Factors Influencing Hypnotizability
There are many factors influencing hypnotizability of subjects. Not all respond to the suggestions put forward by the hypnotherapist. Some individuals are highly suggestible and go into deep trance very fast. Let us glance through some of the important factors influencing hypnotizability of an individual.
- Age: It has been shown that children from the age group 7-15 make excellent subjects for hypnotic trance as they are highly suggestible and easily prone to hypnotic trance. The most practical group as far as hypnotic suggestibility goes, though, is the age group of 15-50. Post hypnotic suggestions are seriously followed by this group and, subsequently, they reap positive benefits from hypnosis.
- Sex: Repeated clinical studies have shown no significant differences between the male and female subjects as far as hypnotizability is concerned. Personally, though, I have found that females fall into hypnotic trance much faster than males.
- Intelligence: The minimum intellectual ability needed for submitting to hypnosis and hypnotic trance correspond to the mental abilities of an elementary school child. Mentally retarded and insane persons are the most difficult, if not impossible subjects as far as hypnotizability is concerned. The most important factor influencing hypnotizability is the ability to concentrate.
- Motivation : The subject should be motivated enough to submit him/herself to hypnosis. Nervous and reluctant subjects can be motivated by the personality and positive approach of the hypnotist.
- Conditioning : Proper conditioning and preparation for the hypnotic induction, subject's beliefs and expectation about the procedure and the benefits of hypnosis also decide the degree of hypnotizability of the subject.
- Imagination: Higher the imagining ability of the individual, easier it is to hypnotize him/her.
- Co-operation: It is really difficult to hypnotize an uncooperative person. Hence obtaining the whole-hearted cooperation of the subject is of paramount importance.
- Environment: A calm and quiet environment is an essential factor for a normal hypnotic induction. If the attention of the subject is disturbed by surrounding noise, it is difficult to achieve an optimum trance level.
- Personality of the Hypnotist: The hypnotist should have a pleasant, friendly and credible personality. A person with shifty eyes and wavering manners will not look convincing as a hypnotist! He should be authoritative, without being authoritarian. He should be a man of cool nerves, keep his appointments in time, and, generally, not be fuzzy in his behavior.
- Technique of Hypnotic Induction: Depending upon the subject, the technique of induction will change. In children, faster methods like eye fixation and fascination will work better, while, older, stressed out individuals will fall into trance state with progressive relaxation techniques. Hence it is very important that the hypnotist choose the method that best suits the need and personality of the subject.
Dr.Hanish Babu, MD is a Dermato-Venereologist, Author, Stress Management Trainer and Hypnotherapist. He uses hypnosis to effectively manage stress and psychosomatic diseases in his medical practice. To learn more about how hypnosis can be beneficial, visit Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy pages by Dr. Hanish Babu. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr.Hanish_Babu,_MD | ![]() |
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