Leasing -10 Things To Keep In Mind When Apartment Hunting
When you search for an apartment in large metro areas like Southern California, and especially near large cities such as Los Angeles, rest assured your apartment search will be competitive and very likely grueling. However finding your apartment can be less stressful and more productive, if you remember to
Be organized and professional. Approach the pursuit of your rental or apartment search like a job search. Be as polite, courteous and professional as you can be. Youll want to make sure you stand out as the best applicant. Youll likely be meeting with many people--property managers, realtors and/or landlords-- try to make the first impression a good one.
Know what you absolutely want. And what you dont want. Once you know what you definitely want, you can afford to be flexible with the rest of your criteria in your apartment search. When you know what you want but are flexible with the details that dont matter, youll make a decision more easily and quickly and most likely will be happy with the result.
Be prepared. You may decide on the spot that this is your ideal apartment - so have a deposit and/or credit check fee ready when you go on your apartment search. Be prepared with all the information you need to complete a rental application: your prior addresses, credit information, personal identification such as a drivers license, paycheck stubs or a bank statement. You may be asked for a list of references, make sure you have that information handy. Landlords will not respond well to incomplete applications and you may very likely lose the apartment you want to someone who is better prepared.
Be an early bird. Check apartment listings every morning, and call for information early. The best time to contact management companies is between 8:30 am-12:30 pm, and the best time to contact smaller apartment complexes and building managers is between 3:30-7:30 pm. When you get a call back from an apartment manager or landlord, return calls promptly.
Leave professional messages. If you get the message machine, and very often you will, speak slowly, clearly, and repeat your name and phone number. If you can, leave your mobile phone number, in order to make yourself more available. Also, if necessary, state your availability for receiving phone calls and when youll be available to view the apartment.
Know your credit standing. Review a copy of your credit report and correct any errors on it. There are many reputable online credit report companies which allow you to view your FICO score and credit report for a nominal fee, before your landlord runs your credit. When you fill out your rental application, be sure that its consistent with your actual credit report.
Review and check with your references. Contact your references that you will be listing in your apartment application and get their okay to use them as your reference. Also, make sure the contact information and job information you have for your apartment references is current.
Make sure you have all applicable information regarding your previous residences. Be sure that you have current information, i.e. landlords names, phone numbers, dates of occupancy and the reason for leaving that is applicable to the places you have lived at. It should make your application process much more efficient and productive.
Strive to make a good impression. It's worth mentioning again, strive to be professional and polite. Demonstrate with your considerate behavior that youll be a responsive tenant that will take care of the apartment and property. It may seem like common sense, but very few people (no doubt stressed about by the apartment search in general) follow this advice.
Map out your appointments. Make appointments to view apartments in the same area or neighborhood. Use online maps to map out your route so that you dont waste any time driving across the city unnecessarily.
Keeping these tips in mind will assist you in putting your best foot forward and standing out as the best candidate for your dream apartment.
Nef Cortez has been a licensed real estate broker and has held various positions in the real estate and mortgage industry for over 25 years. If you would like to read more of Nef's timely advice (with the latest FREE info on local foreclosures), visit his website at Chino Hills CA Real Estate or read his blog at A Slice of So Cal Real Estate
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