eBay Explained: Paypal Coupons
Paying for your eBay purchases is normally a straight forward process. It's made easy, though eBays checkout feature which is fully intergated with paypal.
This enables you to pay with existing funds which you may have in your paypal account, or via your own credit or debit card that is linked to the account.
However like many online & offline businesses eBay & paypal regularly have new offers to try & tempt new users to signup for their services. One of these methods which they use is via the use of electronic coupons which are sent out via email.
Think of these coupons, like discount coupons which may be issued by your local supermarket - something alone the lines of 20% off when you purchase goods over 20.00
So if your lucky enough to receive a paypal coupon it's simply a matter of entering the paypal coupon code on the final confirmation page when purchasing goods from eBay sellers. The discount will be applied immediately.
If you haven't yet received any coupons there are two tips that you can use. Firstly, register a new eBay account & never use it.
It shouldn't be long before eBay send you an email inviting you to bid for your first item - along with a paypal coupon to use should you win the item.
Secondly, & a lot easier just google for "paypal coupons". These coupons are issued to all of eBay members at some stage & there are many website which exist purely to share all kinds of these electronic coupons. Just copy & paste the number & hopefully it should work.
Mark Kenny runs an independent eBay forum where you can discuss any aspects of eBay & get rewarded for your contribution to the forum. For any advise or eBay problems, visit the forum at: http://AuctionCUT.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Kenny | ![]() |
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