The Spiritual Path Begins With Renunciation
Nothing should sway one from achieving ones goal when one has decided that the path is right. One should display determination and indeed obstinacy on the path to succes. When, however, that goal is achieved it should be renounced. By clinging to it it becomes greater than us and it impedes further progress but by renouncing it we become far greater. The important thing is to always move on to a higher ideal and when this is reached it we should renounce it in the same way. In this way we move toward the achievement of our true purpose here on earth. Finally, when there is nothing left to achieve we must renounce renunciation itself.
This can be likened to the artist who fanatically works on a work of art. He will make every endevour to reach a perfect result but once the final touch is put into place his satisfaction is short lived because he sees his work as a reflection of his imperfection. Thus, the work is set aside and a new canvas is brought forth and the artist begins again and tries to corect his former imperfections.
And so the spiritual path begins with renunciation. By the giving up all that we formally valued we free ourselves from the bonds of our human nature and transend onto new planes which are the canvasses of the achievement of our life's true purpose and it is the way in which we achieve this goal that determines true greatness.
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