
To give birth to that which You've promised
Deeply engrossed and captivated by the King
Or at least His blessings and special things
We try to overcome the flesh and press in
Though not necessarily to truly know Him
But to grasp, go after, and get something
Meanwhile we are dead and dying within
Traditional, skeptical, critical, and dogmatic
Always trying to implement another formula
To figure it all out, while forgetting Daddy
Bypassing and belittling our heavenly Father
Weary in heart, foolish, fickle, and fainting
Comparing, competing, and blindly berating
Our Christian brother just down the street
For not being exactly as us and complete
In dead religiosity, liturgy, and stupidity
Meanwhile we are miserable and filthy
Full of ourselves and going nowhere fast
Recalling the glory of times already past
Wondering how long the torment will last
Angrily, dogmatically driving people away
Dying within and wishing to get to heaven
Rigid and frigid, they take nobody with them.
Listen up my beloved and believing friend
Dogma is dead and always comes to an end
Jesus however is divine and always has time
To improve, enhance, and uplift into sublime
Spirituality that imparts life is a gold mine
Precious, priceless, virtuous, and matchless
Dogma that destroys and kills is a crime
To be hated, annihilated, and discarded
Replaced, exchanged, and happily traded
For something far better than to merely opine
What the world and humanity want is love divine.

Paul Davis is a life purpose coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and former fitness trainer.

Paul is a poet and author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Are You Ready for True Love; and Adultery 101. Paul is a popular keynote speaker, creative consultant, adventurer, mediator conquering conflict, liberator, and dream-maker.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations and reviving nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to speak at your event or for life coaching:, 407-284-1705

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Let Avon Illustrate What a Vacation Rental Should Be

Its not a hotel room, its not a timeshare and its definitely not your half-cousins spare bedroom (not that those places dont come in handy sometimes). Its a vacation rental, and it has been placed on this earth to accommodate the needs of you and your traveling companions while making it easy to enjoy the surroundings of your chosen destination. A fine example of a vacation home hotspot is the Outer Banks; the wide open beaches, leisurely atmosphere and ample selection of privileged vantage points all add up to one fine place to spend a few days.

The Outer Banks consists of barrier islands defined by sandy serenity and laid-back coastal beauty. Sprinkled throughout these various villages and stretches of untamed landscape are vacation homes unlike any other. For a number of reasons this destination is popular among large groups from family reunions to groups of friends, this is the place to be to find a satisfying and decidedly non-claustrophobic environment. The properties that line the shores tend to be spacious and inviting, so even the pickiest people and most motley crews will be comfortable here.

For example, imagine an island escape in the region of Avon, located on Hatteras Island. The beach house towers over the quiet scene and promises otherworldly views from its highest decks. With three stories and an abundance of windows, bedrooms, bathrooms, living spaces and even a game area or two, the stage is set for vacation success and weve only just begun to examine why this scenario tends to work out so well.

Avon is known for being a top spot for windsurfing and kite boarding due to the strong gusts and sports-loving surroundings. It also makes for a good starting point when it comes to exploring the museums and nature activities the Outer Banks is known for. Whether a soft spot for maritime history is what brought you here or just the promise of sun-filled days of swimming, boating, fishing and napping, the options will stretch before you with equal chance of being obtained as you begin each day from the vacation rental you have chosen.

The point is that everyone can design their own itineraries (not to be too stuffy about the vacation schedule) and come and go from home base as they please. The kids can set out for a swim while grandparents look on, or the elders can embark on an adventure of their own to where the wild horses run, perhaps and leave the children to their sand castles or a board game. Parents can sneak off for a romantic stroll, old friends can get reacquainted, and everyone can enjoy the sense of freedom that comes with being at home, even though this magical place is available for a limited time only.

Having a hold on a vacation rental, especially a first-class property located on the beaches of the Outer Banks, tends to create a world within a world for you and yours. Memories will come from the attractions of the area, but theyll also come from the chance to interact with your loved ones in a place that inspires everyone to feel happy and relaxed. Lots of breathing room, basic amenities and an attractive array of options melt together into a delicious medley that is sure to serve as a fine introduction to the world of vacation rentals.

Go online to pick out the Avon Vacation Rental that speaks to you and then prepare to add a new element of expertise to your getaway repertoire. showcases hundreds of vacation rentals in this location and thousands more across the world.

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How to Get Your Book Rejected, Part Two

In Part One of this series, I mentioned briefly the importance of knowing the markets to which you submit. If you are an aspiring romance novelist sending your work to a publisher where the bread and butter is paid for by hard science fiction, chances are you are not going to have much luck.

