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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 

The Esoteric Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom - Part Two

Where do these esoteric teachings come from? What is there original source? These inner teachings go far back into the distant mists of time, before recorded history, but we can at least trace them back to several thousands of years and to more recent times, to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece, the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, the Druidic Mysteries, Dionysian Mysteries, the Orphic Mysteries, the Pythagorean philosophy, the Hebrew Cabbala, the initiatory school of Moria-el, the Essenes, Jesus Christ's teachings, and so forth. But the sources of these schools and mystery teachings essentially come from the ancient and mystical White Brotherhood (existing in the higher planes) and its emissaries who have walked the Earth for several thousands of years, teaching and enlightening people of all nations. To cite an example, Moria-el was a great master from the White Brotherhood who lived around 1300 B.C. in Egypt. He initiated countless souls through a particular initiation we currently call Baptism, for he emphasized the mystical rite of immersion by water, a form of spiritual purging that prepared each soul for further illumination. Naturally, the initiation of Baptism was continued by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, becoming a common ritual in the Christian churches, although its esoteric level is misunderstood by most.

What do these Ancient Wisdom Teachings consist of? In general, they involved spiritual initiations, alchemy, sacred ritualism (or sacraments), symbolism, universal principles, spiritual disciplines and practices, a number of other sciences and arts, etc. These often manifest through various different forms, systems, and schools or traditions, depending on the particular land and culture and era. In most cases they manifested through vehicles such Shamanism, Hermeticism, the Cabbala, the Tarot, Eastern and Oriental traditions, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and so forth. Although the majority of world religions are exoteric, there are esoteric levels within them that only their teachers and students will acknowledge. But the essential aim for the Greater Work of the sacred Wisdom Teachings is to raise the consciousness of mankind, to uplift people into a higher vibrational level, through Illumination and the other great Initiations, so that they will eventually enter Cosmic Consciousness. At this point they will become Masters of Life who will reach down and lift others up as well. And so the cosmic cycle continues, until all members of mankind eventually become enlightened. The Age of World Illumination is nigh approaching.

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Let us venture back in time to view the evolution of the consciousness of mankind and see how it has progressed. In the beginning, our world seemed so vast that we could not even fathom it, or its actual parameters. In those primitive times, we hardly comprehended anything beyond the next horizon. Our thinking process was likewise limited, for we knew very little of our own world, nor of our own origin.

In the early stages of humanity, our concepts of many things around us were limited, because our minds were not yet advanced or evolved enough to conceive or comprehend them. But this developed with time, as we gradually expanded our thinking processes and awareness as we simply yearned to know more. Thus, the inner being was awakening. It inwardly developed the human vehicle, slowly but surely. The God within had to prepare the human temple for eventual full residence, but the evolution of this process would take many thousands of years.

Eventually, explorers discovered what lie beyond the immediate horizon, and even further, for voyagers ventured across the seas and oceans, discovering other lands, so our field of awareness expended. Likewise, philosophers and teachers arrived, who broadened our mental and spiritual horizons of this world and levels beyond. This gradual progression in learning of our planet Earth and beyond is symbolic of the expanding awareness and consciousness of mankind on all levels; mentally, spiritually, and physically alike. Throughout time, as we learn more, and become more receptive, and desire to know more, our intelligence increases; even our creativity develops. This is natural human evolution.

Several centuries ago, many people believed the Earth was flat, for the idea of a round world was new at the time, except for a few philosophers who knew better. About four centuries ago, most people believed the Earth was the center of the universe, and this absurd idea was intertwined into church doctrine; hence, many progressive scientists or philosophers were severely persecuted, some executed for their heresies. Soon, as astronomy advanced, mankind had no choice but to accept the new truth that the Earth was merely one of several planets that circled the sun, the true center of our immediate universe, or solar system in this case. The idea of our local galaxy, the Milky Way, or the innumerable galaxies that make up the whole universe was still unknown in those early days, if not incomprehensible.

With continual advancements of the telescope as technology developed, we begin to see further into space, observing that there is much outside of our small solar system, and even beyond the billions and billions of stars in our Milky Way galaxy, that there are countless galaxies beyond this. Our awareness of the vast universe has increased beyond what we would have ever dreamed one hundred years ago, not to mention four hundred years. We can be especially thankful for the Hubble telescope for revealing to us countless beautiful wonders of our vast universe. We may not as yet be able to travel to the stars, but our imagination has taken leaps and bounds through the medium of science fiction in accomplishing this, perhaps paving the way for preparing us for such travel, an idea totally unfathomable a few centuries ago.

