Is Joey Porter Thinking With A Full Deck?
This week Pittsburgh Steelers player Joey "I have a big mouth" Porter did some trash talking against the Indianapolis Colts offense. Joey Porter seems to have a problem that the Colts audible in attempt to confuse their opponents. Porter doesn't feel that it's real football.
Joey Porter is not thinking with a full deck. Of course NFL teams will try and confuse their opponents. It's part of the game. the Colts are run by a smart football coach and their Quarterback Peyton Manning is a talented and smart player.
Maybe Porter is afraid that he doesn't have the smarts to play against the Colts. Maybe the Colts are too smart for him. He might like to think with his biceps but the Colts think with their brains.
I also think Porter is not being a team player. Many NFL players hate when their teammates trash talk their opponents. If I was his teammate I would be extremely upset with him.
Why would you trash talk your opponent, especially when they're the best team in the AFC? The only answer that I can think of is that Porter isn't the brightest person. He may have physical talent but he's in dire need of a brain that fires on all cylinders. Porter is a disgrace to the NFL, his team, and all athletes.
I'm starting to get sick of players like Porter. I want to see players perform on the field and not act like clowns off the field. Now when I think of Joey Porter, he reminds me of a clown. I can't take him seriously anymore.
I hope that Indianapolis destroys the Steelers tomorrow. I would have hoped for the Steelers but I can't stand what Porter said. I'll support the smart team on Sunday.
Anthony B. is the founder and owner of a news, political and sports commentary website. Anthony has over 7 years of experience as a business professional Article Source: | ![]() |
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