As the publisher for the romance imprint of a small press, I can tell you right now that if a query letter and synopsis doesn't remotely fit our guidelines, chances are the time I'll devote to reading the actual work will be wasted. In an industry where time is constantly of the essence - evaluating stories, meeting deadlines - mine is too precious to give to an author who isn't certain where his or her work belongs. Other the other side of the coin, an author who submits incorrectly will waste time wondering and worrying about the fate of the book. Therefore, it is strongly advised that, as an author, you do your homework and save us both the anxiety.

This next installment covers a similar topic, where the author does have a grasp on the market but not a tight one.

2) But they do have sex...on page 600.

The romance genre of fiction is likely one of the most diverse in all of commercial fiction. Romance can be crossed with just about any other genre imaginable, from science fiction to historicals, mystery to fantasy. There are romance imprints that cater to the African-American market, gay and lesbian readers, and fans of vampires and various undead. Between the top New York publishers and the smaller eBook publishers where followings continue to grow, it is estimated that several hundred romance novels are published each month.

My realm is a growing sub-genre in e-dom: erotic romance. Here the sex just melts right off the keyboard. Naughty words are used to describe naughty bits, and depending upon the heat level and flamboyance of the author you could be reading literally 200 pages of pure unadulturated whoopie. How is this not porn. Well, that depends upon one's definition of pornography, but I can tell you we classify porn as endless strings of explicit sex scenes presented without benefit of plot. We see erotic romance as a story enhanced by its eroticism, but not wholly defined by it. Most romances have the HEA (happily ever after) ending, and in our cases if the story can stand up without the sex it is well worth a look.

Of course, there must be sex, and lots of it. When a reader buys a work labeled as erotic romance, it is to be expected that the hero and heroine are going to get it one, and rather quickly. In a chair, on the stairs, on a boat in a moat, in Terre every position that doesn't cause leg cramps. There are times, however, I will receive a wonderful love story for one of our lines that is passionate and warm and does contain sex, just not enough to satisfy my readers. This leads us to item number two on our list: KNOW THE GENRE.

If you are interested in a specific genre where your writing is concerned, know the basics of that genre. If you want to write erotic romance, know the proper elements involved. Read the erotic romances being published by the top print publishers and eBook houses - Kensington's Aprhodosia, Harlequin's Spice, etc. If you are interested in mystery, read up on the top sellers and know the fundamentals of a good story - conflict, clues, resolution. A book touted as erotic romance that contains only one graphic sex scene in 200 printable pages will not suit the Aprhodosia's of the world, nor will a whodunnit where nobody really knows "who" work for the top mystery publisher.

This may sound like preaching to the choir, but I wouldn't advise this if I didn't receive works that didn't suit our genre. To write the genre is to know the genre, to read the genre, and to know what the publisher wants.

Kathryn Lively is publisher of Phaze, erotic romance in eBook and paperback formats. She offers free SEO advice to authors who promote online.

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Home Remedies for Acne - Cheap But Effective Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Many people are now looking towards natural home remedies for acne, instead of off-the-shelf products to get rid of their acne problems. This is understandable since it is both convenient and economical to do so at home. Before we go straight into any home remedy for acne, let's take a look at some of the simple things to do to complement our acne home remedies.

Proper vitamin supplement intakes, lots of water and regular exercise will help to detoxify our bodies, and improve our skin condition. This will work hand in hand with the following cheap but effective home remedies for acne:

1. Did you know that your toothpaste can help to reduce the swelling of your pimples? Apply some before you sleep and you will see the immediate effect the next morning.

2. Mix lemon juice with rose water. One lemon with same proportion of rose water will do. Apply it on your face and rinse it only after 30 mins. Constantly doing so will not only get rid of acne and pimples, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.

3. Use fresh mint juice to apply on your face.

4. Strawberry leaves can also help to reduce the pimple swelling.

5. Orange peel can also be used. Basically, you need to mash it or blend it, mix with some water to form a paste before applying on your problem area.

6. Mix turmeric powder with some mint juice before applying on the acne. Wash it off with clean, lukewarm water after about 30 mins.

7. Even cooking condiments such as vinegar and salt have their uses as home remedies for acne. Mix the two together, before rubbing the mix over the pimples. Leave it there for some 10 to 20 mins before removing with lukewarm water.

8. Make a paste with cucumber before using it as a facial mask. Leave the mask on for 30 mins daily. Doing this will prevent acne from breaking out.

9. If you can tolerate the smell of garlic on your face, then go ahead to apply some fresh garlic on the pimples. They will disappear after repeated applications.

10. Even the milk that you drink is useful as a home remedy for acne. Blend nutmeg with milk and you have a powerful paste to zap those pimples away.

While these have worked for many folks who tried them, it does not guarantee it will work for some people.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

The author is a prolific writer who has varied interest in different topics in life. Find out more about effective home remedies for acne how you can cure acne in 3 days easily and naturally from home.

