Go Somewhere Warm - Avoid The Cold
Where do you like to go on your holiday? Perhaps you like climbing. Perhaps cycling. Perhaps skiing.
Me, I like the sun, the sea and the sangria!
I never understand the draw of going somewhere colder than where you live. A holiday, for me, has to be warm with beautiful blue skies and without even a hint of rain or rain clouds.
I know that people love to ski and snowboard. They talk incessantly about it months before they go. But I can never understand how they can spend hard-earned holiday time climbing up snowy mountains dressed like a modern day Michelin man. For me, a holiday means wearing less clothes than you do at home loose shorts, t-shirts and sandals (even if the latter are not always in vogue).
There is something relaxing and rejuvenating about spending some time in the sun. People generally feel better and react better to others in bright sunlight and warm weather. We are all aware of the disorder knows as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and see what effect light has on these people making them less depressed and lethargic. That also works for me in its own sweet way.
Overcast days and constant rain bring people down and make them feel sad and miserable. Their motivation is less and they suffer from inactivity and inertia. Not so when the weather is bright and comfortable. Not too hot, of course!
Warm weather eases joint pains as well as curing the blues. It certainly make ME feel good.
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