Global exploration subsided in the last centuries and gave way to space exploration, the new frontier. Another example of the expansion of mankind's consciousness is demonstrated in the astronauts= orbiting of the Earth and landings on the Moon. Whereas before we had a vague idea as to what our planet accurately looked like, now we have a very clear view of it from space and from the surface of the Moon, and film footage and photography to demonstrate this for all to see. This progression is very symbolic of our spiritual unfoldment, from the standpoint of how we come to experience our true selves; not as we think we are, but as we truly are, as we look deep within now. Just as the astronauts revealed to the rest of mankind what Earth truly looks like, so do the teachers of truth show us how to look within and see the reality of our own inner selves. The realization of the God-being within for each soul is one of the higher levels of the Esoteric Initiations, and likewise one of the primary aspects of Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

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These Esoteric Teachings encompass both the Lesser and Greater Mysteries; however, the former is more prevalent because it is much easier to communicate since it is more digestible for the human intellect, whereas the latter must be intuited and realized within your own being. The seeds are in the Lesser, which will sprout forth, grow and blossom into the Greater as one's consciousness expands. One leads to the other. One is the door, the other is that which lies beyond the door. But if you merely stop at the door and go no further, there will be very little inner unfoldment. Unfortunately, certain religious dogmas prevent people from taking the next step.

The very concept of Greater and Lesser Mysteries are symbolic references in order that the finite human mind may more easily comprehension the Teachings. The Lesser Mysteries are aspects of a vehicle that shrouds the inner teachings of truth in mystery, allegory and symbolism. But the actual Greater Mysteries refers to the penetration of the deeper Divine Wisdom that only intuition realizes, beyond all symbolic forms and comprehensive ideas. For the real truth is a matter of experiential spirituality, not merely intellectual comprehension.

Only through the well-developed intuition, realization, and mystical experience can we witness the real Divine Wisdom. On such a Mystical Path as this, many have reached this higher realm of realizing the Truth. For this reason, the Ancient Wisdom Teachings can never be suppressed. Truth will always demonstrate itself throughout time and through many mystic sages and teachers and traditions. But we need to know where to look, and we need to know HOW to look. We can read great spiritual literature, but when we learn to go within for true Wisdom, here is the real source of Truth. This can be achieved through continued disciplines and practices, for when you learn to listen within through meditation, you will penetrate an inner knowing of truth, which many mystics call gnosis, or Divine Wisdom. This inner gnosis is the true source of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

Countless written teachings in the esoteric fields or other philosophies have been virtually lost, mostly due to persecution. Great literature and libraries have been destroyed or burned in past ages, and this is unfortunate indeed. In particular, the destruction of the Royal Library of Alexandria was considered a great loss, which historians estimate once housed anywhere from five-hundred thousand to one million scrolls. However, if all the ancient scrolls or manuscripts and sacred scriptures, and all the important books on spiritual and esoteric teachings and the great sciences in the world had been completely lost or destroyed, many people would panic and grieve the great loss; but ultimately, it simply would not matter.


Because as long as we have Initiates and Teachers who can tap into the true Divine Wisdom, the gnosis which is not hidden from us, we shall always have the True Teachings. For the Truth is One. Then new books would be written and given to the world.

You yourself, if you conducted the discipline of meditation on a regular basis, enabling yourself to intuitively connect to God's Wisdom within, void of your own opinions and personal investments of course, will be able to write many pages of genuine wisdom. Disciplined meditation and contemplation will reap such positive results from any true spiritual practitioner. This portal to truth is not reserved for only the elite or highly evolved souls, as many would think. Anyone who has applied a regular and sincere practice of meditation, by centering and tuning into the God within the heart, will also receive this wisdom, this gnosis. The various mystery schools and traditions will teach many aspects of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, but the greatest gift a Teacher can offer is how you can receive this Wisdom internally, and especially how to receive Illumination so that access to Wisdom becomes an established connection within your heart and soul from now on. The point we are making here is that Illumination leads to Wisdom, not the reverse. You cannot reach Wisdom or Illumination by the limited human mind. You must transcend this, seek and find the Light which leads to the God-Self within, then you will receive Illumination and Wisdom and Unity. There are many paths, but only one way to Truth, and that is through God within the heart, for God and Truth are one and the same.

May your journey in the discovery of Divine Wisdom within be enlightening and fulfilling!

Copyright 2001, 2007 by Matthew Martin -- All Rights Reserved

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