Sexuality and Dating - 5 Myths about Hooking Up and Safer Ways to Stay Alive and Well
Many people love to hook up and have sex, but hate to pay the price to play. Lets face it. We have become complacent about safer sex. Are you using condoms, correctly, every time you have sexual activity with a partner? You could be taking your chances and become infected with HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, or any of the other not-so fun STDs. I dont mean to rain on your parade. I just want you to consider being safer in the bedroom (or wherever you play).
Here are some myths you might be thinking about sexuality and why you are not as safe as you might think.
Myth #1: I dont need condoms because they just dont feel as good when Im having sex. I wont get sick. After all, Im healthy, and my lucks been good so far. Right.
Myth #2: My new partner is HOT! They look good; they must be safe and healthy if they are that hot!
Myth #3: I feel fine. I have no symptoms so I must not be sick or infected with any STDs.
Myth #4: What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. I just wont think about it and magically I will stay well.
Myth #5: HIV and STDS are no longer a concern since safe sex came along.
Here are some reality checks and tips to counteract the myths.
Reality Check #1: No matter how healthy you are, you can become infected if you have unsafe sex with an infected partner. Intercourse of any kind, fisting and sharing of needles for drugs including steroids are some of the highest risk behaviors.
Tip 1: Use condoms and latex gloves during sexual activities. Lubricating the inside of the condom with a water-based lubricant can help improve the sensation. Flavored condoms or flavored lubricant on dental dams taste better for oral pleasures.
Reality Check #2: Hot or not, anyone could be infected. I advise you to assume everyone is infected. Unless you share a clean bill of health over at least a one year period and you are 100% exclusive, there is no way to ensure that either of you is disease free.
Tip 2: Get a thorough checkup at least once or twice per year. This can help you to maintain optimal health.
Reality Check #3: You can be symptom-free and still be infected. It is only if and when your disease(s) have progressed that you become aware of them. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 24-27% or persons infected with HIV are undiagnosed and unaware of their HIV infection.
Tip 3: If you are diagnosed with an STD, seek treatment as soon as possible. Herpes and HIV dont have a cure yet, but they can be managed in most cases.
Reality Check #4: Wishing and hoping cant make you well. Only taking care of you will. Using safer sex methods always helps increase your chances.
Tip 4: If you have no condoms, try some less risky behaviors such as massage or mutual masturbation on clean, healthy skin.
Reality Check #5: Heres a news flash. According to the CDC, At the end of 2003, an estimated 1,039,000 to 1,185,000 persons in the United States were living with HIV/AIDS, and about 50,000 new cases each year.
Tip 5: Stay informed. Keep a new and fresh supply of condoms, gloves, dental dams and water-based lube around. Make sure they are not exposed to too much heat, cold, etc. Dont keep them in your wallet for weeks and months. Buy or bring a fresh one if you are going to hook up tonight. Your health, and your life may depend on it.
If you would like to learn more about sexuality and relationships you can visit our website at We have free articles, and a quarterly e-newsletter called the Sexuality Times that you can subscribe to. If you want to know more about what to look for in relationships and red flags, I invite you to check out our book special on our new book, The Ultimate Compatibility Quiz for Couples; Find the Green, Red, and Black Flags in Your Relationship. Have you ever wondered if you and your partner are compatible? This book contains over 240 questions that can identify your strong points and your problem areas so you can decide if you should stay or head for the hills! If you would like to get in on the talk show special on our website at
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