Tips For Selling Your Items On eBay
Everyone has items in their home that take up valuable room or are no longer needed. Why not sell those items in the world's biggest marketplace, get money for them AND free up some space? Here are some tips for selling your items on eBay:
Do Your Research
Before pricing your item and writing your description, make sure to search eBay first for exactly what you are selling. Take note of how much the item and similar items are currently going for in the last 30 days by searching the completed auctions as well. You'll also want to take note of the titles and descriptions of the auctions that sold for the highest prices so that you can incorporate similar information.
Choosing the right category is also crucial to getting a sale. Pick the wrong category and buyers may not find your auction. Take advantage of eBay's category search form to get the most appropriate category for your item. Also, take note of the highest priced auction in the last 30 days and consider using the same category that that auction used.
A good description of your item is absolutely essential to a successful auction. Be honest about the condition of your item, has it been used gently or does it have a lot of wear? Or is it still in the original box? Other important information to include would be the dimensions or size of the item, brand name, age, material it's made with, features, benefits and, of course, exactly what's included in the auction. Also be clear with the shipping cost, your return policy, and payment policy.
Photos are another extremely important element to any online auction. Try to include multiple photos showing multiple views and angles of your item. If you're selling an item that can be opened or has multiple uses, consider taking a picture of it each way it can be used. Make absolutely sure your item is in focus when you take the picture. Take photos in a well lighted area, with a neutral background. Avoid using a flash if possible, to avoid any glare. Once you have taken your photos, you should crop out any unnecessary areas. In your photo or graphics editor, be sure to resize the photos so that they don't take too long to load and save the photos in the JPG format. When taking photos of your items, take many shots, so that you can decide which is best. You can also make use of the sharpness and brightness features of your editor to further fix or enhance your photos. Most of all, make sure that your photos accurately depict your item.
During the auction, answer any questions promptly and post the answers on your auction, if appropriate. After the auction, follow up with the buyer promptly by sending an invoice and keep the communication lines open should they experience any problems.
Follow these tips for your eBay auctions and you're sure to have a successful selling experience.
Lydia Quinn writes for, where you can search eBay, register for an account and find the most watched and most popular items on eBay. Visit us at:
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