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Friday, January 11, 2008 

Women & Chocolate

Sinful is how women has always described chocolate. But despite so, do you know that 99% of all women love chocolate and that they may actually prefer chocolate more to than to sex?

What exactly about chocolate is it so wonderful? Well, in fact it is not just the women who love it but almost everybody would love it too. I believe you enjoy chocolate just as much? It always feels so nice to have it melted in your mouth, delivering its wonderful taste right through your tongue, doesnt it?

Well its wonderful taste aside, chocolate contains phenylethylamine - the same chemical that is released in your brain when you fall in love; leading to that increase in the pounding of your heart, feeling of a sudden gush of excitement. Love Chemical is what some would call it. It is also believed by researcher that phenylethylamine in turn causes the brain to release mesolimbic dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, another chemical where its presence is at peak during an orgasm.

Nevertheless, the sweetness from chocolate also triggers the release of endorphins. Think about those blissful feeling you had after a wonderful session of lovemaking. That is the effect from the production of endorphins in your body. Perhaps that is why some women actually remarked that they felt a feeling of elation when eating chocolate.

Well, a perfect gift for your love, chocolate will be. Just like buying roses during Valentines Day, chocolate can never go wrong. In fact, the both could be the best combination ever. Do you know that roses also contain the Love Chemical, Phenylethylamine? That explains for its distinct scent.

Giving of chocolate, as gifts of love has been long popular in Japan since the late 1950s. A bit different though; during Valentines Day, the ones doing the giving are the women instead and usually, chocolates were sent as gifts to confess their love for that special guy. Heart-shaped chocolates would usually be given. To nevertheless balance out this unique custom, White Day was later invented in Japan. On 14th of March it falls, one month after Valentines Day exactly. During this day, guys who received the chocolate will be given the chance to reciprocate their valentine gifts with soft, fluffy marshmallows. This would be the happiest day for girls who receive their fluffy gifts. Isnt it so lovely?

Well, giving of chocolate as a gift of love has today, definitely become more and more popular. Along with the greeting card, your message of love will be delivered. Filled with your most genuine love, each chocolate will contain. Melting ones heart as they melt in the mouth, warming up their heart as sweetness run through their tongue.

Why not send some to your loved ones today, brightening up their day with a chocolate so full of love.

Rick Valens
Staff Writer for Love Relationship Discussion Forum, http://www.loveletterbox.com and nevertheless also a freelance writer for http://www.fashion-in-style.com, bringing to you new fashion ideas & lifestyle.

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