Men Need More Health Care
A recent survey revealed a sad reality; over 30 percent of American male population has not asked any kind of medical care last year. The same survey concluded that around nine million American men have not visited a doctor in the last five years.
Probably you think men do not need health care, but you're wrong. They just ignore their situation as it is well-known that men have less healthy lifestyle. They generally smoke and drink more than women and they love to enjoy fearless, dangerous, risky behaviors. As a consequence, they suffer more from certain diseases.
As I said before, men just ignore their situation. But the worst think is society itself ignores their situation. According to a men's health group, for every 1 spent on men's health, 8 is spent on women's health. How would that explain other way, the vast difference in the resources allocated to breast cancer and prostate cancer? It is a fact that breast cancer gets much more resources than men's cancers. Statistics show with no doubts that 10,000 men are killed by prostate cancer every year. That means four times the number of women killed by cervical cancer, but despite of this sad reality, cervical cancer is much more resourced.
This social attitudes that ignore the main problems of male population cause a lower life expectancy for men. Men's Health Forum concluded that the suicide rate and death rate from cancer are higher among men than women.
Do not think I'm a man and I want a piece of women's pie. I just want equal opportunities for men and their health care. Besides my opinion, there is one major reason society must allocate more funds for men information and provide more health care for them: children need both parents to be happy.
Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in recent health news for men.
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