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Some Simple Things You Can Do To Prevent Wrinkles And Reduce The Effects Of Aging

The skin is a beautiful and often abused part of the body. Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process but there are some important steps to take now that will reduce them. Taking care of your skin early will lessen and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

The most important thing you can do in your lifetime to care for your skin is to prevent sun damage. The sun can damage your skin well before you have realized it because there may not be any signs until it is too late. Wearing sunscreen and protective clothing can protect your skin from damaging UV and UB rays.

Another cause of wrinkles in the skin that cannot be prevented is muscle habits. The way you smile and other facial movements cause wrinkles due to the repetitive actions. This is a good place to get Botox injections. Botox injections temporarily tighten the muscles at the site of the injection lessening the wrinkles.

Keeping your body well hydrated by drinking plenty of water is one of the best things you can do for your skin. The water allows the skin tissue to keep more of its elastic like tendencies thus reducing the sign of wrinkles. Most people do not drink enough water to keep the skin hydrated. Dry skin on your body doesn't generally cause a person to think of drinking water, but it should. If your skin is constantly dry and moisturizing lotion does not appear to help then you need to drink more water.

Keeping your skin clean will also reduce the appearance of wrinkles as long as you are gentle. Scrubbing and rubbing of the skin on your face will actually cause more wrinkles than reduce them. Taking care to blot rather than rub your skin will prevent some of the wrinkles from forming.

Another common cause of wrinkles is smoking cigarettes. The chemicals in cigarettes can actually cause your skin to become tougher and quite similar to leather. After years of smoking cigarettes your skin around the mouth will take on the telltale look of puffing on a cigarette. Never smoking cigarettes in the first place is the best way to prevent these wrinkles however quitting at any point will stop the wrinkles from increasing.

The most extreme way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles is with plastic surgery. The surgeon can pull your face tight as it was in younger years and stitch it into place. This is often an expensive and painful procedure. The risks involved in plastic surgery are a high price to pay for reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Regardless of how you choose to reduce the appearance of wrinkles they can never be completely erased. Taking care of your skin as you are aging is the best defense available.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as anti aging skin care at

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Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Premature ejaculation is one of the erectile dysfunction problems of men. Premature ejaculation comes only after impotence as the worst case of male sexual dysfunction ailments. Premature ejaculation is the most prevalent of all male sexual and erectile dysfunction problems.

Premature ejaculation is the male sexual problem of ejaculating before penetration or ejaculating very soon after vaginal penetration.

The man suffering from premature ejaculation hardly lasts long enough to experience an orgasm talk less of giving his partner an orgasm. I hope you are aware that there is a world of difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation. An orgasm is a total body experience [women understand and experience this type of orgasm] while an ejaculation, especially premature ejaculation, leaves you wanting for more but your penis will not respond immediately.

Many men dread this situation, and with good reason. Ejaculating too early or too fast robs you and your partner of the pleasure and intimacy that sexual intercourse was meant to give. Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual complaint of couples. More than 59 percent of men are reportedly bothered by premature ejaculation.

Many reasons abound why men ejaculate too early or too fast. Biologically, most men experience climax much earlier than women. Men, on the average, ejaculate 2-3 minutes after penetration, in contrast to women who take their time (over 10 minutes). Similarly, there are also psychological factors that induce premature ejaculation. These include guilt, anxiety (lack of experience), or fear of sexually transmitted infections, potential pregnancy, etc. Most cases of premature ejaculation are due to inexperience. More experienced men [in sexual matters] are also known to be able to control their ejaculation as compared with their younger counterparts. They credit it to their experience.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment
One way to treat premature ejaculation is to exercise your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle. The PC muscle is the primary "sexual muscle" that forms part of the pelvis. This PC muscle is primarily involved with sexual functions like orgasm and ejaculation. With regular exercise, the PC muscle can provide firmer and longer erections, powerful ejaculations and more intense climaxes thus curing premature ejaculation. This method of treating premature ejaculation takes time and practice for perfection to be achieved. However, once mastery of the PC muscle is achieved, premature ejaculation is eliminated completely and better and longer lasting sex is experienced always. But, who has the time to learn?

There are available in the market several non prescription topical creams and herbal pills that cure premature ejaculation. The choice is yours about the premature ejaculation treatment product that you want to use to cure your embarrassment and enjoy long lasting sex with your partner. Regardless of the choice you make, it is time to give your woman that earth-shattering orgasm she has always wanted but premature ejaculation has prevented you from giving her - until now. She deserves her orgasm.

Bronnamdi writes on sex-related issues like premature ejaculation and penis enlargement. Discover how to attract sex partners and have wonderful orgasm always at

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