Karate - Benefits and Bonuses
Karate has many benefits, but also has hidden bonuses.
For a child the benefits are numerous. Many pre-school age children are able to participate in karate where they couldn't in any other sport because of their age and ability. In karate pre-schoolers are able to enjoy the things that they like to do such as kicking, jumping, being able to punch on a bag. They get to learn balance, coordination, memory and discipline, things kids their age are needing as a basic foundation not only for karate but also for life. The hidden bonus is that children this age love doing it and will do their best to show it off at test time.
Kids ages 7-12 benefit from the physical activity, bully prevention that is often taught in classes and of course the self-defense. The hidden bonuses are the confidence that is built from the achievements earned along with focus that blends over into homework. All my Jr. Black Belts that are in this age range are either straight A students or A-B students. Karate has taught them the discipline to stick it out and to stay focused when it comes to school work.
Adults come to karate looking mostly for physical benefits and find out they receive much more than expected. Karate renews and adds to their confidence, helps them deal with anger management and many times helps them resolve issues in a more peaceful way. The hidden bonus is that karate teaches success management and goal achievement in a person's life in knowing that helping others get what they want is the first step to success in karate, as well as life. Karate's basic foundation is the belt system, but it is more than that, it is a goal system set up to help teach others how to set and achieve their own goals.
The benefits of karate are simple: physical fitness means better health, self-defense means safety, and belt levels mean goal setting and achievement for even the youngest of karateka.
The bonuses are many times hidden when you first start karate, but even after 1 month they start revealing themselves in so many positive ways that the practitioner didn't even realize when he first started. Karate: Benefits and hidden Bonuses that are well worth your time.
Mike Webb is the owner/head instructor of the Okinawan School of Karate and has 17 years of experience in Karate. For more information on Mike Webb go to http://karatebenefits.com
The above article may be published freely as long as all links are included and content is not changed. Copyright Mike Webb 2007
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