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Monday, November 19, 2007 

Growing Older - Looking Younger

We live in a youth obsessed society, how we deal with growing older is a very personal journey for each of us. When you look in the mirror and discover lines that were not there before can be quite confronting.

It is a sudden and daunting thought, you are getting older and your once beautiful hair is now showing a few grey flecks, your forehead now sports a continual frown. Smile and laughter lines make there way onto your previously smooth complexion. I suppose if you no longer smile like Posh Spice, apart from giving you a rather sour look you would be spared the lines.

Can we turn back the clock and look younger? Many women today are doing just that, naturally without the cosmetic surgery.

Being in your 40s and 50s today is now a much more inspiring and sexy time for women. We have better health, we look younger, we feel younger, and we are more spiritually aware and understanding of ourselves and others. We are having children in our late 30s and 40s, we are living longer and looking at ways to live life more positively.

There is nothing more beautiful then a women growing older gracefully, a women who looks after herself and enjoys the process.

Within our busy lives we search for the quickest and most effective ways of treating ourselves. Being able to incorporate these ways into our busy life styles without the fuss and stress is what most of us are looking for.

Drinking water is a must, yet try not to gulp too many glasses all at once. The best way to manage drinking a litre or 2 of water is to fill up a 1 litre or 2 litre bottle and sip it during the day.

Taking supplements, eating healthily, avoid junk food as much as possible, getting enough sleep, always applying block out to your face and hands, try to reduce stress, join a gym, wear a lipstick or lip gloss as this also helps to protect them from the sun, cleanse and moisturize your face morning and night.

Getting enjoyment from looking after yourself, instead of it being a chore. If you are on a diet and not enjoying it then stop and find ways of losing weight which you can really get into. If your digestion is sluggish, this is usually the case when we have been neglecting ourselves, try drinking ginger tea.

We live in a time where not looking our age is possible and many women prove that. Looking younger naturally is the key; you can always tell a women who eats healthily. Dont smoke, yet enjoy the occasional wine, did you know that a glass of red wine actually helps the body burn fat, this is of course combined with healthy eating and exercising.

So to all us women who are now entering another faze of our lives, instead of looking at magazines of all these wrinkle free faced women, (which is of course just marketing hype). Know there are ways you too can look just as good, if not better.

Pauline Downie has spent the past 10 years looking at ways to keep herself looking younger and healthier. Visit her site http://antiaging-care.blogspot.com and discover simple and effective ways of dealing with the many issues women are faced with today.

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