President's Day - Party Games to Get You Started
Presidents Day is an occasion worth celebrating, so why not throw a party? Games can make the occasion lots of fun, and the examples below are just the start.
How well do you know your Presidents? Party Game
This fun Presidents Day party game will test whether you know as much as you think you know about past American presidents. It is best suited to older children or adult players. Prior to the game, prepare answer sheets that have the names of 10-20 presidents listed down the left hand-side. On the right-hand side, have the same number of blank spaces down the page. The object of the game is to, in pairs if desired, correctly list the presidents in chronological order of when they were president. The person or pair with the most correct answers is the winner of this Presidents Day party game.
Truth or Bluff Presidents Day Party Game
This is a fun Presidents Day party game for older children or adults. If its played by a group of people who know each other well or at least think they do participants will have to be VERY good at telling tall tales! All thats required for the game is a coin, and something to hide it under. The first player thinks of a story about themselves to tell the group, and hides the coin. If the story is true, they hide the coin heads-up; if its untrue, they hide it tails-up. They tell their story to the other players, and they each decided whether the story was true or not. The player who told the story reveals the coin, and the people who guessed correctly get a point. The player with the most points after everyone has told a story wins this hilarious Presidents Day party game.
Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for President's Day party supplies and fun free educational President's Day party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Shop has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Theme Parties to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas. Article Source: | ![]() |
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