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Wednesday, August 1, 2007 

How to Last Longer While Having Sex

What if you find yourself in a situation where the opportunity suddenly presents itself for intimacy with another and you are unprepared, nervous and unsure whether or not to go forward with things because you, like thousands of others, suffer from premature ejaculation. Maybe there isn't much of a choice as the heat of the moment reaches the post boiling point and it's "game on". You had told yourself you would research solutions on how to last longer while having sex, finally nipping premature ejaculation in the bud, and perhaps you even skimmed across a few promising manuals that you planned to purchase. But now you realize, you are too late and the time for intimacy has arrived. Well, all does not have to be lost. You can still "buy some time" before researching on how to last longer while having sex. And you can actually buy some time while still having sex!

But it should be understood that this is strictly a temporary solution, and by no means should it be the ultimate answer to your premature ejaculation problem. It could successfully get you through the night though.

If the situation does arise, and you find intimacy to be right around the corner then first become as confident as you can be, realizing that you do have this back pocket technique you can use.

What you want to employ is a technique that is going to take your mind away from the intimacy taking place. Often times what adds greatly to the problem of premature ejaculation, is the mind constantly harboring thoughts on how to last longer while having sex. Naturally when the mind focuses on this worry, the worry will manifest itself much quicker, thus making premature ejaculation even worse. You would be amazed at how you can, at least temporarily, answer the question of how to last longer while having sex by simply focusing the mind elsewhere. It can literally make the difference between a satisfactory night and a disaster filled premature ejaculation night.

The technique:

There are different methods for this technique which one can employ to answer how to last longer while having sex, but the following is a simple, universal method I thing most people will be able to follow: Counting backwards.

What happens here is that as soon as intimacy becomes official and the how to last longer while having sex question indeed requires an answer pronto, then we are going to start concentrating on counting backwards. Start with the number 200 and begin to count backwards: 199,198,197, etc. Keep this up at a steady pace and focus on the numbers, concentrating on counting backward correctly. You could start with 100 into the double digits, but starting at 200 and remaining in triple digit territory, gives the mind a bit more information to gobble at and distract.

You will notice two things:

First, how to last longer while having sex, will seem to be successfully answered as you are becoming amazed at how long you are actually lasting. This confidence will be an added benefit so as you don't lose it, but you will still want to fully concentrate on your counting.

Second, the downfall. You will notice how you are not really enjoying this intimacy as much as you realize you could and should. Your mind is elsewhere, and at times it may seem like you're missing out. But remember, that's why this how to last longer while having sex technique should be considered a temporary solution, and you are only using it to get through the night and avoid the dreaded premature ejaculation embarrassment. Because getting through this night, may very well lead to more nights, were you can then be better prepared with a long term solution.

For an easy long term, enjoyment-based solution for premature ejaculation, please visit - http://www.squidoo.com/premature-ejaculation/ Here you will learn an easy, permanent solution on how to last longer while having sex. Check out http://www.squidoo.com/premature-ejaculation/ and thanks for reading!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle

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